A Voice in my Head

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I hurried to the sound of my name being cried out, seeing the guards from earlier looking impatient at the dungeon's entrance. I walked passed as they scolded me for being late and left me to my work.

I gave the food to the other prisoners before I went to to Viren's cell, hesitate remembering the guy in the mirror.

"Did he... Imprison that man in the mirror?" I thought as I continued to his cell, opened it and brought it into the cell since Viren was too tired to move.

I noticed a small purple caterpillar crawl out of his ear, this made me jump as it talked off Viren's limp body and onto the floor towards me.

I backed towards the wall as it continued towards me and crawled onto my boot, I tried to get it off by shaking my leg furiously.

Since I couldn't see it anywhere I decided that it must've just been flung across the room or something so I left the cell, and went to my mop to clean up the floor.

While cleaning I felt something crawl up my back and I just shook it off and carried on, suddenly a weird sensation came from the back of my ear like something was there. I placed my hand and pulled the thing off to see it was the caterpillar from earlier, I sighed.

On the nearby chair I placed it down so could continue my cleaning, even though the strange creature tried to climb me a few more times. In time I grew tired of this little game we've been having and placed it behind me ear.

"There, now you're happy?" I asked, not suspecting an answer untill a deep, sexy voice brock the silence.

My eye's widen, "What... Did you just...?"

"I'll explain later but I need your help to move the mirror." The voice commanded. I'm not sure what one he's talking about until I remember the mirror I encountered not so long ago.

"Hold on, why should I help you? You're a caterpillar." I asked, demanding an explanation.

"Hmm... I'll reward you after you've moved the mirror somewhere away from here." It offered, I thought about it and decided to do it only because of it's sexy voice.

"Fine but why?" I asked again but a bit more kinder this time.

"...In a few hours those simpleton guards are going to take it away, not knowing what they're doing." It answered back.

Nodded in acknowledgement, I left the dungeons to my servant quarters, since I don't like here I was still given a room if my home was destroyed or something like that. I grabbed my black cloak and ran into the halls, towards the room with the mirror.

As I ran I kept asking myself the same thing over and over again:

"Why the fuck would I want to steel a mirror for a caterpillar?! I know it's got a great voice but this makes no sense! I swear if I get nothing out of this then I'm going to squash is bug!"

I rolled my eyes thinking that many other strange things has happened in the past but to others, I'm at least glad that this adventure choose me instead of everyone else since I hardly do anything exciting.

I found myself at the room where it now looks more ransacked then a study area, I found the mirror in the exact same place where I originally found it. I grabbed a large blanket that was littered the floor and covered the mirrored glass and picked it up, the mirror wasn't that heavy but it was light enough for me to carry it off the floor.

As I ran around the castle, the caterpillar told me where guards where at/coming from so I'd known how to avoid them.

Finally after exiting the castle I took the mirror to my home in the woods, I've been living here for about 4 years and it was very homey.

There's three rooms: the living room/ kitchen, the bathroom and my bedroom. In the living room there's a secret room which is technically my basement where I keep all my magic books and stuff.

I put down the golden mirror and opened the secret entrance, grabbing it again and taking it downstairs. I placed it in the corner of the room, next to my small bookshelf and pulled off the blanket.

I've just realised that the mirror had some mystical letters lining the outside of the glass, making it look more magical.

Then the mirror appeared and showed me that the man was standing at the glass, looking at me with a pleased look on his beautiful face, pulling his hood down. "I'm Aaravos."


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