Chapter one

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"Jess, hurry up. We don't want to miss our flight." My mum yells from downstairs.

"Okay, calm down," I say, basically to myself as I finish applying my mascara. Once reaching the bottom of the stairs, I find myself face-to-face with my mum, angry as hell. "Makeup." I say, displaying my face as if an object with my hands.

"Next time, answer me when I yell out to you." She says in defence.

I don't even want to move to Australia , I'm perfectly fine here in England Mum says we need a fresh start but I know the real reason why we're moving. My brother's death. Ever since the accident, eight months ago, mum's been very edgy. She probably wants to get away from the place it happened.

I guess since it's summer holidays over in Australia , I'll have enough time to settle in.

Then school comes. Ugh.

I'm attending a high school called West Field High. This school is co-ed and I'm used to an all-girl school so I'm not sure how I'll cope.

"Are we ready, ladies?" My dad yells from the front door.

"Mum's not. She needs to chill out." I say, walking away from mum and rolling my eyes.

"Jessica Anne Nelvine." I know you're upset that we're moving, but that is no way to speak to your mother." Mum calls out from behind me.

I ignore her and walk to the car, getting in the back seat.

My father looks at me from the back seat from the mirror. "Look, Jess, I know your upset, but don't take it out on other people. Apologise to your mother. She loves you."

I sigh, knowing that dad's right. When mum gets in the passenger seat of the car, I apologise. She accepts my apology and just like any mum, tells me not to do it again.

After what seems like hours of driving in silence, we finally arrive at the airport. "I need to go use the bathroom." I say to my parents.

"Don't get stuck in there!" My dad yells, embarrassing me.

I begin to walk to the female bathroom, but before I'm able to reach for the door handle, I'm knocked over by the male bathroom door. "Shit." I curse, holding my head where the door hit me.

"You know, next time you should watch where you're going," I look up to see a tall curly haired and green eyed boy standing in front of me, a satisfied smirk planted on his face, and then all of a sudden he grabs me by the hand and helps me up.

Without a sorry, he's gone before I can even ask him his name. I can't believe the nerve of that guy. Telling me to watch where I'm going, who does he think he is?

(Sorry for the short chapter it was basically a preview


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