Chapter 20

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"Hello? Sally?"

His voice echoed through the empty spaceship. No reply. He sighed and sat back down.

He needed to stay beside the computer. He and Cywren had found a way out thanks to Sally's instructions, but if she came back without him being there, he wouldn't know what to do. He would feel as if he'd betrayed her, and he would never do that.

It had been three days since he'd gotten an actual English answer. Sometimes he'd heard some faint words in a different language, but nothing he understood.

He waited for a few more minutes, fiddling with some 10mm ammo that had fallen out of Cywren's bag just before she left.

"Timebomb? Are you down there?" A gruff voice called through some sort of speaker.


"I'm here too. We brought Bryan as well." A feminine voice spoke, "I have called my father. The Brotherhood is ready and waiting at my command. We heard about..." Sarah trailed off, knowing that it must be a touchy subject for him.

"Yeah..." Timebomb sighed. Then he realised that one member of their team wasn't accounted for. "Where's Quazar?"

"We don't know. He was here one moment and gone the next. Do you know what happened Timebomb?" Sarah asked.

Timebomb looked back at the computer, "Some sort of alien technology down here in the basement. It said something about a state thing called Ohio in America? I've no idea..."

"I've never heard of an 'Ohio'... Maybe Scribe Rothchild knows something." Sarah sounded worried, "There's something else... Bryan-"

He didn't want any harm to come to Cywren's adopted child. He'd been through more than most kids his age,"What about him?"

"We don't know. He's currently in an unstable state. We had to carry him to the teleportation beam. He's unconscious and pale and won't wake up."

"What's happening? I talked to Cywren and she said it was some sort of crack through two worlds..."

"A crack? Look, I don't know what to think. Cywren's not always clear... Sometimes only she knows what she means. And where's that Sally girl she always told us about?"

"She's not there?"

"No. Should she be?"

Timebomb shook his head. Cywren had said she was in a different world. What sort of world was this? Who had 'states' rather than countries?*

"She stopped talking to me a few days ago."

"Gone?" Copper said.

"Presumably..." Sarah paused for a moment, "Do you know anything?"

"About what?"

"About what's happening."

"Only what Cywren told me. She speaks through this machine thing, but I haven't heard from her in a while..."

The super mutant moved closer to the intercom, "Is there any way to get her back?"

"I don't think so... I've tried, but it's a one way system."

"I wonder where she is." The gruff voice trailed off.

Timebomb tried very hard not to doubt his next words, "She said she'd sort it. I'm sure she'll be fine."


This is the funeral of Naomi, once a writer on Wattpad and an avid fan of VenturianTale, Doctor Who, Percy Jackson and many other Fandoms. She died by many of her readers as she did not upload one of her chapters. In honour of her, here are the asterisks:

*(Haha. I'm sorry American people, I just had to put that in. :3)

And now, we greave for her. She could remain with us, but she has a choice. If she chooses correctly, she will be upgraded and reborn into this world, but if not...

3W are the best of the best, and therefore recommend A Fallout Tale by Cynical Solace. It describes a Fallout Tale in the point of view of Cywren.

And finally, Naomi had one last message to give to her readers:

I was gonna add a little spoiler for the sequel, but I'm evil, so I didn't. Also, if there are any other entries for a character Private Message me. If you want me to Private Message you please say so in the comments. Thank you ;)
Yes, I have seen the update video. I actually saw on Twitter first, when Homeless said Jordan had lost his files. My only hope for Cywren is that her 'new tale' is successful. I haven't a clue what it could be, and if you have an idea, please tell me! I'm really sad that a Fallout Tale is over, but I'm glad she hasn't gone yet. :)
Bethany's animation was just awesomeness! If you haven't seen it already you should! :D

She also wishes to say that she hopes your day's cooler than getting half the stuff for twice the price!

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