How it all begin

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3rd pov

A  women jumped over a gate, she was wearing a brown coat on. It was raining and thunder was heard in the background. The women was caring a brown basket with a blanket on top of it. She walked up to the door of the house. She put the basket in front of the door. She picked up the blanket that had a baby in. She kissed the baby on the head before putting it in the basket again. She ringed the door before she ran away and jumped over the gate once again. The door open to reveal a old man with a black suit. He looked around and looked down to see the baby sleeping in a basket. He picked the basket with the baby in it and closed the door. "Master Bruce will you please come down here", the old man said. Bruce walked down stairs and walked up to the old man, "Yes Alfred?". Alfred showed the basket that had the baby in, "This was on the doorstep". The baby open its eyes, "Did you know who left her here", Bruce picked the baby up. A piece of paper felled onto the floor. "No, do you want me to go check the security cameras", Alfred picked up the piece of paper that felled. "What does it say?", Bruce asked. "It read:

Dear Bruce, 

           I know you, you don't know me but i know your the famous Batman. Don't worry, i won't let anyone know about it. Beside, i'm going to leave this world very soon and i didn't want (Y/n)'s father to take care of her. I trust you to take care of her and trained her to control the 'thing' inside her. You see, (Y/n)'s father is a occult leader of a dangerous group called the Luner. If i leave this world then i needed someone to take care of my daughter and not use her as a weapon. I bring myself to the occult and they will use me instead of my daughter. Please, don't save me, keep my daughter out of this problem that i brought her in. Please don't lose her as i lost my life.......My (Y/n), am sorry that i brought yo in this world to use you as a weapon but don't you worry i will fix this. Just don't get mad at Bruce or his family, love them as they love you.


Her mother, Violet

"(Y/n)...", Bruce whispered when he saw her sleeping in his arms. "Should i let the police know?", Alfred said. "Yes but i'm keeping her", Bruce looked up. "You should sir. Taking a baby is ever hard then you think", Alfred said. "Dick come here", Bruce yelled. Little kid ran downstairs and made a flip to stick the landing. "Yeah Bruce", he looked at the baby (Y/n), "Is that a baby?". "Yes she'll be living with us for now on", Bruce looked down at (Y/n). "Huh, why? What happened to her par-", Alfred gave the letter to Dick. He read it, "Oh....why can't we go save her?". "Her father can found out who we are and take (Y/n) away", Bruce felt (Y/n) body moving. He looked at her eyes, both were (e/c) then changed into dark purple. "Hey wait there something behind the letter", Dick turned the letter the other side to see some writing. 

(e/c)= (Y/n)

Dark purple= Rose (The thing)

Bruce looked at the letter than the at (Y/n). She smiled but she had dark purple eyes. "My goodness is that-", Alfred looked at the baby. "The thing is in control right now", Bruce looked at Rose's eyes but soon turned into (e/c) again. "It's (e/c) meaning (Y/n)'s in control now", he jumped to see the baby. "Wait if we are keeping her meaning am going to be a big brother?", he jumped in excitement. "Yeah but you'll have two meaning we have to find a way to let (Y/n) be in control", Bruce said. "I'll protect (Y/n) from Rose and from the bad guys", Dick looked at (Y/n). "Well then, welcome to the family, (Y/n) and Rose", Alfred said. 

8 years later

(Meaning you are 8 while Dick is 18)

(Y/n) pov

I dropped down off the building and stick the landing. "That was awesome!! You were like *kick* *punch punch* and i was like *bomb* *kick kick*", i showed off to Batman. "You did get but need to learn how to be quiet", he whispered. "Oh yeah", i whispered. We both walked towards the Batmobile that was hiding in one of the alleyways. But we stopped to see the two of the tires were gone. "Um? What happened to the tires?", i wondered if they left without the car. "Whoever done this is ever skilled because this kind of tires were hard to take of without making a starch", he looked at the hole where was the wheel supposed to be. "Or maybe you were tricked", Rose crossed her arms. I shook my head, "You better control her", Batman looked at me. I nod and looked at the other side of the car to see a boy coming towards the us. "Bats....", i whispered. He looked at me and i pointed at the boy that looked the same age as me. He stood up, the boy saw him, "So your the one who stole my tires?". The boy drop the wrench he was holding onto and made a ran for it. "(h/n) go after him and called me when you found him", Bats said to me. I nod and ran after him. 

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