Beautiful Mess

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And that, as inconsistent and miserable as it sounds, is the way the next few months treated me. One day, I thought I would be able to handle the world; the next day I completely broke down. My mom said that must've been my way of mourning. Apparently, everyone mourns differently. I was just thankful to have Harry and Jessica to stand by me no matter what happened... and no matter how crazy I seemed.

On the day before Harry left for England for more promos and events, I made the decision not to fall into my own sick depression whenever he left again. I knew that I'd eventually get to see him again, and I'd be strong about it. I'm not saying that I wasn't upset about him leaving. Oh no, I was crushed. But I accepted that going long periods of time without seeing him was one of the consequences of dating a world famous boy band member. And it was completely and totally worth it.

"MORNING LOVE." Harry scurried into my room while I was only half asleep, ran up to my stereo, and turned the radio on full blast.

Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy 'til we see the sun

I know we only met, but let's pretend it's love

And never, ever, ever stop for anyone

He laughed over the music, "That's ironic, isn't it?"

"Harrrry!" I groaned loudly so he could hear me over the music that could've woken up China. "What time is it?" I rolled over on my opposite side so I was facing my wall instead of him. Too bad my wall had his poster on it, so it was like he was staring me right in the face. That's embarrassing... How didn't I find time to take down his poster?

I heard nothing but the blast of music, as I felt the bed sink down quickly, signaling that he jumped onto the bed beside me. "It's 7 o'clock. Get up. I've let you sleep in for two whole weeks. Today's going to be different!"

I covered my head with the pillow in response.

He must've leaned in really closely because I could hear him perfectly clear, even over the blaring music and the pillow, as he said: "Charlotte, don't be so lazy," in a particularly whiny voice that resembled one of an eight year old girl.

I rolled my blue eyes, although he couldn't see them. Tossing the pillow aside and sitting up, I looked at him with my best bored expression. "What is so important that you would wake me up at seven in the morning?"

He said nothing. He got up, turned the radio down so that it was barely audible, and barely big enough for his dimples to become visible. "I want today to be special since it's my last day here. I'm taking you out."

I felt my face get hot with a blush and I bit my lip, before realizing something. "Wait, out? As in... in public? Where people would see us?"

His face went straight, although the same curious, lively fire was still ignited in his eyes. "Well, that's the only problem. Are you OK with that? Because if you aren't, I have a plan B-"

"No," I interrupted hastily, "It's fine with me." I decided to face my fears of the public eye. Because if he had a plan, I didn't want to ruin it.

Immediately, he got a contagious smile on his face, complimented by a childlike expression. The same look that I fell for when the sixteen-year-old was on X Factor.

"Put on something."

"Something like...?" I shrugged my left shoulder.

"It doesn't matter. Anything is perfect." He grinned before practically running out of my door. He must've been all the way in the living room when I heard him call, "I'm going to cook breakfast!"

I was still sitting up on my bed with a half smirk on my face before I realized that I should probably get dressed if I wanted to keep Harry in his ridiculous mood. Oh, who was I kidding? He was always ridiculous. I guess he was just extra...excited.

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