Are you sick and tired of participating in awards that take far too long to complete? Or awards that end up getting cancelled halfway? Are you looking for an award that actually provides you with feedback on how you can improve, rather than...
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Is it possible to sit an exam, write a review for an eighty-seven chapter book, and organise the winners by tallying up scores and judging for judges who went missing all of a sudden? All in one day?
Yes, apparently. It is.
Anyways, what a fabulous month! We had a total of 30 entries - certainly more than enough to keep both myself and the judges busy. The quality of the stories were incredibly high and, this month in particular, we had quite a lot of stories score above 80. Congratulations to everyone involved! A particular thank you also goes to the judges:
agilasigma- You were so incredibly prompt with your scores, and, better yet, your feedback was intricate and detailed and full of beautifully constructive criticism. It was honestly an absolute honour to have you as part of our judging panel because of your utter professionalism and commitment. Thank you so much!
Comatose7- You were kind, your judging was fantastic, and you were always very responsive. Thank you so much for submitting the judging on time, and thank you for all the hard work and effort that went into your scores and feedback! I appreciate it very much, and I'm sure the authors will, too.
GnomeMercy - A judge for these awards and now, also, a reviewer for our community! Your judging was absolutely fantastic - I loved the detail and how thoughtful your feedback was. I am absolutely thrilled to have you join our community as a reviewer now! Judging five stories with the amount of detail that you did is no easy feat, so thank you so much!
GryffindorsLoneWolf- At this point, I may as well make you some sort of trophy. As always, your judging was done promptly, you were always communicating with me, and when I was in distress regarding disappearing judges, you stepped in right away. Thank you so, so, so much. This chapter wouldn't be here without you (or, at least, not in time - that's for sure!).
Hanattaway- Thank you so much for judging for us this month! I really appreciate it. I know you have an incredibly busy scedule, and I know that it's never easy judging books against such a detailed criteria, but you handled it like an absolute champion. Thank you very, very much!
Jumping_Jiminys- Another one of our judges who is actually now a reviewer for our community! I was, without a doubt, impressed by your judging and the professionalism within your comments. Thank you so much for your time, and here's to more time working together as reviewers!
lionobsession- You came back! Hooray! I'm surprised I haven't scared you off just yet. Anyways, as always, it's absolutely amazing to have you as part of our judging team - you're always so incredibly professional, detailed, and prompt in your judging. It really means the world to me every time you come back to judge. Thank you so much!