The Dark Knight

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(This is still your super hero costume)

(This is still your super hero costume)

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(Y/n) pov

I didn't know how long i was crying, after all i don't have a window in my cell room and a watch. I had my knee's covering my face and my arms wrapped around them. I heard the door open and close right back. Footsteps came closer to my cell and stopped. I want to see who is it but i know it's the Arkham Knight. And you're right. "Hey, what would Bats say if he saw you like this?", he asked. "....", i stayed quiet and didn't look up either. What would Bruce said when we sees me like this? To be honest he would comfort you or tell you everything will be fine. Even if it's not. True, he did comfort me when I saw Jason's death. "HEY! ANSWER ME!", he banged his hands on the bars making me jump out of my position. I felt frighten all of sudden. I looked at the Arkham Knight with fear in my eyes. Why did i get scared of that? He just looked at me with that same expression on his helmet face. He got off the bars and started to walk away. I heard the doors open and close again. Meaning he left the room once again. What just happen? 

I heard the door open but it didn't closed up. I look up to see a militia soldier opening my cell but he wasn't alone. When he opened the door more militia soldiers came in and surround the cell. I got up and stretch before the first militia that came in pulled me out of my cell. When i left  the room right way they put me on a chair and tied me good. I can feel the rope going through my wrist. I was pushed into a room that had little TV's of news broadcast that were live. I looked in front of me to see Tim and the commissioner. Tim looked like he was brutally punched and kicked so many times. The commissioner looked like he was punched and took it as a champ. I was placed right next to the commissioner side. "Tim? Are you OK?", i asked. "He can take it. He's strong, right?", the commissioner looked at me. Tim helped me control Rose everyday when she tried to take over. "Yeah, he is", i looked at him. He is the 2nd strongest person i know. The first one is Bruce. I looked around the room to see a camera pointing at a empty spot. The doors burst opened to reveal Batman strapped in a metal bed. Scarecrow was pushing him on the side that showed that one of his wrist was strapped down on the metal bed. The other wrist was strapped down on the metal bed as well. He was put on the empty spot where the camera is now pointing at him. "", Tim spoke out. "I'm sorry Robin, (H/n)", Batman looked at me and Tim. Scarecrow walked towards the camera, "Are you ready". "This isn't good to end how you think, Crane", Batman looked at Scarecrow. Scarecrow went up to Batman, " Enough bravado. It's too late for that. I don't care who you are but they will ", he pointed at the TV of the live news broadcast. "I'm going to rob them of hope", Batman looked at the TV as well.  I looked at Batman, " As they stare into your eyes, they will blame you...Failure will have a face and a name". Batman looked at Scarecrow, "It's time", Scarecrow turned away and walked towards the camera. "Mister Gordon. I would like you to do the honors", Scarecrow didn't look at the commissioner. "Never. I'm done taking orders from you", Gordon replied with courage in his voice. Scarecrow turned to my direction, pulled the pistol out and shoot Tim. Tim felled onto the floor, "TIM!", i tried to get off the chair but the rope was to wrapped around it. "You bastard", Gordon went down to see to aid Tim. "Take off that mask or my next shot will kill him", he points the pistol at Tim. "It's OK", Batman told to Gordon. "It's not OK! You know what this means", Gordon looked at Batman. "It's the end", Batman looked at Gordon went he got up. "When they find out who you are, there'll be no hiding", Gordon walked towards Batman. "You need to trust me, Jim", Gordon went closer Batman. "NOW!", Scarecrow points the pistol at me. Gordon put his hands on Batman's mask until be was burring interrupted by a gun shot. The shot hit Scarecrows pistol and landed next to Tim. We all looked at the person who shot, 'Arkham Knight?'. That can't be. His helmet is blue not red. The red helmet person shot one of the restraints on Batman wrist. Batman broke the other restraints and grabbed Scarecrow's hands before he could shot the fear gas in him. Batman moved Scarecrow arm towards himself. Batman stabbed the needle's in Scarecrows neck, "What's wrong, scared", Batman looked at Scarecrow. I like this side of Batman. I felt the rope around me get less tight. I looked at the ropes to see someone had cut them. I saw Gordon walk towards Scarecrow but he had nothing that could of cut the ropes and Tim was still injured. I looked up to see the red helmet person leaving with a knife in one of his hands. He was the one who cut the ropes. OK, he shot the pistol out of Scarecrow's hands and he set you free? Who is this guy? I heard Scarecrow screaming out of no where. He walked backwards and bumped into the camera making it fall over. I got off the chair and went to see if Tim was still breathing, 'He is', i let a sigh. Scarecrow looked at Batman and screamed until Gordon punched him onto the ground. Batman walked to me, "He's strong. He's going to be OK", i smiled at him. "Look after him, (H/n)", Batman looked ta me. I nod in response making him walk away. 

We got off the Batwing on to the GCPD helicopter pad. Me and Gordon carried Tim in to the elevator with Scarecrow. He was still freaking out. When we got down there, me and Gordon were greeted by Barbara. She was alive along and i gave her a big, crushing hug. The officers had a table to put Tim on so the doctors could patch him up. The war has finally ended, leading the main villains to be locked up. The next day i was holding my diploma and wearing a blue grown and hat. I smiled at the camera that my teacher is taking. Bruce agreed to come and see me graduated. Alfred will always see me get a award or my diploma. Tim and Barbara came to see me get graduated without me knowing. We all smiled when the picture was taken. My teacher gave back my phone and we looked at the picture. I thanked my teacher for taking the picture and we went home. But later on in the evening, my friend invited me to partying with them to celebrate. When i got there i was first face with presents they all got for me. I asked, "Why did you guys brought me presents for? We all graduated at the same time". "Well, we are leaving Gotham in a week", (f/n) said. "Oh...yeah i forgot", i looked down. After the whole war thing, my friends all want to leave Gotham after they graduated. "So, we got presents for you for two reasons. One is to congratulate you on graduated and your birthday next month", (f/n) grabbed my hand leading me into a room that was full of birthday stuff. "Happy Early Birthday, (Y/n)", they all said. "Thanks you guys", i smiled at them. We celebrated the party and some of them got drunk so the party had to end early. "Bye early 22 year old (Y/n)", one of my drunk yelled at me when i open the door of the limo. I waved goodbye and went inside of the limo. I put my seat belt on and turned around to see Bruce sitting there piss. "I didn't drink", i spoke the truth. "Yeah i know but why did you friend your 22?", his eye brow was up. The car started to move, "Because they are leaving Gotham and they didn't want to send my presents or come back to say "Happy Birthday" after the whole war". He nod, "So that explains the presents in the truck", i smiled. "They went overboard with that", i looked at the window. I saw people waking in stores, exploring Gotham, and not worry about anything. "Bruce, what happens if the Arkham Knight comes back with a whole army again", i questioned. "He wont", he replied. "How you know that?", i asked. "Because he doesn't want you to get hurt", he muttered. "Huh? What did you say?", i asked. "He afraid to face me again", he repeat. "Yeah but sometimes the people you scared aren't affected", i looked at Bruce with a smile. "They are scared. You just don't see that", he looked at me. 'Huh? What does he mean by that?', i thought but shrugged it off.  

We got back to mansion to be greeted by Alfred waiting between the open doors. Me and Bruce hands were full of presents. We put them on the floor in my room so i open it in the morning. I took a shower and changed into a comfortable clothes. I was about to bed until i saw a little red box onto of my bed sheets. I grab it and looked if it wasn't dangerous or it tells me who gave it to me. I open it to see a golden necklace that had words on it. It read: To the one i live for. I looked around my room to see no one hiding in the darkness. I grab the box and the necklace then went to Bruce's office. I knocked to hear, "Come in", i opened the door. "Hey Bruce, did you brought a golden necklace that says "To the one i live for" on it", i asked. "No, why?", he looked up. "Maybe Alfred put there because we forgot to get it from the limo", i looked at it. 'But my friends will never say this unless it wasn't from them', i thought. "(Y/n)?", i looked up to Bruce. "Yes?", i asked. "I need to tell you something before you go to sleep", he said. "What is it?", i asked. "When Tim and Barbara go to their honeymoon i need you to sub for Tim on his portals", he explained. "Ready?! You would let me go on patrols again", i asked in excitement. "Yes. After all, you can control her now", he pointed at Rose's ghost. She stick her tongue out at him. He got angry at the response. "But who would be subbing Barbara?", i asked. "Alfred will be the one to sub for Barbara. I can trust you to not get into trouble", he looked at me. "Don't worry Bruce i wont let you down", i pulled a thumbs up. He nod, "OK, you can go and rest now", he smiled. "OK. Goodnight Bruce", i started to walk out of his office. "Goodnight sweetheart", he spoke before i left the room. I went to my room, put the necklace and the red little box on the drawer, and went to bed. I felt like someone is watching me sleep but it must be the stuff animals my friends brought for me. 

Hi guys. I got better in writing/typing now. Plus the parts in this story is also in the game call, "Batman: The Arkham Knight". The next part will have the same parts in the game also and the other chapters will have parts from the movie. The books will go slow because of school and the finals coming up once again, but don't worry i will have chapters ready to post. Like the next one. So you reading this may or may not be in the next chapter. That is all the news and update i have hope you enjoy and-


Uh? Yes Rose?

Does the next chapter have me killing innocents?

No but the next 3 or 4 chapters you will


Anyway where did i left off...oh yeah


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