The End

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(Y/n) pov

I slowly opened my eyes to see i was in my bedroom. I looked at my body, 'Huh?! Why am i covered in bandages?' I sat up quickly but regretted because a sharp of pain stopped me. "Ow!", i said. I heard the door opening, "Miss (Y/n)?", i heard Alfred voice. I turned to him, "Alfred!", i smiled. He slowly went up to me, 'Huh? Is he afraid of me?' I looked at him with a worried face, "Alfred? Is everything alright?". He put a hand on top of my forehead and looked at my eyes. I gave him a confused face but all of a sudden he hugged me. "Its really you!", Alfred said. I felt tears on my shoulder, "Why are you crying? And what happened?", i asked him. He pulled away from me, "You don't remember?", i only gave him a confused look. 

He explained that i was captured by Blackmask. He was brought back to life by Rose. Blackmask badly hurt me so Rose can easily take over my body. But it turned out that Rose was betrayed by Blackmask and was left to die. Until Jason came to rescue me before the bomb exploded. Alfred went to check on me but didn't know that Rose was in control. He was attacked by her and thrown onto the floor of the bat cave. I felt sadness and grief because that but there was more. Rose had the spell book that spawned her little creatures and she gathered all the villains in Gotham so they can kill Batman. But Dick, Damian, Bruce, Jason, Barbara, and Tim stopped the villains. Then went to stop Rose but she had the upper hand. That was until Damian, Bruce, and Jason woke me up inside her body. While they fight her outside of the body, i was fighting her inside in the mind. I stopped Rose and saved Jason from being killed by her. That was when i passed out. 

"How long was i passed out when Jason first brought me back to the mansion?", i asked him. "Almost a year", he replied. My heart stopped for a second, 'Almost a whole year!!' I put a hand on my head, "A year being trapped in my body, recovering from the injuries that Blackmask and the others gave me". I had still need to recover all the injuries that Blackmask gave me and the fight that Rose started. "Alfred?", i looked at him, "Don't let anyone know that i'm awake. I want to recover a little bit more". He nodded, "Every well Miss (Y/n)". 

Many days later.......

You give up on the days?

I don't know how long is the healing process 

Name the injuries

Crack rib, broke toe, broke leg, bruises, bullet wounds, and cuts

Oh...Yeah there is no way you have the time to calculated that

If the reader can then please tell me

Days had passed, no one except for Alfred went in my room to check on me. I don't want anyone to come and check on me. I was afraid that Rose may come out again and hurt them. Especially Jason, i want to get far away from him as possible so i don't harm him. I love him when i had that little crush back then even when i found out he was back to life. I still hate him because he wanted to kill me because he thought i replaced him like Bruce did. 

I looked at out from the balcony. It was night time meaning everyone was asleep. I looked at the stars, 'It's better if i leave'. I had a backpack filled with stuff that i need to start a new life. I want to be far away from them as possible so i can't hurt them. I had on a jacket that was (f/c), underneath was a white shirt, black pants, and (f/c) shoes. I was ready to sneak out of the mansion and leave Gotham. "(Y/n)?", i heard someone called my name. I turned around to see Jason, "Jason? Why are you doing here?". He looked at the outfit i was wearing while i looked at him. He was wearing a white shirt, grey shorts with black shoes. "I wanted to check on you but Alfred won't let me so i sneaked into your room without him noticing", Jason explained, "Why do you have a backpack one?" I looked at my backpack, "Uh...Look, Jason, just stay away from me". He slowly walked to me, grab my backpack, "HEY!", i yelled. He unzipped my backpack and all the stuff felled out. 'Shit.' "Were you going to run away?", he sounded heart broken. " I don't want you getting hurt because of me", i looked at him. "I don't care if i do", he dropped the backpack. "Jason I almost killed you. I-", i was cut off by Jason, "I don't care! I would rather die in your hands or die for you". I started to cry, "Jason....Please". "I won't leave-", i was the one to cut him, "Why can't you see i don't want to hurt you again? I can't live in this world if you die because of me". I took a deep breathe, "Why can't you see that i'm doing this because i love you?". I felt a hand on my cheek, i looked up to see Jason with a sad look. He wrapped my tears away, "I love you too my little (n/n)". He kissed me and i gladly kissed him back. It felt amazing, it felt like we kissed for a year but it was five minutes. We parted, "Jason?", i said. "(Y/n)?", he replied. "I can't....I'm afraid that she'll use you and hurt you more badly then last time i-", i was interrupted by him kissing me. "I love you (Y/n) and don't worry. I trust you to fight her and win the fight every time", he spoke. "You really think so?", i asked. He nodded, "Yeah and please don't run away from your family. It's not fun then you think. Trust me", i nodded. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2019 ⏰

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