Nala (7)

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Well, it was painfully clear Alec accepted Ethan after going to comfort him. Ethan looked happier but I wasn't sure how Alec felt.

In the end, he had been the one who decided he'd reject Ethan—even after Leo had finally caved and allowed it. I wanted to know what was going through his mind.

I picked up Daniel, walking down the path to Margrets. Daniel was three, as Ethan had told us. He was very aware and if I didn't keep him preoccupied—he'd begin to ask about his "Papa." But his father was dead.

People looked at me, concern clearly on their mind. I didn't blame them; the purple moon celebration had been a disaster. Leo and I were still deciding the correct approach to take. Luckily, Ethan didn't leave the house much, so it took him off their minds for a little bit.

I entered Margret's home. She was sitting with a patient. This was probably the busiest she's been in weeks.

"It will heal in a week. If not, return to me, ok?" She said and the young woman nodded. She had a cast on her arm which I could only imagine was from Ethan breaking.

The woman stood, walking past me and out the house. Not before giving me a small smile out of politeness.

Margret turned to me, her face warmed up as she saw the baby, "Is that baby Daniel?" She asked as she stood. I nodded and she got down on his level, "Well hi there," she cooed. Daniel smiled. He was such a happy baby.

"I just want to visit and see how things are going, possibly even have Daniel given a little checkup," I explained as I took a seat.

"Alec just came by here as well," Margret hummed. I knew he would. He often went to Margret for most things.

"Really? Is he hurt?" I asked. Margret grabbed a bunch of children's toys that were in a small cardboard box. She dug through it, pulling out building blocks, blankets, stuffed animals.

"No, no, he's fine," Margret reassured. "What I'm more concerned about is Ethan. Have you spoken to him about the purple moon celebration yet?" She asked as she handed Daniel a stuffed animal of a pig. It had a bell on it, and it made noise as he shook it.

"No, and he hasn't asked about it. I don't think he remembers," I mumbled.

"Talk to him about Nala," Margret insisted, "Even if they aren't related, it's very clear what he is." I bit at my nail, thinking about it. Was it the right approach? What if he wasn't aware of what he was? Wouldn't that mean it's not time yet.

Margret smacked my fingers from my teeth. I gasped at the sudden action before I glared at her. She gave me a smile. "I'll talk to him later today about it," I promised.

"Here, give me Daniel and I'll do some checkups on him. I'll have him home before the end of the day." She opened her arms, and I handed Daniel off. He didn't make even the smallest amount of fuss by being handed to a stranger. I was thankful for that, it made taking care of him with the absence of his parents much easier.

I had to remind myself to not get attached. His mother could possibly be out there and the moment we found her; our jobs would be done.

I exited the cottage, walking down the path. The whole way I practiced what I'd say to Ethan. How could I tell him about Nala and all she had done? If he really was her son, how would that make him feel?

My attention was soon taken away by the sight of my mate. He stood up a hill in front of the punishment cabin. That cabin was always so scary to look at even on a beautiful day in the summer.

It was dark oak and clearly old, older than both Leo and I combined. It had a giant wooden door with a lock that only responded to Leo and me. To own such a thing always made my spine crawl.

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