Chapter ten: Truth

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Frisk's POV:

It was her all along. I should've known. She wanted to destroy humanity, not save it. The camera footage tells it all. She came in here just when Gaster left. It was all planned. She messed with some cables and turned the core on after that. Of course those cables should have stayed in place. It ruined the way the core works and apperantly the mix up of those cables made the core a gigantic bomb. But this place isn't completely blown up for some reason. Maybe Gaster put some sort of shield around it for if something like this would happen. Sadly he won't be able to see that the shield worked. He is dead. And now I'm going to kill the one who caused his death. 'Betty, I'm giving you five seconds to run away!' Why does she seem suprised by that? It's her fault the world is destroyed. She is not even running. Like she knows it's over for her. As I run at her I realise I have cut deeply into the control panel with my sword. What did I just do? Betty looks around. 'Frisk.. the core was the reason the zombies couldn't get in here, but I think you just made it a lot easier for them.' Oh well, first I'm killing her, then I'll just escape. She deserves to die. My slash gets blocked by Akumu. 'Stupid beast, get out of my way!' He growls at me, but I can hear Betty say something with a soft voice. 'Kumu.. I deserve this. But at least I want him to know that I didn't want the world to become like this.' What did she want then? A big crater to fight me in? She looks at me. 'Frisk, I just wanted a couple of my enemies gone, but I did not want to destroy the entire world..' So she did want to kill others huh? My attack slams her against a wall and the only thing she says is that she deserves it. 'Come on, at least fight back. Or else I would almost feel guilty!' She looks up and has tears in her eyes. 'I DID NOT WANT THIS. BUT IF YOU WANT A FIGHT SO BADLY, DO IT, HIT ME.' That's the Betty I know and hate, as I attack again she blocks it and throws me on the ground, but something seems off.

Betty's POV:

He is already standing up and preparing to attack again, but I don't want to fight him.. I just don't want to die yet. I don't know, maybe we could have started a life together if I wasn't such an idiot! As I block another attack, Akumu pushes him away from me. He sees that I don't want this. And I have to admit that I made a mistake, but I can't turn back time. Frisk runs at me and as I jump over him he grabs my leg and slams me on the ground. 'Kumu.. I could really.. use your help here..' He flies at Frisk, grabs him and throws him down the hall. At least that gives me some time to stand up and run away, but what's the point of that? He will catch up and if I flee, he'll see me as a coward. I can hear him running down the hall. With Kumu turning into a giant fist I hit him at just the right time. Frisk slams against a wall, but he just stands up. 'Heh, now this is a fight..' He spits out blood. Oh no.. I don't want to kill him, I just want him to calm down. Maybe running is the better choice here. But I'm not going out of the underground. I don't want to be out there on my own. Frisk cuts me in the back and pushes me on the ground. 'aagh..' I can barely breathe. I can't keep this fight up much longer and Frisk won't stop until I'm dead. As he prepares to stab me through the soul, he gets distracted by the growling of zombies. I can hear him mumble something. 'Took too long..' He runs off, giving me a chance to escape. But if I leave him here now, I'm truly the villain that he believes I am. And yes, I was the villain, but it's not who I choose to be now. When I get to him and the zombies, he is close to being surrounded. Throwing my scythe with a nice effect kills all the zombies around him, but he isn't so happy to see that I'm still here. 'LEAVE ME ALONE!' Even tho he wants me to, if I leave, he will die. And I don't want that to happen. That would mean I would lose someone I actually care about, even though he doesn't care about me..

Frisk's POV:

What is the better thing to do here, kill Betty or save myself from these zombies? She doesn't seem as a threat at the moment, so I guess I'll deal with her later. For now I have to protect myself, and maybe Betty as well, from zombies. She seems to feel so guilty about all of this, but I know she is really good at pretending, so I'm not believing that she feels sorry about all of this, or at least, I won't believe it just yet. Akumu seems to comfort her a bit as well. For some reason she still has tears in her eyes. My anger would not make her cry, it would make her smile. A few zombies interrupt me in thinking about what's going on. After I cut through them, I look at Betty. 'We need to get out of here as soon as possible!' She slices through a few zombies and responds. 'Why would you want to escape with me? I ruined everything!' Oh.. so she is crying because I'm mad. I can't see if this is acting anymore or real emotions. 'Betty.. I.. ehm.. AFTER THIS YOU'LL STILL DIE!' That was not what I wanted to say. It's just my anger speaking those words, but seeing her tear up like this, I actually can't stay mad much longer. Now she actually thinks I hate her, but that isn't true. I hated her, but I see now that she is able to be a good person as well. And she did those things so long ago, when she still was the villain. So her thoughts on her previous actions might be completely different than what she thinks about them now. But now that she thinks I'm this mad, it's much easier for her to just abandon me. And if she does, I can understand. 'Frisk! Look out!' Three zombies push me to the ground and start nibbling on my limbs and scratching my body. I guess I'm nothing more than a snack now. The only thing that I can hope for now is that I bleed to death before they start to tear me apart, limb for limb. My vision starts to get blurrier and I can feel that my body is getting weaker. Guess this is my end, eaten alive. Everything fades to black..

Betty's POV:

'KUMU, GET HIM!' As if tearing up wasn't bad enough, now I'm just crying. Akumu flies a bit ahead of me and slams the zombies away who wanted to eat Frisk. But I won't let that happen. He did everything to protect his friends, so I'm protecting the only person I could ever call a friend, or maybe something more. After cutting some more zombies in half I pick Frisk up and run out of the core. They came from the restaurant, so I guess going more to the place where the barrier once was is a better escape plan. Even though I can't run as fast now, Akumu hits the zombies back that are coming a bit too close. As I take the elevator upstairs, a long grey hall is in front of me. There is no place to hide and I can already hear the zombies climbing up the elevator shaft. The best option here is to run as fast as I can. The horde is clearly visible as I look behind me, so I quickly continue. The house I entered looks a lot like the house in the ruins. It just doesn't have any colour in it, everything is just grey. I jump over the railing but a zombie grabs my foot. Frisk fell down the stairs and I can only hope he's ok, because I have my own problems now. Kicking the zombies doesn't work, they just stand up and attack me again. Cutting them in half seems like a better solution. Akumu closed the door after I killed the ones that came inside, so I guess I can continue. Frisk doesn't seem more hurt, they did most of the damage on him.. His body feels cold, I need to hurry before it's too late. Akumu is helping me carry him as well, we locked the zombies out, so we don't need to defend ourselves. As I continue, I see light shining through a corridor. It feels nice and warm and the pillars here seem like they did a good job holding this place together, but if I stay here, Frisk will die. The next room has some dead flowers and a broken throne. Is this how a king wanted to live? I wanted to rule the world and I would not accept this as my throne. The warmth of the sun reminds me of how much I missed this place. We are back on the surface.

Betty x Frisk: Glitchy ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now