Mates (2)

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Alec POV
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Ethan was knocked out from the fight. I felt guilty for leaving him, but I had thought he needed some time alone. Leo was always so short tempered, and I wouldn't blame the kid for crying.

He was laying on the guest bed. Lonni had made sure to cover him in all the blankets he'd need so he'd be comfortable. Margret, our healer, said he would wake up tomorrow which was good. Although everything ended ok, I was still getting scolded out by Leo and Lonni in the hallway.

"Alec what is wrong with you!" Lonni scolded, "You almost killed the man!" She continued. I already felt guilty enough as is.

It was as if I had lost control for a split second, like my body was moving on its own. I don't know why but I just felt the need to protect Ethan, despite him being a stranger. No, that was a lie, I think I knew.

"I think Ethan is my mate," I admitted, blunter than I should've. Their faces turned pale as their eyes widened.

"What?! What makes you think that?" Leo asked.

I knew it was strange. Not only was Ethan a male, but he was also young. I felt stupid for even humoring the idea but the more i thought about it the more sense it made. I mean, I had sensed him in the woods! I knew he was there the moment we had left the house for the giant hunt.

"I mean I'm not sure but while you were questioning him, the pieces started to fall more into place–" I tried to explain but I was beginning to become tongue tied. Thankfully Lonni cut me off.

"How on Earth?! A male?!" Lonni asked. She was right to have that reaction, I knew everyone would. I hadn't meant same sex mates before–I hadn't even heard of it.

"You're telling me that rogue omega is your mate?" Leo said, making me even more embarrassed about the situation. It really did look bad.

"WHAT?!" Noah gasped, shocked. We all jumped and turned to see a boy with light brown hair, black eyes, and a stupidly amused look on his face. Of course, of all people, HE had to hear. "No way," He laughed with a huge smile on his face.

"Don't tell anyone," Lonni warned, glaring at him, "This isn't a laughing situation!"

"Why would I tell? But what's more important is that you're not going to be a lone wolf forever," He teased, leaning against me with an arm on my shoulder.

"Well of course not," I snarled, moving out of the way causing him to stumble forward a bit. I smiled seeing him almost fall, but he rebounded quickly and smoothly.

"Yeah, your mate just wasn't old enough to be your mate yet," Noah teased, "how old is he? Three?" Noah started to crack up, "I mean, I always knew you were weird but not pedo weird."

"Noah!" Lonni snapped as my face flushed.

"Shut it!" I snapped with a glare, but Noah was right though. Ethan was still a child. Regardless of it being only three years, it was weird.

"Noah, that's enough." Lonni put her hand on Noah's shoulder, telling him enough was enough. I'm glad she did, considering I was seconds away from punching him.

Leo finally took a deep breath in after a while of silence. We all looked at him. His eyebrows were knitted like he had been deep in thought. "Reject your mate," Leo demanded all of a sudden.

"What?!" Lonni shrieked; Even I had been surprised to hear such words leave his lips. I mean, he was asking a lot. And I mean A LOT. Rejecting a mate had a lot of consequences I didn't want to experience. "Don't be homophobic!" She scolded as she slapped his shoulder.

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