Characters + Chapter 1

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                                                                                    Amy Hunter ( Age 17 )

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                                                                                    Amy Hunter ( Age 17 )

                                                                                 Jack Hughes ( Age 17 )

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                                                                                 Jack Hughes ( Age 17 )

                                                                                 Quinn Hughes  ( Age 19 )

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                                                                                 Quinn Hughes  ( Age 19 )

                                                                     Luke Hughes ( Age 15 )

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                                                                     Luke Hughes ( Age 15 )

Sophie King ( Age 17 ) Not really in the story, but hey, this is what she looks like if you were curious

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Sophie King ( Age 17 ) Not really in the story, but hey, this is what she looks like if you were curious

It was freezing, which was odd. It was mid-june, summer break had just started, and it was negative ten. Basically everyone in the city was pissed off and confused about the sudden temperature drop, and it didn't help that I had lost my..."mom". I was all alone in the cold, dark streets of downtown Toronto. I had tried calling her, but I managed only one call before my phone died, and it had gone to voicemail. It was getting late and - "ow!" What the hell was that? I pulled my hood back and... damn. I saw the hottest guy I had ever seen in my life. He had slightly wavy, short brown hair, and clear, green eyes, that were at the moment full of guilt. "Oh geez, sorry!" He apologized. He held out his hand to help me back up and I took it. "Wow your hands are freezing." He observed. "Do you not have gloves?" I shook my head no, and he reached into his pocket and pulled out a navy blue pair of gloves, with a Team USA logo on them. Ugh. America. I was a Canadian girl through and thr... screw it, my hands were about to fall off. "Thanks." I said reaching for the gloves. "It's no problem." He said with a grin. "Anyway, are you out here all by yourself?" He asked with concern. "Well, not exactly." I start, while pulling the gloves on. "You see, I WAS at the mall with my... uh, mom, and there was a crowd of people, and I kinda lost sight of her and my phone is dead and-" "So you're lost" He cut off my ranting. "Well, yeah, basically." I answered, slightly embarrassed. "No problem." He smiled. "I can drive you home, and you can use my phone to call your mom on the way." "Oh wow, really? Thanks!" I said in relief. "It's no problem." He replied.  Wow, he says that a lot. Anyway, he walked in front, with me following behind, for about 5 minutes until we reached a slick, expensive looking black car ( A.N - I cant be specific, Idk cars ) "Damn." I whistled in appreciation. He laughed at my reaction. "Thanks, it's one of my most prized possessions." With that, he unlocked the car and we got in, him in the driver's seat, me riding shotgun. "So," he started, "what's your name?" "Amy Hunter" I replied. "Amy... that's a nice name." He mused absent-mindedly. "Thanks." I said. "What about you?" "Hm?"He asked. "What's your name?" I clarified. "Oh right, sorry. It's Jack, Jack Hughes." "Well, nice to meet you Mr. Hughes, and thanks for driving me home." "No problem Ms. Hunter" He winked. "Your mom is probably worried though, you should call her." "Oh crap, I forgot!" I mentally facepalmed. "Yeah, I have that effect on girls." He smirked. "Oh, be quiet!" I joked, lightly punching his arm. "Kidding, kidding," He said, reaching into his pocket and pulled out his phone. "Here." He said, handing it to me. "Call her, she's definitely worried about you." "Thanks." I smiled. "No problem." There it was again.

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