Do Death Apart Us

696 10 0


November 18, 2013 - March 25, 2019

(Y/n) pov

At the church....

"Would you, Barbara Gordon, take, Tim Drake, to be your lovely husband?", the priest looked at Barbara. She was sitting down on her wheelchair but still looks beautiful in that wedding dress of hers. "I do", Barbara replied. The priest looked at Tim, "Do you take Barbara Gordon as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?". Tim smiled, "I do". "Would the person who has the rings come fourth", the priest raise his hand as if he was holding water. Gordon got up, step in the alley way and walked up to them both. I could here them whispering, "Thank you", to him. If your confused, your Barbara's bridesmaids. Who are you talking too? No one. Tim puts the ring in Barbara finger, "I take this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness". Barbara did the same thing, "I take this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness". "If you would not like these couple to get married then speak now or ever hold you peace", the priest looked out. No one engage. "By the power vested in me by the State of New Jersey, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride", the priest closed his book. Me and the other bridesmaids put our flowers down and went up to Barbara. Everyone was wondering what we were doing to Barbara. Tim grab Barbara hands while me and the other bridesmaids hold her legs down onto the floor. I hold her waist so when Tim lean in to kiss her she can kiss back. Everyone clapped, "You guys...thank you", Barbara turned her head towards us. "It was all (Y/n)'s plan", one of the bridesmaid point at me. I smiled, "It is your best day". We put Barbara back on her wheelchair and Tim pushed her onto the alley way to their ride to take them to the ballroom.

Everyone arrived the ballroom before the married couple. We had more surprises for them when they arrived. Until nightfall came, everyone went home before a robbers or a killers get out. Barbara and Tim went to their honeymoon while me and Batman go on portal. That night not so much people call for help or any bad guys tried to get out of jail. On the first day of coming back it was peaceful but not so much fun. Until the next night, Nightwing called me to come over to GCPD rooftop.

"Hey Nightwing", i walked towards Dick. "Hey (H/n), how was your first day back being on portal duty?", he looked at me. "So no hug?", i cross my arms. He spread his arms out, "Don't worry, i didn't forget", i walked to him with arms out. He hugged, "Now my question?". I looked up, "It was peaceful. Some bad guy here and there but not so much". He let go, "I see. Meaning today will be the day you get to beat more than one or two bad guys". "Huh? What do you mean by that?", he points down onto the GCPD roof. I turned to see some many bad guys with guns and bats. My mouth turned to a smile, "YES", i covered my mouth. Nightwing chuckled, "Come one. Penguin is tiring to get out of jail", he jumped down. I jumped down with him, "Hey guys, it's Nightwing. And it looks like he has someone with him as well", one of the goons shout out. "Hey guys would you please go easy on her. She's new here", Nightwing took his Escrima Sticks out. "Ha. As if", the goons got ready to beat the shit out of us. We attacked them with me throwing one in the air only to get hit by Nightwing fists. Until we knew it they were all knocked down, "What now?", i asked. Nightwing look a device out and put it on the generator. "Someone talk to me! What's going on?!", i hear Penguin voice in the walkie-talkie. "Aw, sorry boss, we're not getting you outta there anytime soon", Nightwing used a funny voice. "Why the bloody hell not?", Penguin yelled. "Coz we just got asses kicked", Nightwing replied. "Hang on...who's...Oh no! Not you!", Penguin had finally realize what is happening. I couldn't hold my laughter any longer, "HAHA", i started to laugh so hard i couldn't hear what Nightwing was saying. "Heh, are you OK there (H/n)?", Nightwing looked at me. I was out of breathe, "Yeah, i just LOVE the way you miss around with Penguin", i smiled. "Well, we aren't done yet. We have to find away to power the place up again", Nightwing looked at the generator. It was busted up so we need a way to get the power up again. "Is there any junction boxes around here?", i asked to Nightwing. "They should be two on the floor below us", he looked at the map on his arm screen. I nod, "Lets go down there then", i went towards the cliff of the building. I saw Nightwing put away his arm away and walked to me. We found a window open and went in but to stop to see goons walking around. Nightwing silently told me to attack them but stay quiet. We took down the small goons first then took the last guy, who was a big goon, down together. I found one of the junction box, "Got one", i broke the top and rewired the wires. "Got the other", Nightwing spoke in the walkie-talkie. I pulled up my arm screen up, "OK restoring the power", i remembered Barbara teaching me how to restore the power. "Ha-ha-ha yes! The light's are on! I'm getting out of here, pretty boy! I can hear the welcome party as we speak", i heard Penguin spoke in the walkie. I soon heard helicopters on top of me. I tap on my screen, "Nightwing we have a problem", i spoke. "I know that", Nightwing reply, "Am going up". "I'm going to hold the elevator but not for long", i told Nightwing. I could hear goons getting beat up, "And you have all the fun still", i pout. "OK (H/n). Come up", i heard Nightwing said. I got up to see him waiting at the elevator, "OK, Oz. Let's get you outta that elevator", he press the code in the code pad. He led on to the wall, "Hey boss, we're getting you out", Nightwing used his funny voice. "You are? Where's Nightwing?", Penguin asked in the walkie. "He's right here, we thought you'd wanna say hello", Nightwing reply. "Oh, i do", Penguin sounded happy. I smiled, knowing what will going to happen. The elevator doors opened to reveal Penguin lighting his cigar. He turned around to see me and Nightwing, "Oh, sod off", he put his lighter away. Nightwing pushed Penguin in the elevator and we both went in with him. The elevator open to reveal Cash and some of the police officers. "Much obliged. Maybe we should get that light on the roof fixed. Change the symbol. What'd ya say?", Cash saw Penguin being pushed down onto the floor. "Thanks for the offer, but this isn't permanent", Nightwing told to Cash. "Hey little man. Place wasn't been the same without you", Cash got to Penguin's level. "Get stuffed", Penguin reply while me and Nightwing went back on the elevator. "Well that was fun", i smiled. "I'm glad because am leaving Gotham night", he said. "WHAT!?", i looked at Nightwing, "But you just got here". "(H/n) i know you want me to stay but i have to protect my city", he put his hand on my cheek. "Yeah...i know", i looked down. "Hey, at least I'll come on the holidays and on your birthday's. Speaking of that, your birthday is coming next month", he lift my chin. "Yeah, it is", i smiled. I'm the same age as Jason now but soon he'll age up again. "There is the smile i was looking for", i heard Nightwing said. The elevator doors open, "Well let's go back to the bat cave", Nightwing looked at me. "Yeah. Let's go", i smiled. I walked out of the elevator, walking side by side with Nightwing. I saw Nightwing as a big brother to me and he see me as a little sister. He knows how to cheer me up when am down. Something he's to busy to realize your even sad. Shut up. It's true, when he goes back he'll forget about you and you'll be sad ones again. I stayed quiet and soon we got back to the bat cave.

??? Pov

I watched Nightwing walking with (H/n). She looked happy when she's next to him. I felt anger building in me, "She's mine", i whispered. "Did you say something, Jason?", i heard Jay in the walkie. "No...I didn't say anything", i looked away from the sight. "Well OK then. We have drug dealers going into a building", i looked at the men going in the building. I went in without getting caught. I heard whimpering in a room a cross of me. I went up to it and saw there is a hole to look in. Anger build up, "Hey, what do you think your doing?", i looked to see 9 men with no guns on them. 'Good'. One of them charged at me but i grab his fist and turned him upside down. I look down on the man to see if he's dead and up again to see the others. They were shook but soon they charge at me. I looked around to see one alive, "Please don-", i killed him before he got a change. I went to the door, open it, and went in. I came out with 2 little girls who looked like their 10 years old. They were wearing white t-shirts that were to big on them. "Jay call the police and told them i found two 10 year old. This building was a fucking sex trafficking", i press my ear piece. "On it", i heard Jay say. "Thank you mister" i heard one of the girls thank me. "No problem kid. Don't you worry, police will bring you back to your family again", i kneed down to their level. "Really?", one of the girls smiled. "Yeah and you can eat, get clean clothes, and sleep on a comfortable bed", i spoke. "Thank you", the other girl spoke. I heard the police came and asked questions to me. Before they found the men dead. They were about to ask me if i do it but i sneaked away. I climbed up on a building to see the two girls getting into the car and driving away from the hell the were in. "Man i didn't know you still want to help people", Jay spoke. "I kill and protect the ones who can't protect themselves", i reply back. I walk away from the scene.

3rd pov

Batman looked at the camera's on the accident about the two 10 year old to spot the person who saved them. The person wore a red helmet, grayish jacket, and a upside down symbol of the bat. 'That helmet looks familiar but where?', he looked at the red helmet person. 'Hopefully (Y/n) wont bump into him', looking at a photo of her, himself, and Jason when they were young. He looks at the time, 'It's getting late. I don't want (Y/n) worrying about me', he stood up and went towards the stairs. He soon took off his bat suit and went to see (Y/n) in her room. She was sleeping peacefully in her bed. He smiled at the sight he was seeing. He soon closed the door and went to bed as well. Everyone in Gotham is sleeping in their comfortable beds or not worry about any villains coming out the shadows. Not knowing that someone has a plan to get all the villains brake out of jail and ruin the peace it was once restored.


Huh, what's so funny?

Nothing...End this chapter

I was. Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. The parts in this story are in the game call, "Batman: The Arkham Knight". The books will go slow because of school and the finals coming up once again, but don't worry i will have chapters ready to post. I promise to get chapters in the months and summer break is coming meaning i have time to write/type this stories.

The date i put on top is actually real. I knew a little kid (I can't tell his name) who died because his heart stopped beating. He was sick when he was born but we didn't know god needed a another angel to help him out. He was shy but knew how to take care of his little sisters. But now his little sisters wont have a older brother anymore. The kid liked the Batman series and had a Batman Pj's on before he passed. I will miss you little guy and hope you are having fun up there.

I see you guys in the next one.

Rest in peace little guy



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