Chapter one: The Beginning

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Frisk's POV:

Its dark.. the streets are empty.. who knew the core could explode and cause this much damage? Maybe Jessica was right.. some experiments are too dangerous. No one is alive, except for me, and if im correct, Betty is still alive as well. Not because i've seen her, but her monsters still seem to be looking for something.. or someone..

Betty's POV:

'I guess all the humans and monsters are dead Akumu, isn't that sad?' Akumu might agree with me, but now my life has no point to it. I can't rule over anyone, the zombies are too stupid to follow orders.. 'Braindead freaks..' I hear growling coming from a corner, maybe I talked a bit too loud, oh well.. As I slash a few zombies in two, Akumu grabs me and lifts me on a roof. 'What is it Kumu?' He points to an empty street, but from the dark I can see a red glow. 'Frisk is alive? Of course he wouldn't die.. stupid determination.' Akumu looks down. 'Let's kill him.' As I jump down the roof, it seems Frisk noticed us as well.

Frisk's POV:

'Betty, I dont need you here!' I know yelling wont stop her but at least I can let my anger out. I see her slowly approaching me. The zombies don't care, maybe a distraction from them could ensure my escape. But no.. Betty is already in the same alley as me and ready to kill me. As I hear her steps coming closer I come around the corner and block her attack. 'Well, you are not easy to suprise anymore are you?' She says as she grins. I push her away and quickly run towards the street, but before I know it Akumu slams me back towards her. What can I do now instead of just laying there and accept my fate? Maybe there is one thing. 'Hey Betty? Suprise!' I hit her leg, get up and jump over Akumu. Now I can finally escape. After running a few streets further I hide in a house that still seems decent. Lets hope she doesn't find me.

Betty's POV:

'He wants to play like that?!' Akumu backs away. How could he let him escape? He had enough time to hide now so finding him won't be easy. As I walk back a horde of zombies comes near. 'Kumu, get me up the roof. I am too irritated to fight.' Akumu nods and puts me on a roof. Maybe now I can find out where Frisk went. I can sense his determination, he didn't go too far. 'Let's go Kumu' As we walk over the rooftops, the feeling that I'm getting near a determination soul gets stronger. He doesn't have much time left. 'Friiisk! Come out to plaaay!' That might have been a taunt but before I know it, he jumps up and is ready to attack me. Before he slashes I can hear one last thing coming from his mouth. 'If you want to play so bad, fine!'

Betty x Frisk: Glitchy ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now