Chapter six: On our way

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Frisk's POV:

At this point, Betty probably realised that I am gone. I could hear someone yell my name and I'm pretty sure the zombies don't know how to talk. The core is so far away from here. First I need to get back to MT. Ebott, and that is on the other side of town. Betty brought me further away from my destination, but I don't think she did that on purpose. She never heard the core alarm, so I don't think she knows what caused the explosion. Asriel and I knew what the core alarm was because Gaster had a sound tape that was not as loud as the original, but it sounded the same. When the alarm went off, no one probably knew what to do. You can hear Gaster talking tho. When the alarm goes off a voice clip of him starts playing as well. He doesn't say what is happening, but he does tell everyone to stay in their homes and hide until the alarm stops. I never taught of it until now, but maybe we weren't the only people to survive the blast. But even if that's true, a lot of humans got eaten by zombies, so we probably are alone now. In some way I feel bad for Betty, she actually seemed like she wanted us to work together and I just run off. I wonder what she is doing now?

Betty's POV:

'KUMU GRAB THE FOOD AND PROTECT IT, WE ARE GOING AFTER HIM!' I don't care if the zombies can hear me, I'm not letting him go out there alone. It's dangerous! He could die! Not that I care that much, but if he dies, I won't survive much longer out here either. The streets are empty, jumping out of the window didn't attract anyone so I guess I'm save. At least it isn't hard to figure out where Frisk went, he probably went to the core.. Running after him to stop him before he gets there is not a good idea. We would probably fight it out and I feel like that isn't the solution to our problems here. So I just walk to the core on my own pace. I'm pretty sure I didn't leave a clue behind that I caused the explosion, so he can't blame me for it. Kumu gives me a light tap on the shoulder and when I turn around, a gigantic zombie stares at me. 'Okay, now it's time to RUN!' As we try to escape this creature, I can hear him slamming his fist onto the ground, and those sounds are getting closer every time. He is trying to crush me! To my right is an alley and when I run in, that thing doesn't notice it and walks further. 'That was close Kumu..' Hugging him is the only bit of comfort I'm getting in this cruel world. Frisk wouldn't want to hug me, he hates me. But I'm still going after him. He needs someone to watch his back on his way to the core..

Frisk's POV:

The loud rumbles coming from the ground feel like an earthquake, but I'm not going back to find out what is making those sounds. Priorities first, and my priority is to find out what happened to the core. I notice my old home as I walk around.. Is it smart to go in? Probably not.. but that doesn't stop me from doing it. The living room seems completely fine. Gaster put a shield in the walls so I guess it was able to stop the impact, but not the weird radiation.. As I go up I realise that it isn't that long since I've been here. It's the house that I woke up in. I was ok.. but what about the others?! 'Asriel?! Mom?! Anyone?!' No one replies. Tears fill my eyes and it gets even worse, the group picture of us is unharmed, but the memories hurt me so much.. I take the picture out of the frame and take it with me. The closet is right in front of me. The pillows and blankets that Asriel used to protect me are still laying there. I miss him so much.. Leaving the room is better for now, before I start to cry and give the zombies a notification that their food is in this house. Suddenly I can see where the bonking came from. A giant one walks past the house, he could seriously just pick me up and eat me if he wanted to. After he passed the house, I step outside and silently follow him. Not because he is leading me to the core, but if he sees me it's game over. He turns to the right so I can quickly continue my quest to get to the core, I am almost at MT. Ebott so it won't take long.

Betty's POV:

Alright, now is the time to make a move. The giant zombie is gone and even if he wasn't, I have a huge advantage by climbing on the roof again. The sun is coming up. It looks beautiful. Even scary nights like these have a nice end. Even thought the sun doesn't kill the zombies, they are way better to see so they can't land a suprise attack on you. I hope Frisk didn't get hurt by any one of them.. if he was, I WOULD KILL THE ONE! Alright maybe that is a little extreme. Akumu is looking at me like I did something wrong. 'What? I just like to kill those freaks.' He doesn't believe me does he? Oh well, we will discuss that later. We don't have much time to talk anyway if I want to keep up with Frisk. Running and talking at the same time is hard work and I don't want to be out of breath before I get there. You have to be alert for zombies when you are out in the open and I can't be when I'm tired. Even though I am on the roof, those thinvs learn fast. Frisk and I both jumped up to get on a roof multiple times, and it won't take long until they can do that as well. Which makes this so creepy. If we show too much of our tactics, they know what we will do, and then the only thing we can defend ourselves with is magic. And if a gigantic horde finds us, that is not enough. But I don't have to worry about that now. The zombies can't get close to MT. Ebott or they'll die for some reason, and that mountain is right in front of me.

Betty x Frisk: Glitchy ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now