Chapter three: Confusion

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Betty's POV:

To be honest, I wanted to kill him. He was too weak, it would be so easy! But for some reason, right before Akumu was going to stab him through the chest, I stopped him. Something in my head popped up. We are the only people left in this world, I can't take over a world where no one lives. It would be.. lonely. Frisk isn't the best companion but killing him, after the destruction at the world, would eventually drive me insane. As I pick Frisk up, Akumu looks at me, he seems confused. 'Kumu, I love you. But if only us two would be alive I wouldn't be ably to take it. We are technically the same person, so I would be talking to myself.' He nods. Does he just pretend to have different thoughts than me? Or have we been split apart for that long that he actually thinks differently than me? It doesn't matter. All that matters now is that I find a safe spot for us to hide in, or else the zombies will kill us. Jumping down from a building makes a lot of sound, so of course some already found us. Akumu already turns into a scythe, but I can't fight now, not with Frisk in my arms. The zombies are way slower than us, so we just walk away. It's weird, on the open streets you can get away from them so easily but if they corner you and you don't have magic, it's over. Maybe that's why only Frisk and me are alive? We both know how to use our magic in the most powerful way. As I think about that I hit a wall. Didn't see the turn there. 'ow..' Akumu looks worried, but I'm fine. I've been hit by much worse things than a wall. As I walk around the building, I notice it's a lot more intact than the other buildings. 'This will be our safe place Kumu.' The first thing I see when I enter the house is a fridge, some old food on a table and a nice comfy couch. Upstairs are two beds that can be shoved next to eachother, making it one bed. But we don't need that. My stomach rumbles as I put Frisk down on a bed. Maybe it's time to cook something for me.. or maybe for Frisk as well, who knows?

-An hour later-

Frisk's POV:

The last place I thought I would end up, was in a house. I have so many questions. Why didn't Betty kill me? Where am I? Is she still here? I hear plates being put on a table. I'm not alone, she actually is still here. Going downstairs seems like suicide, so I just stay in bed. Maybe Betty wanted to see me suffer, and killing me when I'm passed out wasn't enough for her. That's probably it. She wants to give me a slow and painful death. The stairs creek, she is coming upstairs. There is no place to hide here, maybe I can close the door. It would have been a good plan but as I stand up to quickly close it, Betty already grabs my arm. 'Listen..' Before she finishes her sentence I grab my sword and start swinging at her. She dodges but.. why isn't she fighting back? She continues. 'Like I said, listen... dinner is ready' Dinner.. she probably has put poison in it. She wouldn't just take care of me, she despises me, and I deslise her, so I guess we are even. Betty grabs my arm again and walks downstairs, taking me with her. 'You are so slow, the food is still warm now, or do you like your food cold?' She puts me on a chair and sits down herself. The food looks great but I just know she still wants to kill me. Betty looks at me, then starts eating and feeds Akumu as well. Looking at the food already makes me hungry so I just take a bite. It's delicious! But now I am about to die. 'Do you like it? I tried my best.' Betty asks whilst she is still eating her food. 'It's actually really good.. thanks.' My answer seems to cheer her up, but I still don't trust her. 'So, Betty, tell me. Why did you not kill me?'

Betty x Frisk: Glitchy ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now