Chapter 19

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A.N - contains sexual content/rape, dont read if u dont want to

I had left for my walk earlier than usual today. When I woke uo, Jack was still asleep, and I wanted to make sure I didn't have to face him, so I grabbed a granola bar from the kitchen and left. 

I had probably been walking for about two hours, which is longer than usual, and was just about to head back when I heard something. I followed the sound, and it led me to a small, run down coffee shop, I had some money on me, and while I was contemplating if it was worth it to go in and get something, I felt a hand clamp over my mouth, and I was lifted off the ground.

It wasn't like how Jack or Luke carried me, it didn't feel protective at all, just rough, and violent. I immediately started to panic, thrashing around in the strangers strong grip. I tried to scream, but it was muffled by his foul smelling hand. Finally, when I felt like I couldn't breathe anymore, I felt myself being tossed. I landed on a heap of garbage bags, and realized, this man had taken me to a back alley behind the coffee shop.

Just as I tried to scramble to my feet, I was pinned down. I looked at the man. he was fat, but strong-looking, and I knew I wouldn't be able to fight him off if I had to. 

"My, my, what's a pretty girl like you doing wandering around all by herself?" He guffawed grossly. I was still struggling to escape his grip and he frowned. "Stop squirming!" He yelled. And I did, not because I wanted to listen to him, but because I was scared of what he would do to me if I didn't. "Good girl." He grinned. His teeth, at least the ones that were still there, were a bright yellow.

He kept me pinned with one hand, and reached down to my shirt with the other. He ripped the buttons of my flannel open aggressively, yanked it off my shoulders and threw it in the dumpster, leaving me in my black lacy bra. By this point I had started to sob, still thrashing around. He pushed me down more forcefully, and absolutely shredded my bra with his teeth. Now my bare chest was exposed to him.

He roughly grabbed my breasts and started squeezing them as hard as he could. I screamed, but his hand flew back to my mouth cutting me off.

His hands quickly moved down to my skirt, and he ripped it open at the seam, so that it fell off my waist as a heap of fabric. He leered down at me. "I don't like shit like this in my way when I'm doing my thing." I screamed, and the sound was tangled with my sobs. I didn't know what I was doing, I was just trying to be as loud as I could so someone, anyone, would hear me and come help. He ripped my panties open, leaving me fully exposed. Knowing what he was about to do, I screamed louder than before, the tears streaming down my face. His hands went to his zipper, and I thrashed as much as I could, trying to prevent the inevitable.

"HEY!" I heard someone yell. My vision was blurry, and all I could see was a boy running towards us as fast as he could.

"Get... the... fuck... off... of... her!" He shouted, throwing a punch at the man's face with each word. The man's eyes rolled back in his head, and he fainted.

I looked up, and saw that the person who saved me was wearing a... a team USA t-shirt. 

"J-Jack?" I gasped 

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