Chapter nine: The core

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Frisk's POV:

The nice warm feeling of Hotland gets replaced by a cold feeling of the abandoned hotel. At least there are still some burgers in the freezer. Even tho there is a power outage, the freezer still works. Maybe Alphys made it run on some sort of energy that never ends. The dinner area is the most abandoned place of the entire hotel. The tables are broken, and so are the chairs. The plants are dead as well. When I had my first conversation with Sans here, it was so nice and peaceful. He told me about Toriel, but I guess he didn't know who she was back then. I can remember him telling me he did a "great job" protecting me, but he knew I already died like fifteen times at that point, and I still needed to fight Mettaton, Asgore and Omega Flowey. Poor Asriel. Does he remember how many times killed me? I kept coming back, I had to stay determined to save everyone. I never killed him and after he told me I could save everyone, I did. Dating Papyrus was so weird but fun at the same time. Cooking with Undyne was scary, but even after her house burned down, she saw that I had no intentions to hurt her and because of that she didn't hurt me back. The date with Alphys was so akward.. but at least I got te see her and Undyne confess to eachother. I learned about Alphys her mistakes in the true lab, but I know she only wanted to help. And at the end I didn't have to fight Asgore anymore. Toriel stopped us before we could start. Everyone was so happy and after that, I was able to save Asriel as well.. that was the first time I went through the underground. But I wanted something new. I stopped Chara from killing Sans, she came back after that. But because of that one moment I got to live in the timeline with Gaster and Asriel. But now, they are all gone. My thoughts get disturbed by a girl yelling. 'Frisk! Wait up!' Did Betty follow me?

Betty's POV:

Finally, I caught up with him. But my next action isn't something I wanted to do. As I trip over a rock I fall in Frisk his arms. 'H-Hey..' That was embarrassing. He doesn't seem to care. As I look around he asks me a question. 'Betty, why did you follow me? Are you trying to hide something or are you worried about me?' How do I answer that? Both are correct but if I say I'm hiding something from him he will know I messed with the core, but if I say I was worried he'll think I'm a weirdo. 'Ehm.. I was..' Think Betty, think! 'I was kinda worried about you, so I wanted to see if you didn't get hurt or something.' As I wait for an answer he hugs me! Like.. not that I don't want that, but I didn't expect it. 'Thank you, even tho we have been enemies for so long, I finally have someone I can trust. He smiles. Uh oh, if he finds out about the core now, I'm screwed. Not only does he know that I did it then, but it will completely destroy his trust in me! 'Ehm.. Frisk. Can we go back please? I know you want to figure out what happened but if the core caused the explosion, it could be really dangerous in there. What if you fall down? I will never see you again then!' Maybe that could change his mind about going to the core. He looks at me without saying something for a while, then he answers me. 'If I die, so be it. The timeline is doomed anyway. You don't have to come with me.' That didn't work. But if he goes, I'm going with him. 'Kumu, let's go.' He nods happily and goes with me as I go to the core.

Frisk's POV:

Even tho I did not expect it, I'm happy that Betty is going with me. Otherwise it would be so lonely. I quickly run to her so that she doesn't get too far ahead. She was right, the core is broken down, there are holes in the floor and if you fall in them, the void awaits you. Betty gets dragged over them by Akumu, but I guess i'll have to do this myself. As I take a big leap I realise I jumped a bit too early. I guess this is it for me, all this work for nothing. But Betty saw that I was about to fall as well, because she grabbed my arm and lifted me up. 'What did I say about this place being dangerous?' Her face actually turned pale. I knew we could finally get along but I didn't know she cared this much about me. 'Thanks.. you were right.' She looks at the floor. 'You could have died, please don't let that happen..' I guess I could time my jumps better now. Not that there are many dangers ahead of me, the rest of the holes are just little gaps that only my sword could fall through. Our only danger now is that we could get lost. The core already had a lot of paths but now that it's broken down, its really hard to find out where you are. Betty is leading the way now, but I don't think she know where we are either. She is just looking which path is the least broken and goes over there. I hope we can still get to the control room. If we get there, I could look at the camera footage.

Betty's POV:

I hope Frisk doesn't notice, but I know exactly where I'm going. The control room is a few blocks ahead and the only way to get there is by taking the right path. So when we are there, I need to take the left path. That way Frisk can't see what happened. When we entered the core I should have noticed that there were cameras on the walls. So I'm not save, Frisk could find out that I caused the explosion with a few clicks if we get to the control room. I had luck with choosing the paths, all of them weren't a big threat. So he probably thinks I keep choosing the saver ones. But of course, my luck ended. We are at the three paths and the right one leads us to the control room. The left and middle one are almost impossible to pass. I guess this is karma. Before I know it Frisk runs to the control room. 'Betty, I found it!' This is bad. As I enter the room Frisk is already browsing through the camera files. 'Frisk, wait..' He keeps searching. 'There is no time to waste. Now I can finally know what caused all of this mess.' I don't think I can stop him, it's too late. If I try to stop him at this point he will know that I am hiding something but if I don't, he will see what happened on the camera footage. I can't hide the truth from him anymore. He reached the camera files of a few days ago, from a few hours before the explosion. As he looks at it I can slowly see his hand form a fist. 'YOU DID IT?!'

Betty x Frisk: Glitchy ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now