Unwelcomed Prison

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Since I woke up from my haunted sleep, finding myself in a jail cell.

Instantly I knew it wasn't a human cell; human prisons had no beauty or charm to them, no designs on the walls and no windows to the sea like sky. Well, barred windows.

The scenery outside was nothing I've seen inside the human kingdoms; more lavished and looked after. Mountains piercing the corners of the endless sky, like blue was a blanket with snow fluff passing by.

Looking down more I see I'm inside a elegant castle, guards below on their regular patrols through the courtyards.

Suddenly the sound of keys tore my attention to the cell door where a beautifully decorated elf stood their with two guards standing outside.

Suddenly the sound of keys tore my attention to the cell door where a beautifully decorated elf stood their with two guards standing outside

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"Where am I?" I ask looking at the sweet looking elf lady.

The old elf just giggled, "Why, you're in the moon temple"

Looking at the lady I decided not to use my magic because humans aren't supposed to learn it and Aaravos isn't around to... Wait-!

"Where's Aaravos?!" I accidentally shouted at the poor lady, startling her in the process.

"Well you two where separated after the tower fell and we couldn't find him, even under the rubble." The news that Aaravos was still alive filled me with DETERMINATION!

I sighed and looked back to the bared windows, waiting for his return. Something snapped into my mind and I spoke it allowed: "Let me go."

"I'm sorry but we can't do that." Her smile never left her face, or at least what her voice portrayed.

"He will come for me!" I announced, turning to her in a hostile like manner.

This scared her a bit that she hurried out of the cell and locked the cell door behind her. I must've been very intimidating to an elf even though she had the power here.

Sighing I hear her assign one of the guards to guard me, making sure I'd not escape.

The guard looked scrawny and young, younger then me. The poor thing looked really tired from the bags under his eyes and that he'd yawn nearly every minute.

I just have to wait. Just wait.

It took hours until the guard fell asleep on the chair outside the cell, snoring like he's never had a decent sleep until now.

Fortunately the guard foolishly placed the chair right outside of the cell's bars, making it quite easy for me to just steel his keys.

This took me back to the days when I was still a simple servent, watching as the guards fell asleep all the time. Watching the prisoners try to steel their keys. I always fooled their plans by taking the keys away, out of their reach.

They're good memories.

Quickly and quietly I reached my hand through the bars to grab the keys off the hook on his belt but then-

"AHH!" In pain I whispered to not wake him up.

The keys where guarded by some sort of magical field of energy, keeping everything from touching it. Fuck!

My finger tips now bruised with a shade of red. Smart kid.

Summoning all the magic I had I tried to break the forcefield, but no use. My magic was very weak when Aaravos wasn't around.

For some reason I can't learn magic property, no matter what Aaravos taught me. He was very surprised of my lack of magical connection, saying that I might have something tying my abilities down like a mental disorder or something like that.

To be honest I think he's right, unlike other people I can forgive him easily and... I can be clingy, okay VERY clingy to him but how could I not? He's very attractive, sweet, caring, smart and thousands of other things as well.

Sighing at the thought of him, yearning to be by his side once again I try again, and again, and again!

The damn thing won't break!

I tried once more and then it broke!

My eyes widened, did I do it? By myself?

No it can't be. Why?

Because after the forcefield broke the tower started to shake furiously, and I think I know why.

Aaravos, he's here!

He's come for me.


Hey guys, thanks for waiting... Again. I know this has been short but I really wanted to push this out to you guys so much!

Also check out my other stories if you like what you see!

Until the next time, peace out party people!

StarLight {Aaravos X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now