Chapter 11

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Jordan was setting up the Twitch when they got back. It had a weird purple symbol of a speech bubble that looked like eyes on it.

"We need to be ready for three, so you guys'd better have lunch." He told us. Cywren checked her pip boy, the only thing that she was allowed to keep since Jordan knew she wouldn't part with it. It was half two, and they'd been out for nearly three hours, hardly buying anything.

Bethany saw her looking, "It takes a long time." She said.

Cywren nodded, "I can get a sandwich for everyone if you like."

"I'll help." Isaac offered.

They walked to the kitchen together. It was strange how quickly Cywren was taken for granted, like she'd always been there. She knew that she'd be just as quickly forgotten as well.

"You know, Jordan and I were thinking..." Isaac said as he took the ham out of the fridge, "D'ya want to be in the livestream?"

Cywren carried on buttering bread for a second before realising what he said, "What?! Really?"

"Sure." He said, "We can call you something else like... I don't know, Jane. Then you can just play with us. No one's heard your voice before, so they won't guess that way, and the webcam'll just be on Jordan."

Cywren smiled, "Thanks! Though I don't know about Jane..."

Isaac put the last piece of ham on the last piece of bread, "We can think of something! It'll be awesome!"

Cywren nodded again, "Funny. A video game playing a video game with people watching the video game."

"You got that right."

They brought the sandwiches into where the computer was and gave them out. Jordan seemed to have told Bethany and Cierra about Cywren playing, since the first thing they said to Isaac was, "Did you tell her?"

To which Cywren replied, "I'm still here you know! But yeah, he asked me."

"Are you gonna?" Cierra asked.

"I suppose, so long as I get a better name than 'Jane'."

"Well, obviously. Who suggested that name...?"

Isaac grinned and Cierra gave him a really? look.

"Well, now we have, like 15 minutes, I think we should all get to our computers!" Jordan said, "Cywren, decide who you wanna be. Just tell us in advance. Cierra will help set up your computer."

Cierra nodded and brought her up to the computer she'd used last time.

"No one, before I came here had to set up a computer for me." Cywren said.

"Well... Those computers in Fallout are very much different to ours."

"Yeah... They took down the internet ten years before I was born. They said it would make computers easier to use. They only made them easier to hack. Without the internet, you don't have to make precautions to make it undetectable."

Cierra shrugged, "I suppose that makes sense. Here you go."

She had loaded up Gmod*. The map was the same Lego city one she'd been on last time she'd played. Her player model was a Lego figure. She could see VenturianTale, BethanyFrye and HomelessGoomba in the map as well. VenturianTale being the only normal one that wasn't made of Lego.

"What's your name gonna be? Just so I can tell the others." Cierra asked.

"Umm... I don't know... I'll decide in a minute."

"Well you have to decide in 6 minutes maximum!"

"I know... Thanks, Cierra."

"No problem."


Hey guys, Naomi here!

Cue the asterisk!

*(Idk if they use Skype or a mic or anything so they don't have to shout to the other computers, but I'm just gonna leave it out ;D**)

**(Yes, I do now know that they use Skype, but I'm not changing the story.)

Yay for asterisks!

Anyways, what do you guys think her name should be? I'm kinda stuck. I don't know what would suit her... If you can't think of anything I'll just call her something random.

How'd you like your extra chapter? Thanks again for 1k reads! I'm still freaking out a bit!

Hope your day's cooler than shooting sisters (xD)!

Naomi xxx :D

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