Chapter 23

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A man looked around the deserted street. It was almost 1am, but there were still a few lights in the the houses. He searched for one that may be an easy target. He didn't feel like working hard tonight...

Picking one out, he jumped through the window and raced up the stairs quickly. He cackled insanely as he approached the female working at her computer.

She turned around, her red hair falling over her eyes temporarily. She flicked it out of the way to show a look of utter disbelief.

"Surprise." The man said gleefully.


Cywren woke to see that Cierra was already downstairs. She yawned a bit before getting out of bed and pulling on some clothes. She knew she was getting out of her habit of power napping, but she didn't really care. She loved getting up late.

Glancing at the clock in the corner of the room, she saw it was eleven in the morning. No wonder Cierra was out of bed.

She looked around the room and saw a few DVDs piled up on the side. She picked up the first one: 'The Avengers'. She'd heard Venturian reference them a lot. She knew that Iron Man (who she'd dressed up as), Captain America (who Timebomb had dressed up as), and something called the 'Hulk', that he'd suggested Copper be if there was a 'mod', were in this Avengers team. She still didn't understand half his language...

She put it down suppressing a yawn. Gosh...she really had become a late night sleeper.

She climbed back into bed, only to be interrupted by Cierra running into the room. She stopped when she saw Cywren partially over and partially under the covers.

"I'm sorry!" She apologised quickly, "I didn't realise you were still in bed..."

Cywren sighed, "It doesn't matter. I probably should be up by now anyway."

She nodded, "Well, if you want a late breakfast, Bethany bought Cherrios* this morning. They're in the cereal cupboard." Grinning, she took a dvd from beneath the Avengers that Cywren didn't really see, and rushed back downstairs again.

This was gonna be a short day...


"What does that mean?" Timebomb questioned, looking at the long message labeled '#003'. They'd assumed it was from Cywren, but it made no sense... as far as he could tell, it was just gibberish.

"It must have gotten corrupted on the way here." Rothchild deducted logically, "If you isolate some of the letters they make words."

Timebomb quickly scanned through the text. Erasing all the numbers and symbols, it said something about a crack and dimensions. She knew where Sally was, but not Quasar, and that was all he could make out.

"Do you think she's in a different dimension?" Sarah wondered.

"In theory, that is possible." Rothchild said," But the technology needed to do that would be extremely advanced. These aliens are very good with computers apparently."

"Is there anything we can do?" Copper asked, "She has helped us all and it is only right to repay her."

"As she said in her message, she's working on it." He sighed, "Unfortunately we can only be observers in this extraordinary event..."


A girl with hair as black as pitch wandered across the Wasteland in search of food. She'd run out yesterday and was hoping to stumble across a small town, or just something to kill. She'd bought some strange meat from a trader from the road, but she really didn't want to eat it for some reason...

She tucked a blue streak of her hair behind her ear and rested a moment. It was well deserved after hours of walking.

Suddenly, she heard a noise. Her AK-47 was out in a flash. She had to shoot the mole rat a few times before it died, but afterwards she set up camp. It was getting late and she was so hungry. She cooked the meat thoroughly before eating it. Just how she liked it.


Hey guys, Naomi here!

Okay, so hands up who thought the woman at the start was Cywren? Don't be afraid to put your hand up. Yes I see you did and you did. :3

I shall now reveal that that was a clue to the sequel! :D

Did you guess?




*(Please tell me you have Cherrios in America...!)

Congrats @dragon_lord17 ! Your character has been chosen! We won't see any more of her until the epilogue though... (which I've already written 'cause I'm so excited about the sequel!)

Only two more chapters, people!

The next book will probably be longer, too. There's so much more to work with! And its gonna be harder to escape.

Any theories for the sequel go in the comments!

FNAF2 came out for iOS the day before yesterday. I'm gonna get it for my birthday! :D

And yeah, my birthday's on Monday. BRING ON THE CAKE.

THANKS SO MUCH FOR 5K. I can't say how much I appreciate it. I'd give you all cookies if I could, but I hope an internet one will suffice...?


Recommended book of the day is: 'Working' with P.I.E. and Just us Now both by PixelizedSoul. They're relatively new and only have a few chapters, but they're good ideas, and spelling and grammar are always a plus xD

Hope your day's cooler than Herbert Dinky the T-Rex!

Naomi xxx

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