One Step Closer to My Love

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Yes... yes.

The word bounced around my head, and I was unable to grasp it for a moment. A smile subconsciously spread itself on my face as I tried to convince myself she'd actually said 'yes.'

"Really?" I bit my lip to keep from giggling and shaking like an idiot. "I can go?"

"Yes." My mother nodded slowly, a small grin creeping on to her face. "Just because my love story didn't work out doesn't mean yours won't."

I suddenly found myself pouncing on her lap and squeezing her neck a bit too tightly. "Thank you... thank you." My words were muffled as I rambled in her shoulder, and I found myself crying again. Except these tears held joy in them.

"You're welcome. Now go tell Harry!" She said with a giggle, pulling out of the hug. "And tell me details when you find them out."

I just kind of sat there, numb in happiness, and searching for the words to say to express how thankful I was. I couldn't find any though, and I just let out a giggle and got up from the couch. "Thanks again," I smiled genuinely, "and I will."

And with that, I sprinted down the hall, careful not to knock any picture frames off of the wall, and bounced into my room. My phone was laying on my bed, and I jumped on it with so much force that I nearly bounced myself off of my bed, but I caught my balance and immediately began to dial Harry.

Riiiiing. Riiiiing. Riiiiiiiing.

After six endless rings, each one seemingly longer than the last, my favorite voiced answered the phone.


"I CAN GO!" I screamed into the phone, and I immediately regretted it considering I could've busted his ear drum. That would've been bad.

"You can?" He asked in an equally excited voice that was obviously trying not to yell, although it seemed like he wanted to.

"Yes! She said yes!" I laughed, letting myself fall back on my bed and take a deep breath. "I still can't believe it."

"Me either... that's amazing! I finally get to see you!" I practically heard his smile through the phone, and I realized how much I missed seeing his smile in person. But it didn't matter, because I would get to see him soon. It was all falling in to place again.

"I know." I smiled, I rested my hand on my stomach, focusing on inhaling and exhaling... trying to take in the fact that I'd get to see him soon.

"That's That's perfect." I heard him exhale and give a slight chuckle. "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too. Way too much."

"I've missed you much more, though." He said seriously, causing chills to run up my spine.

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