Going home

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I haven't been back to Leeds in around 6 years, since before I left for Ireland. I am Irish but Leeds always felt like home. I lived in my cousins house in Leeds when I was younger before moving back to my moms. This is where I lived when I met Simon and Jj. I grabbed my small suitcase and brought it down stairs.

Simon stood at the door waiting for me, I gave him a smile and asked "you ready to leave?"

"Whenever you are" he replied picking up my bag.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed the lunch I packed for the drive before getting into Simons Tesla. It took more than an hour drive, normally I get car sick when driving but this trip I didn't feel it at all, I don't know if i was just too excited to see Simons family again or if the car was just too nice.

"How you feeling?" Simon asked knowing I normally feel sick

"Surprising fine" I smiled "I'm just too excited to see the minter family again I guess" I laughed

Growing up me and Simon where really close and spent a lot of time together. Normally I would go over to his house because he has the best snacks there and he was always getting new consoles for Christmas and things that we could play. His family was great, i didn't see his dad too often because he worked a lot but I always saw his mom... she used to treat me like her daughter. Her brothers were cool too, they were older then me and Simon but they still used to come into his room to play on the consoles and stuff, they were loads of fun. His family used to think we were together but we ignore them most of the time.

*time skip until we arrive*
Simon drove into the front garden stopped the car and paused

"I only realized now I forgot to tell them you were coming home with me" he laughed "they won't car anyway"

"Simon! What if they won't let me stay here??" I panicked

Simon burst out laughing "come on y/n, they are more likely to kick me out, not you." I laughed realizing he was probably right and we got out of the car together.

Knock, knock
Simon banged the door and opened it instantly after.

"We're home!" He shouted waiting for a response

"We?" A voice Called back from the kitchen.

Simon walked into the kitchen and I followed a bit behind him "supriseeee" he said pulling me into the room. His mom screamed of joy before running over to hug me

"I missed you! Simon told me you were staying with him for a few days so I was hoping you'd be coming here with him too" she said. I laughed and told her I missed her too.

We heard the footsteps of people running down the stairs "what's going on? Why'd you scream? Are you ok?" Johnny said bursting into the kitchen not seeing me. We all burst into laughter. He searched around the room to figure out what was going on and saw Simon.

"Oh welcome home lil bro." He smiled giving his brother a hug. He looked behind Simon and noticed me "y/n ! You're home!" He said smiling and giving me a hug

"Oy! Why does she get more attention then me" Simon joked laughing

"I'm sick off you I see you too often, I miss y/n" he laughed "me and nick are up stairs painting, si come help us" he gestured said grabbing Simons hand and walking up stairs

I laughed and turned to mrs minter "I'm going to follow them to say hi to nick then I'll be back down and help you with dinner" I said before leaving the room " hey nick" I smiled when reaching the top of the stairs seeing him quickly

"Oh my god! So that's why everyone's so happy" nick laughed "I'd give you a hug but I'm covered in paint" I nodded at him and turnt to Simon

"Looks like you'll be busy for awhile, I'm going to help your mum with the dinner, after dinner can we go for a walk? I want to talk to you" I asked him. He agreed and I went back to the kitchen

"Hun, can I ask you a question?" Mrs minter asked sweetly, I nodded "I always thought you and Simon were more than friends but yous always denied it and I believed yous but... what about now?" She asked curiously

I laughed and replied "right now we are but..." I looked at the ground before continuing my answer "I'm planning on telling Simon I like him... today"

"OH MY GOD THATS GREAT!" She shouted

"Shhhh he doesn't know yet" I laughed

"Oh sorry of course.. I hope you're not nervous he's going to tell you he feels the same, if he doesn't he's lying"

*almost time to tell him! Let me know if you have request or tips or anything, would really appreciate it! Thanks for reading :)*

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