Finale: One last battle

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Frisk's POV:

As I pack my bag, I can see everything that I collected out of the underground. The letter from Undyne, the glasses from Alphys and Papyrus his action figures. I'm doing this for them, for them and every single human and monster that ever walked on the surface. They could have lived a better live, but now I'll avenge them. A sweet smell enters my nose, which is odd. Even tho this is one of the most clean houses we could find, they all still smell gross. After I close my bag I go downstairs, and see where the smell is coming from. Betty made a buffet. There is food everywhere on the table. I guess we'll need it. 'When I said that we needed to eat well, I didn't have this much in mind.' She only realises that I'm joking after I laugh a bit. Only then a smile appears on her face. Maybe being mad at her for cooking for me would be stupid, but I want her to take it easy as well. Not that I can do anything about it. The food is already standing on the table and it looks delicious. Betty sits down and looks at me. 'I can't begin if you arent sitting, that's impolite!' She grabs my arm and pulls me down. 'There!' I have choice to pick from five different meals, so first I take a bit of each. Now my plate is filled with salad, chicken, bread and steak. The bowl next to me is already filled with soup. What I did not expect was that I was able to eat the entire plate. Betty seems happy about it. 'Glad you enjoyed it so much.' Her plate is empty as well, but she got help from Akumu. Does he even get hungry or did we just waste food on him? I pick up my plate and place it on the counter, and I hear someone laughing from behind me. 'Why are you-' She interrupts me. 'It's not like we are getting back here, we'll probably find another house and live there. No need to clean the dishes.' Of course, we are about to fight a giant zombie but we are still very lazy when it comes to things that aren't important. Betty already ran upstairs to grab her stuff as I open the door and look outside. That thing is still crushing every building it sees. 'Okay Frisk I'm ready..' How did she pack up so fast?! She scared me! 'Heh.. alright.' Before we go I give her a kiss. If we don't survive it, we at least have nice memories of eachother. The best way to go is trough the alleys. The giant zombie can't see or reach us there and we need to get up close to land a first attack, afterwards it's just dodging, blocking and attacking at the right time. A finger appears in my view. 'There he is-' Betty points at our target. 'Alright.. time to finish this.'

Betty's POV:

We made one decision. I attack first because I can get away earlier.. slowly but surely I step to him and cut him in his ankle. The zombie screams, turns around and slams his fist at the ground. Luckily Akumu already dragged me away and Frisk is running up his arm. 'Come on.. I believe in you..' He slashes and hits the zombie in his chest and stuck the landing. Now he needs to run as well or else he'll die. Akumu already floats back to the giant and drops me on his head, but the zombie grabs me and throws me at a house. Two hands pull me down and I land in Frisk his arms. 'We won't be defeated so easily!' He puts me down and runs behind the giant, making him turn around. Now it's my turn! Never have I jumped this high, but I'm able to slash his back with my scythe. He wobbles and almost falls, but then he grabs two buildings and lifts himself up. 'We almost had him!' Yelling wasn't smart, he immediately knows where I am and shakes me off. Frisk seems ready to attack again. 'Betty, boost me up!' He runs at me and as he comes close, Akumu bounces him up. After he stabs the zombie in the leg, he just hangs there. 'What are you doing?! Get down from there!' Of course he is too stubborn and climbs up. You can hear that giant freak scream every time Frisk goes a bit higher. Where is he going for? I should probably help. Akumu gives me a boost and flies after me, then turns into my scythe. Now I'm hanging on the body of an undead creature as well. 'Frisk, what are you doing?' The look in his eyes give me a creepy vibe. 'Betty, go down, I'm going for the heart.' Okay so he went insane, that is impossible to do alone. 'I can help, and I will!' His hand grabs mine and pulls me up. 'Fine, but stay near me then..' It's scary to crawl to someone his back if you are up so high, but I managed to do it. Frisk hops over the zombie his shoulder and crawls to his heart. That thing doesn't notice. 'Ready?' As I nod Frisk grabs his sword, and I prepare to attack. We both stab the giant at exactly the same time, but his reaction is weird. He stands still and doesn't even react. 'Betty, we have to get down, he is going to fade away..' Before I can react Frisk grabs me and slides down. How does he react so fast? I don't even have a clue what's going on and he is already focused on escaping. After a jump down we both look at the zombie. 'Why is it not fading?' Frisk is just as confused as me. 'I don't know.. is it even dead?' The zombie starts to glitch and dissapears. That's not what's supposed to happen. A voice can be heard from behind us.

Cross Chara POV:

'Sorry, wasn't that the ending you expected? Good. As soon as I looked at your weird timeline I wanted to puke. But eh, your choice to date eachother I guess.' To be honest, I wanted to make them fight longer, but I can already see that they could help me. They don't show fear and fight like it's their job. 'So, here is the deal. I can take you both away from he-' People never let me finish, I already get interrupted by Betty. 'Really? That would be amazing!' I can't help but grin. 'But you'll have to help me. I have some enemies in my own universe, and you two would be great for my team. I'll let you come with me, but you'll have to fight along my side.' Frisk seems sceptical. 'We don't even know who you are. And I've fought enough for a while!' How rude of me, forgot to introduce myself. 'My name is Chara. Cross Chara to exact but that's too long to say every time, and if you don't want to come with me, have fun rotting in this garbage you call home.' A soft voice reaches my ear. 'Please.. take us with you Chara. We'll lend us all our help you need.' That's the answer I wanted to hear, with Betty on my side, the chance that I win gets so much bigger. My observations showed all her tricks, and they are truly amazing. But I need Frisk as well. His reaction time and counters are so useful. The expression he gives me also give me his answer. Doesn't seem like he is willing to go, and what he says to me proves that I'm right. 'You'll just treat us like slaves, at least we can rest in this world.' That's actually a really dark thought. Sure, I attacked others and took their world, but it was all for a good goal. If we win this, they can live in that world as well, but of course I can't just have a nice day where everyone agrees and joins me without asking any questions. Maybe he needs a little push. 'Alright. If you aren't coming with me, I'll erase your world. If you come with me, you can live in our world, or in this one, whatever you prefer. What do you say?' A frown appears on his face. Did I piss the kid off? Too bad! 'YOU ARE FORCING ME!' My reaction time is good as well because as he tries to cut through me, I quickly jump away. As I prepare for another attack, Betty stops him. 'Frisk.. if we help him.. we can live in peace afterwards.. together..' She leans onto him and it disgusts me, but I'm not stopping her. If she is able to calm him down like this, so be it. 'Fine.. take us to your universe..' Very well. 'Nightmare! Teleport us back!' Both their faces turn pale. Betty wants to say something. 'Who is nightm-' We are already teleported before she can finish and so we arrive where I left off. Underfell.

Frisk's POV:

This looks like Snowdin but it's.. different. Everything is red and it seems like no one wants to be here. Betty seems scared as well, so I quickly wrap my arm around her. That makes her smile a bit. Why did I actually agree to this? I could have killed him, but Betty stopped me. Does she know him or does she want the best for me? I thought we didn't have to fight anymore but I was wrong. This time we don't even know who our enemy is. Even tho it looks different, it's nice to walk around in Snowdin without zombies running around. Now me and Betty have time to hug.. or stuff like that. Maybe it isn't that bad. If we actually get to rest in his universe, it's worth a fight. And there are three of us, so we probably have an advantage.

Betty's POV:

This place looks kinda scary.. and that's weird coming from me. But at least it's a bit better then our world. There everything was on fire, broken and empty. At least here the buildings are ok and there are still people. Is this their universe? I don't think I could live here. Waking up and fighting your neighbours isn't a thing I want to do every day and they seem to argue a lot here. We aren't even moving. Chara just looks around like he is waiting for someone. Is it that Nightmare guy? What if he's scarier than I was? His name already screams fear, and that is not a good sign. Some sort of Sans appears in front of Chara. 'Alright Nightmare, see these two? They will help us so don't worry about them ok?' Even tho Chara is working together with him, he scares me. There are tentacles coming out of his back and his entire body seems to be made of some sort of black slime. Frisk already pulls me back a bit. 'Stay with me..' As I lay my head on his chest, I can hear Nightmare talking. 'Come on, those two aren't going to get us anywhere. They'll just run off whenever they get the chance. Why did you recruit them?!' Chara doesn't move and stays calm. But he is scared of him, I can feel it. 'These are the only two people who wanted to help, and you haven't seen them in battle, so shut your mouth!' Nightmare seems annoyed. 'You just made a huge mistake..' He grabs Chara and throws him out of the way. He doesn't move and Nightmare slowly walks towards me and Frisk. 'Don't talk to me like that.. as for you.. time to see how tough you really are!' The last thing I see are tentacles shooting at us with a insane laugh in the background. I guess this is the end of our new adventure already..

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Betty x Frisk: Glitchy ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now