Chapter seven: Underground

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Frisk's POV:

Climbing MT. Ebott reminds me off the first time I fell down here. The nice views from the city, the nature, and the fact that I tripped over the same branch and fell flat on my face again. No one is here of course, everyone left to the surface a long time ago and zombies can't get in here. Even the flowerbed is dead.. with no one left to keep the place clean, the ruins are just falling apart. The puzzles don't work anymore either, so with every puzzle I see, I jump over the spikes. Don't know why I didn't do that the first time, I just liked to see Toriel happy. Now with the next puzzle jumping over spikes isn't a solution. It's swimming or remembering the path and I rather not take the risk of dying now. All my clothes are completely wet, but at least I'm alive. After jumping over some more spikes I finally reach the end of the ruins. But first I need to go through Toriel her home.. these memories are going to hurt. The place is wrecked and it's hard to enter because of the rubble. I decided to not look around and go straight down to the end of the ruins but even here.. she tried to protect me.. 'I'm so sorry mom..' Tears roll down my face again but this time, I can yell and scream as loudly as I can.. 'I'M SO SORRY!' My tears are starting to form a little puddle on the ground, and as I look at it I realise I can't stop now. I will find out what happened. The door opens, the hall that goes to the end of the ruins is still so dark but before I know it, the white glow of the snow shines in my face.

Betty's POV:

From a distance I can see Frisk fall in, it looked kinda dumb, but I think he's okay. If we would have walked together I would have laughed tho. But I have to give him a head start, or else he'll know I'm following him and he would probably get really angry at me. Even though he tripped, he probably knows how to get through the ruins a lot better than I do, so I suspect he is far enough ahead of me. The flowerbed gives me a nice and soft landing. This place looks like a total wreck. Was it always like this? At least it looks a bit nicer in here than the streets on the surface. The path leads me to a puzzle. Why didn't Frisk activate it? Now I have to solve it! The buttons don't seem to work so I just do the next thing that comes to mind, and these spikes can be cut in half way too easily. I'm not by the other traps anymore because I can just break the rules and move on. Except with this one, there are too many spikes to cut and I'm not going for a swim. 'Kumu, help me out here!' His ideas are already different than mine, because he turns me into a slingshot and shoots me over the spikes. 'OW! A bridge would have been fine you know?!' Now he's sad, great. After a nice hug he cheered up, so we can continue now. The last spikes are slashed into half and all I can see is a home, covered in rubble. Let's hope Frisk could take the pain. He has already been here before so a lot of memories lay down in the underground for him. As I walk down the stairs I trip and fall flat on my face. At least now I'm sure Frisk is way up ahead, because no one is in these halls, except for a puddle. Are these tears? Did he cry? The thought makes me walk faster, and after a long hall I can hear that I am stepping in snow.

Frisk's POV:

The forest is so calm, the snow feels nice under my feet. But even this place isn't the same anymore, trees have fallen and lost their leaves, and the bridge Papyrus build fell apart as well. To get to the other side I grab the girder and swing over there. Now I need to take wooden splinters out of my hand, great. It hurts, but I don't want to yell. My throat already hurts too much. Sans his ketchup stand is broken as well, so I just walk past. Most of Papyrus his puzzles are solved so those aren't obstacles either. After a long walk I can see a sign that I love so much, I get the snow off to be able to read it fully. 'Snowdin..' even this sign has lost colour. All the lights are out, and the Christmas tree in the middle fell down. It isn't a smart idea, but I want to see what's left of Papyrus and Sans their home.. The place seems ok apart from a few holes in the wall and cracks in the floor. Sans his room is still locked so I enter Papyrus's. His action figures all tumbled over. I grab a few of them as a memory of him and go on my way. The last path to waterfall reminds me so much of my battle with Papyrus.. He couldn't kill me. He didn't want to.. he didn't deserve to die like this.. I stand still for a minute and then go to waterfall.

Betty's POV:

Snow? How does it snow underground? I hate snow! It always goes in my shoes and it's cold. Even Akumu is freezing! 'Kumu, let's get out of here as soon as possible.' After saying that he lifts me up and drags me across what seems to be a broken bridge. That was easy. Even tho I don't like it I carefully walk through the snow. It isn't high enough to get in my shoes so it's fine for now. There is a weird icy path in front of me and as I'm trying to walk over it I slip and fall on my back. Akumu quickly lifts me back up again and gets me off the ice. There are puzzles up ahead. 'Not again..' But these are solved, so I'm just able to walk past them. A sign stands there after a long bridge. 'Snow-din.. Snowed in? The snow isn't that high!' Frisk talked so positive about this place, but it just looks sad and boring to me. The floor is nothing but snow, all the lights are out and the houses are damaged. Frisk his footsteps are still in the snow, so I am probably getting close to him now. If he finds out that I'm following him, I don't care. I just want him to be save. A long path of snow awaits me but I can see the ground again and I hear a waterfall running. 'Come on Kumu, let's leave this cold place!' With a big smile I walk over the snowy path and leave "Snowed In".

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