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(Y/n) pov

It has been two days when I found Jason under the rubble of broken bricks and wooden pieces. I put a cold, wet cloth on his head. 'He has changed so much.' His hair was more darker black and he had one stray of hair that is white. He had more stronger muscles on his arms and legs. (DAMN SON!). Bruce helped me get Jason back to the mansion and put him on his old bed. Before cleaning it up and making sure he has clothes he can wear. When Bruce told me that Jason was dead, I always went to his room without letting anyone know. I dripped the cloth back into the bowl of cold water, rinse it, then put it on his head again. Tim and Barbara was still on their honeymoon. They send us pictures to show how much fun there're having. I was happy that they were having fun and i was about to tell them about Jason. But Bruce wanted to wait until they come back to tell them. I understand why, after all, they would just leave their honeymoon and come back to Gotham. We both wanted them to not worry and have fun plus they should get close together more. As for Dick, we told him that Jason was back and alive. He wanted to go and see him but Bruce wouldn't allow it. Dick has a city needed to be protected. He understood and he said he would find a way to come and visit us. I dripped the cloth back into the bowl and grab a dry cloth. I used the dry cloth to dry his wet head so he doesn't wake up with a wet head. I was taking care of him because he had a fever when he was recovering. I knew the way to bring him back to health. I went to college and got my degree of Nursing. (Sorry if that's not what you wanted to be when you grow up. You can make up something that involved you knowing how to take care of a sick or injured person.) He was sleeping and hadn't woken up yet. I was getting worried that he might be dying and I'm not noticing the signs. I saw his eyes slowly opening up, "JASON!", i screamed. He turned his head to me and i wrapped my hands around his neck. I actually am sitting on his lap, "Your OK!", i said. "Yeah...I am...", i felt him wrap his arms around by my waist. I let go and punched him in his nose, "WHY!", i yelled at him. He touched his nose that was bleeding, "(Y/n) I-", i was going to punch him again but he caught my fist with his own hand. "(Y/n), wait. I can explained!", he said. "I'm listening...", i lower my fist down. Jason let go of my hand, "When I got kidnapped by Joker I regretted to not let you know that i was going after him. I would rather hear your calming voice instead of Joker's laughter. When Joker showed me that picture of you with the new Robin, back to back, fighting Joker's gongs....You two replaced me...without even waiting a least a year. I should be the one to be angry at you!", Jason was now pissed. "I didn't agree to replace you Jason, but Bruce knew if I go out there with HER still inside.....Bad things will happen", i looked away from him. Jason looked around, "This...this was my old room. You guys didn't get rid of it?", i looked around. "Yeah....We wanted to leave everything that is was to remember what you have done...", I looked down. "Where is this "New Robin" at? Are you going to show him off to me that he's you new best friend?", Jason was annoyed. "He's on his honeymoon and he acts like a big brother to me just like Dick", i explained. "Wait? He's married?", he was surprised. "Yeah, he's married with Barbara. He's a lucky guy and hopefully he doesn't do anything stupid to break her heart", I was piss just thinking Tim hurting her and me want to punch him. I heard a chuckled, "That's the (Y/n) i know", Jason spoke. I looked at him pissed, "Are you going to keep laughing or keep explaining why you didn't come back to visit us?". He stopped laughing, "Why didn't you visit my graved?", he looked pissed again. "How could I? I couldn't even get out of my own damn room. Heck, i didn't eat or talk to anyone because i actually can't believe that you were gone!...", i waved my arms but soon they dropped down. " were alive all long....", i felt tears forming. "You completing ignored me. Didn't even wondered what i was doing or if i was OK... You just worried about killing Bruce and becoming the next, better Batman", Jason was shocked. He looked like he was going to talk but i interrupted him, "Bruce explained everything...", he looked down. "That's all i needed to hear...", i walked go off and went towards the door. One hand on the door handle, "You still see me as my old self...... But i have changed a lot when you left...", i turned the door handle and open the door. I went through and closing the door behind me, "He's wake. You can talk to him now", i turned to face Bruce. "What happened in there?", he asked while i walked passed by him, "Go asked him". I went to my room, locking my door, and flopped on my bed. Tears started to slip out, "God. Why me?", i whispered to myself. 

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