To the Rescue

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Aaravos' P.O.V

They had to be here, I know it!

It's been ages since I saw Y/n, their beautiful hair that swayed gracefully in the wind. Eyes that stabbed like daggers but still soft, yet always there in my mind.

After the fall of the tower, we've been apart. They've been captured by the Moon Shadow Elves and I fear they've taken them back to the elven parts of Xadia, but the Moon Temple which still stands have had more activity over the last few days.

Changing my corse I find nothing but soldiers guarding the grounds.

Y/n must be here!

Then why are they guarding a abandoned temple in the middle of the humans' territory?

Quietly I work my way towards the building, knocking out guards on my way in. I would kill them but my dear Y/n would be very disappointed in me so I try to redraw my animalistic tendencies.

Soon as I reached the base of the tower I felt a spark of magic, my magic, come from above.

They're here! I knew it!

To signal I was here I used my earth magic to shake the building, also making my presents known to all that where inside.

No a good idea but I was just happy to know they're alive.

~~Time Skip~~

Running throughout the temple, I knocked out guards while I rushed around. Looking for my love.

Suddenly a pulse of magic came from my right, leading me down another corridor.

"Come on, Y/n. Send me a sign." Muttering to myself, looking around until another pulse of magic led me to my left.

"Good boy/girl."

Follow the signals until I found a group of guards laying unconscious on the concrete ground, above stood an angel. My angel.

Magic pulsed through their fingers and fire burning the tips of their hair, what a sight!

I wolf whistled the powerful sorcerer, leaning on the hard stone wall.

They turned to see me and rushed into my arms, burying their head into my chest. The furious flames on their hair ends died down and tears flowed through their eyes.

They whispered how happy they where and all I could do was stand there; hugging back.

After a while I picked them up bridal style and carried them out of the temple, into the woods.

Unfortunately the journey to their old home was about 3-4 hours, as soon as we entered the forest they'd already fallen asleep.

How cute.

The night was approaching quickly and I was getting tired too.

So I stopped under a large oak tree and climbed it, not before placing their sleeping body into another large branch, laying on the hard branch and fell into a completely dreamless sleep.


Thanks for waiting very patiently for this chapter, I've just been going through my exams and I wanted to push this story out ASAP!

Sorry if the chapter is too short but at least I uploaded! 😅

Anyway, see you guys next time!

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