Games Go Sour

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Aaravos P.O.V

It's been a few days since Y/n woke up, teaching them more and more about magic. I took down the charm which locked all the doors and windows leading off the castle grounds, since they've said they prefer to stay indoors.

Walking around the castle, looking for Y/n. We're playing hide and seek because they're 'bored'?

Rolling my eyes at the word 'bored', like how could they think I'm boring?!

I sighed and tried to calm myself down, hoping they weren't referring to me.

Strolling into the thrown room where my eyes landed upon the crown of the now dormant thrown, remembering how I killed all the people back in the dungeons.

~Flash Back~

Watching as my dear Y/n slept I heard a lot of commotion coming from below, sighing softly due to me not wanting to leave their side.

Teleporting into the dungeons I saw that everyone was now all awake, lunging at me like furious animals.

Using my magic I killed every single one of them, splattering the calling with all their blood.

I heard movement from above and decided to investigate it, appearing in the library was my beautiful little angel, rocking their new clothing.

They're so beautiful, I didn't want to ruin this beautiful sight but I had too.

~End of Flash Back~

Picking up the crown I used my magic to turn the sad thing into a beautiful silver one, altering the design to fit my outfit perfectly.

I also decided to change the thrown too, I feel that it cramps my style. Sitting on the thrown I heard a little giggle from behind, remembering what I was originally doing.

Creeping around the room, on the hunt for a certain angel. Finally I found them hiding under the giant round table which had a massive map on top of it.

Peaking down I see they haven't seen me yet, I get no my knees and right behind them.

Then as quick as a rabbit I wrapped my arms around them, pulling them close to me.

Causing them to jump, hitting their head on the table and yelping on contact.

I pulled them out from under the table, looking to see if they're fine.

"Aaravos, I'm fine! Really!" Their attempts to convince me that their fine didn't fool me.

"Then why do you wince when I touch... Here?" I pocked the top of their head and they replied with an "Owww..."

Helping them up and told them they're it, running away to find a hiding spot. I decided to hide in the library, since it's my favourite place in the entire castle except for the bed room.

I've now been waiting around for about half an hour until I heard a scream.

I rushed out to find Y/n but I couldn't find them until I found the door to the dungeons open.

Ohhh shit! I haven't disposed of all the bodies yet!

Looking around more I found them underneath the giant table again, shaking and crying.

At this point in time I didn't know what to do,I wished I've gotten rid of those bodies sooner.

"You said... They all left..." They whispered through their tears. "What actually happened?!"

I sighed knowing I'm probably going to lie out of this one too, "Y/n, look I'm sorry I didn't properly tell you the truth..."

"You see..." I continued. "When I got here there were people pillaging the castle-- a-and they wanted to hurt me so... Yeah..."

They just scurried way further under the table, further from my reach.

Thinking for a while I conjured up a plan.

Quickly teleporting to the library I grabbed a bag of purified sand and some dyes.

Teleporting back into the thrown room I knocked upon the table to get their attention, which worked.

Pouring the sand into my hands, mixing it with the two dyes I use my fire magic to turn the dyed sand into glass. While it was forming glass I stretched it out until I finally shaped it into a glass shaped flower.

They're in awe at my flower and shuffled back towards me, looking at it in wonder.

I smiled sweetly as I passed it to them, watching them delicately holding the thing.

I'm glad they aren't angry or sad anymore, we talked about it for a while until we agreed to get rid of the bodies.

For the rest of the day I taught them some new spells and tucked them into bed when they've gotten tired.

I decided it's best if I don't sleep in the same bed with them for a few nights, just so I've punished myself for my recklessness.

Usually I'm not like this, but Y/n...

... They've sparked something inside me...

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