The Beginning

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This is my first Wattpad story, and I hope you all like it! :) Leave a comment if you have anything to say about it! Thanks, much love! Xx

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It all started on a seemingly regular day in June. School had just let out, and I had a summer job working as a waitress at Applebees.

"Excuse me, Miss!"

"Can you take our order now?"

"Can I get a refill?!"

Shouts came at me from all directions. I'd only been waitress-ing for about a week, and I was terrible at it. I could never please everyone because everytime I turned around, someone wanted something new. It was stressful.

"I'll be right with you!" I yelled at everyone as they demanded my attention. I was on my way to a table where an elderly couple sat, their water in hand, when my manager, Jason, appeared out of no where.


"Ahh!" I screamed. He startled me so badly that the waters slipped out of my hands. Paniced, I turned around to face him. The cups shattered on the floor, making a loud breaking sound. The previously noisy resturant became silent.

I felt my cheeks become bright red, and my mind went into panic mode. The thoughts in my head became jumbled together and I almost started to ramble.

"Im so sorry! I-"

"Damn it, Charlotte!" He started to yell at me. "How can you be so irresponsible?! You've only been working here a week, and you've already managed to break more than the employees who've been here for months!"

He wasn't lying. I've always been unbelieveably clumsy. I always found a way to injure myself...or those around me. And he wan't exaggerating either. I really had broken about 10 plates that week.

"Look, I really am sorry! But I can't help-"

He cut me off again, obviously furious. His nostrils were flaring and his face was flushed.

"No, I'm sorry. But I think I'm going to have to fire you. You're honestly costing me more than you're worth."

His words took a while to sink in, but when they did, they stung. I felt my mouth subconsciously open into the shape of an O, and my face got even hotter. I knew I wasn't the best waitress, but I wasn't expecting him to fire me! It'd only been a week! I felt a wave of different emotions came over me. Shame, anger...embarrassment. I was speechless for a few moments.

"Umm...ok...sorry again..." I said awkwardly as I knelt over the broken glass trying to pick it up.

"No. Just leave it. As a matter of fact, I think it'd be better if you just went home now."

It was then that I noticed that the tables around us had been listening to the whole thing. When I got up and wiped my hands on my apron, they all started murmuring to each other. They were probably making fun of the dumb klutz who couldn't keep a job for more than a week.

I was mortified, but I composed myself best I could. I nodded at my former boss, removed my apron and handed it to him, and left without causing a bigger scene. But the second I stepped out of the resturant, I started sobbing. Tears uncontrollably streamed down my face, and my eyes burned. I was all alone, and I didn't even have a car to drive home in. That was one of the reasons why I got the job! My phone was also dead, so i couldnt call anyone. I was atleast 10 miles away from my house, so I started to run. The wind attempted to dry the tears on my face, only to be replaced by more tears. What would my mom say when she found out that I got fired my first week? Ever since my dad left last year, I've been trying to prove to her that I could be responsible and help her with whatever she needed. She'd been under so much stress lately, and I just wanted to show her I could help! But now she'd be even more stressed out because she'd think she raised a daughter who can't even work!

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