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(Y/n) pov

"(Y/n), Deathstroke is NOT your father", Barbara said making me happy. (Again. Reference). YES! He's not my dad but how does he know my mother and my name. "That's a relief. But, wait how does me know my mother and my name?", i asked. "We think that when Jason yelled your name out loud. He use that as a avenge to get into you and make sure you let down your guard", Bruce spoke. I smiled and went up to Bruce to hug him, 'I'm so happy that Deathstroke wasn't my father'. We both hugged, "HEY!", we let go and see Damian coming towards me. "I was the one who saved you from falling into lava and beat the shit out of him", Damian crossed his arms, "So where's my thank you". I looked at him then smiled; I slowing walked to him and kneed down to his level. "You want a hug? That's what you want do you?", i asked. He looked away, "If that's a way to thank me then yes", Damian looked at me. I opened my arms widen enough to let Damian hug me. I soon closed it to hug him too then we heard someone saying "AWWW". I looked at Dick who had a hand on his chest where his heart was. "My heart is melting in joy", Dick teased making me giggled and Damian angry. "Let me go so i can beat the shit out of him", Damian growled and struggled in my arms. "But your so warm and cute~", i started to tease him now. "NOT YOU TOO", Damian yelled. Everyone laughed even me. I'm happy we all got to  together and be happy family. Please. End me. Where were you? I was here along stupid. You haven't be paying attention to me. Sorry. You will be. What was that? Nothing....Enjoy with your family.

Everything was so different with Damian around. So many times he sneak out of the mansion to come back with Bruce. Now Bruce had put security system out of the mansion to keep Damian in. Now he feels like he was a little bird trapped in a cage. (See what i did). Anyway, he always come to my room to see me draw or dancing. He thought those were stupid and asked if i want to fight him. I always agreed when he asked and it always lead me being beaten or I victories. I felt like a big sister to him but i doubt he sees me like that. But when i have to go on patrol with Tim or Bruce and leaving him being alone. But today Dick came back from his city he was protecting to "babysit" Damian. Today I wasn't feeling well so i couldn't go on patrol or fight Damian. I was supposed to be in bed but i wanted to see Dick and Damian. I walked towards the railing and looked down to see Damian fighting Dick. They went upstairs where i was but luckily i was away from them. To my surprise Dick fell over the railing and landed on the chair on his ass. "(Y/n) was right. One day i will beat you and the day had come", Damian spoke. I was laughing so loud when i looked up i saw them both in front of me. "(Y/n) you should be in bed, resting", Dick had his arm crossed. "Sorry i wanted to see you two fight", i rub my neck, "And i told you Damian you will beat Dick one day". "Don't encourage him!", Dick said. "Yeah, feels great..", he smiled. 'He's smiling! These is the first time he ever smile'. "Yeah, now both of you are now even", i pointed out. "Yeah...HEY! Stop changing the subject. You supposed to be in bed. Now, up and daisy", Dick picked me up, bride maid style. This surprises me and started to blush so much i look like a tomato. Dick took me out of the Bat cave and now walking to my room. Damian was following him and helped to open the doors to get in the hallway towards my room. The last door was my room door and Dick put me on my bed. I pout knowing i will never leave my bed until i feel better or get a average temperature to let them know i'm OK.

Days passed, me and Damian got to be closer than i expected. When we first meet he hated me and everyone. But now he got close to everyone and even closer to me, making him my little brother figure and friend. Dick came often to see us and help us in Gotham. I was happy that my big brother came to check on his family. Bruce became a more father figure towards us and become more darker than before. No one knows why but i was afraid it was my fault because of me and Jason often arguing to each other. In the end, me and Jason didn't get closer than everyone thought we could after the 'Yelling my name out loud that Deathstroke heard it' problem. I sometimes feel my skin getting cold when he was close or at least in a 5 feet radius. Bruce had enough of it and sent me and Jason on patrol to find a base that belonged to Two-Face. Bruce said he was hiding guns and illegal drugs and me and Jason have to stop him. We found the warehouse that was off island but in Gotham. We looked around before we attacked the thugs that were here, guarding the things. The warehouse had 4 floor levels so me and Jason split the levels into two. So we can take down all of the thugs faster and i can be far away from Jason as i can be. I'll make you wish you didn't said that.... Huh? What do you me- "(Y/n), do you need help on one of your floors?", I heard Jason in my ear piece. I was almost finish taking down all the thugs in the first floor and about to go onto the second one. Jason was supposed to be on the third floor and there was more thugs there then down here. That actually makes me wonder why? Are they suppose to be more thugs on the first floor? They have to stop people by getting in but there was like 10 thugs just walking around on the first floor. "No, I'm almost finish. I need to take down 3 thugs on the first floor then the ones in the second floor", i replied in the ear piece. I was on a little building in the warehouse that contained a lot paper and computer screens. The only way to get inside the little building was the stairs. One of the three thugs were near me and was just walking around the little building looking for me. I jumped behind him and silent take-down him. I looked around to see if the others were coming this way. I soon let the unconscious thug on the floor and went up the stairs to look out for the other thugs. "You sure....I'm almost finish with both of my floors and you said you were still on the first-", i interrupted his sentence, "For the last time Jason. NO! What don't you understand what NO means?". I yelled in the ear piece not worrying about the other thugs hearing it. I really hate when he wants to help me with the littlest or the easiest things that i can do alone. I know he wants to get closer to me and we can stop arguing to each other but i can't. I'm still angry with him about killing the villains and their thugs and not coming back to say. "Hey, i'm still alive." But he didn't, he just let everyone think he was dead and let that be for a little while. He just went to plot a revenge plan against Bruce and Tim even on me. I leaned on the railing, "Don't ask a-", i was interrupted by someone pushing me over the railing i was on. I was off guard that I landed on my head instead of my feet. I tried to get up but someone had their foot on my head. "(H/n)! Are you-", i saw my ear piece in front of me but soon was crashed by one of the thugs. I looked up to see the other two thugs in front of me. 'Wait, then who's foot is on my head?' I turned my head and saw a familiar face. "Blackmask", i muttered. Soon he raised his foot off my head and slammed it back down to hit my head. Soon my vision was getting blurry and soon blackness came over me.

Jason pov

I went down to the second floor to see if (Y/n) had gone up but i don't see her nor any thugs. I went to the first floor to see some thugs unconscious but no sign of her. "Hey Barb, has (H/n) returned to the Bat cave?", i spoke in the ear piece. "No, but it seems her ear piece is off because there is no sign of her anywhere", Barbara said. I walk towards the little building to see a necklace on the floor. My eyes widened, 'That's the necklace i gave her on her graduation day.' I picked up the little heart necklace that was golden to the heart and chains. You can open the little heart necklace to put any small things in it. I opened it and two pictures on both sides, one was Bruce and the rest of the gang but i wasn't in it and the other one was me back in the day. I was wearing my red shirt with black pants, my hair was a mess but i looked happy about it. 'She had a picture of me in this.' I closed the heart back, "Jason, have you found (Y/n) yet?", i heard Bruce said. "No, but we may have a problem", i spoke. "What do you mean Jason?", i heard Dick said. "I only found (Y/n)'s golden heart necklace", i said. That explained much because Bruce wanted everyone to go look for her. I kept looking in the warehouse to see any clues but nothing. Not even the thugs that were unconscious by her know anything. The anger and frustration made me killed them all. 

'(Y/n) where are you?'.

(Y/n) pov

I slowly open my eyes, i tried to bring my hands in front of my face but i can't. I was laying on my cheek against the cold floor. I looked around my surroundings and it looks like i'm in a room that was use to be a storage unit. I looked at myself, my hands were tied up by rope and were behind me, same goes for my legs. I had a white cloth in my mouth so i can't call for help. I still had my hero suit on but my cape\hoodie was token off even my gadgets were no where to be seen. I still had my mask but whoever captured me didn't want to see my identity. I heard a door opening then soon closing right back up. I heard footsteps, 'One guy.' Soon i saw who it was, "Looks who's awake~", Blackmask said in happiness. "So this is how we are going to do for now on", he came closer, "I'm going to beat the living shit out of you. No matter how much pain, screaming, nor distraction you put on me. I will not stop until Batman and that stupid Red Hood is dead". He walked to a table in the distance and picked something up. I tried to get up or at least get in a sitting position but soon my eyes saw something. I was afraid, the memories of the video of Jason being beat up with a crowbar by Joker. Blackmask was holding a crowbar, it looked bigger than any normal crowbar. I don't know if he's smiling or has a serious face behind his mask but i know that this is going to hurt some much. "One", he hit in my cheek. "Two", he hit me on my side. "Three", he hit me in my ribs. He count every hit he put on me. I coughed blood onto the white cloth that was on my mouth. Soon i couldn't take it anymore. The last hit made me pass out but he wasn't finish beating me up. He splashed water or shock me with cables that are suppose to be used for cars. Until he was satisfied of his work he left the room. I couldn't breathe well nor feel anything in my body. Do you feel tired already? No.... Looks like it. Why are you smiling? You are badly hurt. Why should i not? Ah~ Don't be mad at me, after all, this was your fault that you are in this situation? Huh? You wanted be alone and far away from Jason as possible, right? I soon realized she felled asleep but she is still in control of her damn body. I need to figure out how to get in control before this idiot kills her.

Guess she needs a little bit more beating....

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