Lost Girls

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As I woke up, I had tears streaming down my face.

"N-Nik! Please come back!" I could feel the tears streaming down my face faster and faster. Where did he go? He said he wouldn't leave me! I felt my body collapse to the floor.

"Kat!" I heard Ty come barging in to my room to see me on the floor with tears streaming down my face.

"Kat, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" As I looked up at Ty, I couldn't help, but cry harder.

"Ty, why does everyone choose her over me? Why does everyone leave me?"

As I finished speaking, I saw that he realised something.

"Kat, your slipping back. Aren't you? Your going back inside your depression. We have to take you Bonnie's Grandma's house. She'll know what to do." As he finished speaking he bent down and picked me up.

"I don't want to go! Put me down!" I started to hit Ty in the chest. I gave up, seeing that he was already out the door.

To Everyone: I'm building up suspense and still introducing Kat/Katerina. I will start writing longer chapters when I get to the chapter called 'Klaus' which will be in about 16-30 chapters latter. I'm a quick writer so it will be before the month ends! I love you guys! Bye!

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