Chapter 5

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It was the morning after Jack had dropped me off. Mrs. King had apologized countless times for leaving me, but I brushed it off. She asked me where I stayed, and I told her that a cute young man had driven me to his house to have dinner with his family, and then taken me straight back home. When she asked me if I was seeing him again, it took all my willpower not to cry. She seemed to sense something was wrong, and didn't press the subject. As soon as she left the room my phone dinged, as if on cue.

Jack: AMY!!! Ive got some great news

Amy: whats up?

Jack: Yknow how u thought wed never see each other again?

Amy: Yeah...

Jack: Well my brother just announced yesterday when I got back: hes leaving for the canucks training camp next week!

Amy: Wait Quinn's leaving?!?!?

Jack: Yup, and I asked my mom privately if you could stay over for a week or two, and she said yea!

Amy: OMG jack this is great!

Jack: Yeah ikr

Amy: well i gtg see ya next week!

Jack: Bye amy

Amy: Bye jack.

I still couldn't believe I knew this guy. I texted him. I went in his room. I ate dinner with his family. I played get-to-know-you games with him. I was shipped with him by his own brother. I freaking cried on his shoulder! I miss him so much...


It was around 2:00 pm when Mrs. King pulled into the driveway of Jack's house. After talking with his mom and confirming that no, he was not a murdered, she agreed to let me stay over at Jack's for 2 weeks. I'm starting to wonder if it was worth it though! I was so embarrassed, it felt like I was in third grade and she was arranging a playdate for me, and her reaction when she found out who he was... let's just say it mortified me even more!. But then I saw Jack's angelic face I thought "Holy hell this was so worth it" "Bye Amy!" Mrs.King called as she drove away. "Bye Mrs. King, see you in two weeks!" I called after her. "Need help with your bags?" Jack asked me at the door. "Yes please." I said. He picked up the two heaviest bags, and left me with just my little purse to carry upstairs. I didn't notice the last time I saw him because he was wearing a sweatshirt, but geez, he was fit! I could see his muscles as he flexed to pick up my bags thanks to the t-shirt he was wearing, and let's just say it was a godly sight. Unfortunately, I must've been ogling his muscular arms too long because he just smirked at me and said "done staring, or should I turn around so you can get a better view?" I laughed and chased him up the stairs, and he beat me, even though he was probably carrying about 10 pounds worth of clothes. Apparently he thought it was a lot too because by the time we reached the guest room, he was huffing and puffing. "How... does one need... SO MANY CLOTHES for TWO weeks?" He asked incredulously, collapsing onto the bed. "I don't even think I own that many clothes!" Now it was my turn to smirk. "Well, yes, but I have more items of clothing to wear than you do." Jack looked confused for a second, and then blushed as he realized what I was talking about. "But, like, those don't even, like, weigh anything!" I laughed at his embarrassment. "Stop discussing bra weight with me Jack, and get out so I can unpack." I say as I pull him off the bed. "What? It wasn't even me! You brought it up!" He protests, while I push him towards the door. "That's what they all say!" I giggle at him and then close the door.

A few seconds later I hear a door shut, which means he's safely out of earshot, and all I can say while I'm unpacking is "I missed him so, so, much. I can't let any of our time together go to waste!"

Jack's POV

"I missed him so, so, much. I can't let any of our time together go to waste!"

I played the recording over and over again on my phone, making sure to use earbuds so she wouldn't hear anything.

"I missed him so, so, much. I can't let any of our time together go to waste!"

Yeah, I recorded her. The walls here are super-thin, and I know it was a bitchy thing to do, but how else would I have proof that she likes me? Not for anyone else to hear, just for me, so I could be 100% sure she likes me back. I sighed, knowing there was a good chance she just wanted to be friends, and frustrated that she hadn't mentioned anything about liking me. Maybe it was for the best though. If I dated Amy, Quinn would probably ignore my existence for the rest of our lives. I mean, I'm 17, and I can make my own decisions, but breaking up my family for this? And I know. I could probably have any other girl I wanted just by saying my name. But I didn't want a super-skinny, paper white, bleached-blond barbie for a girlfriend. I didn't want another girl. I want someone real, someone like Amy. No, screw it. Not someone like Amy. I wanted Amy.

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