Chapter eleven: Love?

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Frisk's POV:

A bright light shines onto me. The blanket keeps me warm and around my left arm and both of my legs are bandages. How did I not die? Is this purgatory? It has to be. There were so many zombies trying to eat me, and Betty didn't save me, or else she would be here next to me. I hope she actually escaped. Not that it matters that much, because the timeline will delete itself now that I'm dead, but glitching away is less harmful than getting eaten alive. I can know, I've expierienced both. The bed next to me looks like someone used it, and I can hear someone come up the stairs. As I pretend to be asleep, someone enters the room and puts something next to me. By the smell, I have to guess it's soup. The person starts to speak. 'Let's hope he will wake up soon Kumu, he barely made it here without dying.. I don't want to lose him..' So.. I'm not dead.. Betty saved me and she sounds really worried about me. The door closes and as I sit up, pain flows through my back. It feels like someone dropped me down the stairs. The soup Betty made for me is the best meal I had since the explosion. Outside I can see the sun shining, and there are no zombies around. They probably all went to the core after I broke the shield Gaster installed. For some reason that place is so special to them. They all wanted to go there, even the ones that were wandering around seemed like they were looking for something. The only zombie that didn't go there, is the giant one. His head is sticking out above the houses. As he growls he breaks some houses down. We are the ones he is looking for. With every rooftop that he knocks off, he looks inside. Guess he didn't have dinner or something. Just eat the houses. Freak.. After eating the rest of the soup, I carefully put the bowl down and look around. Betty isn't allowed to know that I'm awake, because I don't think I'm ready to talk to her yet. The bed next to me is messy, and the pillow is wet. Did she cry? My bag is next to her bed. She even carried that with her the whole time. There is blood on the foot end of the bed. Did she get bitten as well? Why did she take better care of me than herself? Only one way to find out. As I walk to the door I trip over a bump in the old carpet and fall to the ground with full force.

Betty's POV:

I'm out of breath. Had I not noticed his footsteps, he would have fallen on the floor. 'Frisk.. are you ok..?' He's confused, I can see it in his eyes. At least he isn't trying to kill me at the moment, so that's kinda nice. He replies as I lift him up. 'Betty, I don't know if I can forgive you for what happened, but killing you seems a bit cruel. Even though I was mean to you, you still saved me.. so that wouldn't be fair..' That means the only reason I'm alive, is because he feels like it's fair? No feelings, no love or even friendship.. I should have known. When I turn away, his hand lands on my shoulder and turns me back. 'But what's in the past is in the past. I did some bad things as well and I feel like I can't blame you for this either. At least we have eachother.' He hugs me tightly and tears roll down his face. 'T-thank you..' So maybe it is friendship. It's a better start than saying things is fair. But Frisk now just stares into my eyes. Did I do something wrong? He takes a step closer to me and every time I step back he just takes another. The wall blocks my oppertunity to go further away from him, but maybe.. it's fine.. maybe.. I like him.. but.. 'N-' Before I can get another word out, he kisses me on the lips. I clamp onto him, is this what love feels like? Even when he's hurt, he does not seem bothered by the fact that he is carrying me. Before I know it, the words I wanted to hear for a while now leave his mouth. 'I love you...' my shock makes me stutter way too much 'I-I-I l-love.. y-you.. t-' He interrupts me. 'This is not just all of the sudden. I pushed my love for you away with anger and thought it would work. But I'm wrong. Whatever you did then doesn't matter. It matters who you are now, and all I see now is a cute girl who actually cares about me..' Am I.. I'm blushing? B-but.. he's my enemy.. ugh I don't care anymore. The warmth of a hug from him just makes me so happy. We have some things to talk about, but we will get trough that. Frisk is smiling, he wants to pick me up and bring me downstairs but I won't let him, he is not heavy so I just lift him up and walk downstairs myself. 'Carrying me whilst you're hurt? I don't think so!'

Frisk's POV:

That she is able to carry me, proves that she is much stronger than I thought. Betty didn't even need help from Akumu this time. Maybe saying that I love her gave her some energy. Emotions are a hard thing to deal with, especially when you fall in love with your worst enemy. But I can relate to her actions. The genocide run that technically brought us to this point, is something I regretted so much. Killing everyone seemed so fun at first, but later I realised that it was a huge mistake. Betty probably feels the same right now. She is so nice to me, and it actually seems like it's her own choice. This isn't an evil spell anymore, this is a human who feels and cares about others. Not that there are nuch people left to care about. We might forever be stuck in this wasteland for all that I know, at least she is with me now. 'Are you going to eat or..?' A plate with a tosti lays on the table, I was too deep in my thoughts again. 'Y-yeah.. it looks really good!' And the taste is amazing as well. Where did a spell with a purpose to ensure that humans and monsters never live in peace learn to cook this good? She already ate her tosti and Akumu is nibbling on a piece as well. A long silence between me and Betty occurs and after a while, I ask the question we both want to know the answer to. 'What do we do now?' The look in her eyes already gives me the answer. Like she knows what to do. 'We can't leave this place, Frisk. The whole world is filled with zombies. There is not really a save place to go, the only thing we can do is make the best out of it.' I had the same answer, after destroying the reset button I couldn't save or load anymore, so we are stuck here forever until we die. At first that seemed like the worst idea ever, because both of us just tried to kill eachother every time we were close. Now it's somewhat better. Betty looks at me. 'There is one thing we could do.. to ensure that we won't die as quickly, and I know we can do it together!' She seems confident. 'Alright, what do you want to do?'

Betty's POV:

It's hard to explain. Sure we can do this together, but if we fail, we will both die. I don't care that much if I die, but Frisk is already hurt and I don't want to hurt him more. 'Actually.. nevermind' Let's hope he doesn't ask any more questions. 'No, speak up Betty, what's your plan?' Ehm.. I need to say this carefully. I do not want him to be mad at me. 'The apocalypse is.. my fault. But there is one thing we can do to make it a bit saver for us. The big zombie is looking for human meat and eventually he'll come to this house and find exactly that. I suggest that we kill him before he gets here and rips the house apart.' The look on his face tells me he's not quite sure about the plan. 'That zombie.. he is faster and way stronger than the others. If we make one wrong move, we could die. Eventually he will make his way to this house tho, so you're right. We have to fight back!' A smile appears on his face. Glad to see he likes this plan. He stands up and looks outside. 'When do we fight him?' Good question. At night he is harder to see and when it's noon he will see us easier. 'How about this evening? It's not too dark or too light.' Frisk doesn't say anything, he just nods. I sprint towards him and give him a big hug. 'Come ooon, it will be fun! The fight, the adventure! Show a bit more emotions!' A smirk appears on his face. 'Alright.' What is he going to- o-oh.. heh.. those emotions.. after a passionate kiss he puts me on the couch and sits next to me. 'We'll need a meal that will give us a lot of energy. Getting tired in the midst of a battle isn't a good thing.' As I giggle a bit I realise he's pointing out the time. Guess I better start cooking something before we indeed get hungry when we are fighting. 'It's not my fault you woke up so late.' A gentle laugh leaves his mouth. He's so cute, so time to give him a nice deserved dinner. 'Don't worry Frisk, i'll make the best meal ever!' I quickly get a response. 'I know, all your meals have been amazing so far!' We both laugh a little and now I have to keep my promise, so it's time to cook.

???'s POV:

Timeline 3? I thought there were only two altered timelines? And the first one got deleted. This one seems more corrupted, not that anything is wrong in the code, but the villain and hero are dating, and that doesn't happen normally. Although this is new to me, I think they could be of good use to me. But I guess we'll have to see if they win that fight and afterwards, they can help with winning ours.

Betty x Frisk: Glitchy ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now