Chapter eight: Getting warmer

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Frisk's POV:

Waterfall has always been calming to me. The sound of the flowing water, the echo flowers, whispering nice things to me. Even the puzzles calmed me down. But now that feeling is gone. The ground became muddy and the water is darker than before. After a few rooms I come across one of Sans his jokes. The telescope with the ink on it. Not that I liked this joke a lot but it's still sad too see that it fell over and broke into little pieces. As I continue to the next path I can see that the echo flowers have died. Some of them said such nice things to me but some just yelled or laughed at me. The entire place is so empty now, those flowers made it feel a bit more alive. I reached the path where Onionsan talked to me. He wanted to leave the underground so badly. Hopefully he found his way out before the explosion. Rain starts to fall on my head as I continue a bit further. It feels nice and it reminds me of the first time in Waterfall. I did not want to make anyone mad at me so I never grabbed an umbrella. That made Monster kid sad, because he didn't want to walk in the rain. But for some reason he still walked with me. At the end of the path there is a hill where normally Monster kid would help me up. Guess it's a good thing that I learned to jump high enough to just get on the hill. I don't know what I liked better, walking this part with avoiding Undyne her spears or walk through it in complete silence, hoping that the planks don't break. Normally at the end here Undyne would cut the bridge, making me fall. But she isn't here anymore, so I have to jump down. The garbage dump is empty. Maybe people wanted to grab everything they could so make their chance of survival higher. Mad dummy is still here, but as I poke him, I get no response. I guess the explosion scared him out of there. 'Not so strong now huh?' Am I talking to a dummy again? Yes.. Undyne her house is still burned down and Napstablook his house is empty, so I can't get a nice little reminder here. Good memories.. but I get why Papyrus couldn't prepare good food. As I continue I get to the puzzle room from where I can get to Temmie Village, but I'm not going there. The place already seemed a bit wrecked from a distance. After crossing a bridge, I get to the place where Undyne would normally fight me and chase me down but now I can just walk over it without stressing out over her trying to kill me. The sign with the lights doesn't work but I am finally in Hotland!

Betty's POV:

I thought the snow was bad, but the mud here sticks to my shoes and I don't like it. Why did Frisk like it here. He said it was calming but I just see dead flowers, gross water and the mud is seriously ruining my shoes. But I don't have time to be scared of a little dirt. I just want to keep up with Frisk so that if he is hurt I can help him. And for some reason it can also rain here, but I guess luck is on my side because someone left an entire bucket with umbrellas in it. Akumu grabbed one for me and he keeps it above my head until we reach a hill. He dropped the umbrella and lifts me up so that we can continue. I walk over a road of planks until we can't go any further. 'Looks like we will have to jump down Kumu.' He disagrees with me and slowly brings me down. 'Thank you!' I'm glad he did that because I don't want to have my face in this gross water. As I contimue I cam see a house burned down but I don't really care so I just walk further. This path feels calming tho. The grass and mushrooms still give a nice feeling, but I have no time to waste and run through it. The rest of this place seems empty, apart from a huge mountain that you can go under. As I look in the distance I can see I'm reaching a new area and as I approach it a wave of heat blows in my face.

Frisk's POV:

As soon as I see it I run into Alphys her lab. It isn't broken and maybe this place has a memory of Undyne as well. The first thing I grab is a pair of glasses from Alphys. I don't know why she took them off, they seem fine. At least I have a reminder of her. It was amazing, she upgraded my phone, guided me through Hotland, knew everything about Mew Mew Kissie Cutie and spammed the internet full with her knowledge. Okay maybe that last part was a bit annoying, but she tried her best to help me. And of course she has something of Undyne here as well. The letter I delivered. I know it's rude to take it with me but I want at least one item to remind me of Undyne. The hole that Mettaton created is still there, I guess Alphys was too busy with anime to fix it. As I leave the lab I realise most of the puzzles probably don't work. Which is okay and also not okay. Those lasers hurt but I have to jump over a lot of lava if the vents stopped working. It turns out I was right. Everything here is turned off, meaning that the doors are open, the lasers are off and that I have to jump a lot. The place where Mettaton gave his cooking show is not broken, but the set just lost it's colours. As I continue I can see the core in the distance, meaning that my journey is almost over. After jumping over some more lava, looking through the place where Mettaton wanted to blow me up and finding out the right floor to get to I the elevator to where I fought Muffet. Sadly I can't find any fun reminders for her, because I'm not taking this sticky web with me. The room where Mettaton turned into a sad princess for some reason still has the posters on the walls, so that's a reminder of him for me. I carefully take off the poster and put it in my bag. A bit further is the MTT hotel. Even tho the lights are off I get filled with joy. I'm just a few minutes away from the core.

Betty's POV:

Okay, how do you go from such a nice calming place to a pool of deadly lava?! At least in this lab it feels colder than outside but I can't stay here for long. As I look in the shelves I see a lot of something called Anime, but I'm not going to watch them. I walk outside and almost fall of the ledge, but Akumu saved me just in time. This place seemed dangerous. Who would put lasers around their house? And why would someone take the risk to get launched by vents? Luckily Akumu doesn't mind dragging around or else my legs would have hurt so much after this. For some reason there is a cooking set here in the middle of nowhere. The ingredients that are laying on the counter are expired, which shouldn't suprise me, but these products were expired before the explosion. Someone just poisoned their audience. The next path gives a nice few of the core. I wonder how far Frisk is now. He can't be too far ahead. After few more rooms with not working vents I get to a elevator. I don't really know which floor I need to get to so I can reach the core, but pressing every button and getting out at the highest floor seems like a good tactic to me. This next room is sticky and I do not like it. Spiders apperantly like the heat because everywhere I look are webs. As I leave the room, a romantic stage from some sort of theatre is in front of me. This place has it all, doesn't it? Laboratories, cooking shows, romantic shows and now a restaurant. A red glow appears to be inside. Is thst Frisk?

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