Chapter five: Intruders

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Frisk's POV:

Can I call this a dream, or was it just a nightmare? Asriel knew something was going horrible wrong and one of the last things he did was protect me. The thought haunts me. All of my friends are gone and now it's just me and Betty. Getting out of bed isn't the hardest thing to do, it's walking downstairs without waking her up. Trying to escape the house seems kinda dumb. I can already hear the zombies growling outside. Good thing they don't know that we are here, the door probably can't stop them from coming in here. Whilst I'm thinking I realise they can clearly see me through the window. I can already hear bonking on the door and after a few hard hits, the door opens. A few zombies to fight is something I could do with my fists, but this is a whole horde. After grabbing my sword I slashed into some of them but it's just too many. They push me to the ground but before they can eat me, a pink scythe slices a few heads of. 'Betty?!'

Betty's POV:

'We should probably buy curtains!' Odd that I can get a joke out of this. Fighting zombies to protect my enemy isn't something that was on my to do list when I first talked and made plans with Jessica. 'Kumu, find something to block the door!' They just keep coming, and I can't fight forever, so asking Akumu to block the door seems like the best option here. He flies off whilst I continue to kill some of those freaks. Frisk seems fine, if he wasn't he didn't stand up and start fighting again. Maybe I can encourage him that we might win. 'Hey, we make a pretty good team!' That seemed to cheer him up, that even us two are able to achieve something without killing eachother. A few of his attacks start to do more damage, so the zombies perish quicker. The scary thing about that tho, is that it seems like the explosion gave everyone a monster soul or something, because every time one of them dies, their body fades away. I wonder if Frisk noticed it. It seems like it, after every kill he makes he freezes and looks at the dissapearing body. The fact that I'm thinking too long results in me being surrounded. Frisk apperantly saw that as well, because he kills half of them in one powerful attack and I'm able to kill the other half myself. A pink blob flows above me with a giant closet. 'Great job Kumu!' He drops it in front of the door, and that is enough to stop the zombies.

Frisk POV:

Well, I'm glad that is over. We should look out better next time. Even though I made the mistake to stand near a window, it's a mistake Betty could make as well, and then she will get hurt. This fight made one thing very clear, we can't beat a horde of zombies by ourselves.. 'We need eachother..' Saying that out loud felt weird, but Betty nods and falls down on the couch. She probably got woken up by me again, she seems so tired. It's early in the morning so I guess it's normal. After the core explosion I have had trouble sleeping though, so I learned how to deal with 3 hours of sleep every day and now I feel fine. A creek can be heard from upstairs. Did a zombie pass us and go to bed or something? I guess so because in our room there is a zombie laying there and his body isn't fading. He's not dead, he is sleeping.. softly my sword goes through his body. Stabbing him with full force would damage the bed. His body fades away. I still don't get how that happened or if I'm just seeying things, but why do I see a white soul cracking every time I kill one of them? They are undead, so I assume they shouldn't have a soul at all. There is one way to find out, and that is by getting to the core. I don't care if Betty wants to go there with me, if she doesn't, I'm going there by myself!

Betty's POV:

As I open my eyes, I see that Frisk left the room. Akumu is floating around my head and lays down on my lap. 'Cute little ball that you are..' I'm talking as soft as possible, Frisk probably still thinks I am asleep. We finally trust eachother a bit and I want to keep it like that. So with every little thing that could break his trust I'm making sure he doesn't find out. Not that I am doing anything bad right now, I just want to sit on the couch and relax. Even with us trusting eachother, the atmosphere when he is next to me isn't that great, so if he was here with me it would ruin my moment. Loud bonks come from upstairs, I can hear someone their body fading. Did a zombie make it upstairs? Frisk can handle one but seeying a body fade might remind him of the explosion that caused all this and knowing him, he wants to find out what happened. If he gets to the core he will find out I caused the explosion, so I quickly run upstairs to stop him from leaving. 'D-did he just jump out the window?!' I look at Akumu and run to the window Frisk jumped out of. 'Frisk! Come back!'

Betty x Frisk: Glitchy ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now