Chapter 2 - Worry is not your Friend

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So my first thoughts on waking after being plugged in, and getting some much needed recharging started, should have been pretty simple.

A sigh of satisfaction. Perhaps a 'hooray, I'm getting fed'.

Probably not, 'Oh crap! What have I done?! Maybe she didn't hear me. Maybe the shocks didn't work, and I have a new User'.

I just knew that headquarters was going to have a field day with this. I could see the Helper's headlines now: 'Local Helper Creates Widespread Panic When She Revealed the Existence of Helpers to a Human'. Or 'Internet Shuts Down as Problems with Humans and Helpers Continue'.

Beep. Beep.

I look around from the table I'm on, placed near the wall. From what I could see, I was in a very plain room. The beeping continued. I could make out the bottom portion of a person in a strange shaped bed. A white sheet over their feet.

A hospital?

I turned my screen's light off as someone came into the room. The room's lights flickered on. I could hear the careful click clack of heels.

Through my camera lense I could make out the form of an older well dressed woman. Her deep rich hair, with precise lines of white, was artfully arranged. It was Rosemary's mother Sylvia. The Hispanic wicked witch of the upper east side.

She was followed by a young male doctor.

"So, explain it again please? Words I can understand. She hit her head, but her heart was shocked too?"

"Yes, Mrs. Wentworth-

"Call me Sylvie dear."

"Uh, Sylvie...There was damage from the fall when her head connected with her table. We are not yet sure the extent of the damage to her mind. The paramedics stated that Ms Wentworth was mumbling about talking phones. Possibly a hallucination. We think that the shock from her phone to her heart may have helped to jump start it."

"How did her phone send the shock? What caused it?"

"We honestly don't know. Just be glad it did."

Sylvia followed the doctor out, heels clicking. The lights went out. The room became quiet again, except for an occasional beep or ping from the machines near the bed.

My personal inbox binged. A local Helper sent a request to chat through my Helper-Messanger.

Nope, just nope. I've chatted with hospital Helpers before. Very nosy lot. And clingy. Better not in this situation anyway.

The bed began to shift. A scratchy throat cleared.

"H-hello? Anyone there?" A small light came on. The normally deep bronzed face of Rosemary sat up, skin slightly muted from blood loss. "Owww...that hurt. Let's not do that again."

I watched as Rosemary inspected herself. From the IV in her arm, over the burn on her chest, to the large bandage wrapped around her head. The frown on her face grew. I saw her look in my direction as her hand rested on her heart again.

Mayday...not good. You are just a phone. Nothing interesting here.

"You're awake! I was so scared! Really, who trips and about kills themselves doing aerobics? Young women these should be more concerned with finding a husband, and starting a family."

Rosemary turned at the sound of Sylvia's voice. She clutched her white sheet close to her body. "Oh...I was exercising? Wait, I almost died?!"

Sylvia rushed over and started to fluff the pillows. "Well let's not get too dramatic now. This isn't something to post about. Especially not with how you are looking. Hmm...hang on I think I have some concealer and lip gloss in my bag here. You never know who you might run into. And your hair! You should really let me set you up with my stylist. Doctor Abadi wasn't half bad looking, but he isn't a-"

Rosemary pushed Sylvia's manicured hand with the lip gloss away. "Hey! Just, please stop. Wait a second!"

Sylvia huffed and crossed her arms as she looked at Rosemary. A perfectly shaped eyebrow arched. "What is wrong now Rosemary?"

"Um, well for starters... who's Rosemary? Who are you? Why am I here? And when can I leave?"

Hooray! Things are starting to look up.

As Told by Rosemary's Angry PhoneWhere stories live. Discover now