Chapter 3

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A.N - Im so so so so sorry quinn, i didnt wanna make you such a bitch ilysm but it had to be someone. So yea btw quinn aint this bitchy in real life (at least i hope)

 "So... there's something I need to tell you about one of my broth-" "Dinner's ready!" His mom trilled as she walked in from the kitchen. She then proceeded to set down multiple dishes full of delicious smelling food. I immediately spotted mashed potatoes, steak, and green string beans, among many other vegetables. "Quinn, Luke, time for dinner!" Ellen hollered up the stairs. As she said those names, realization dawned on me "Goddammit you're Jack Hughes? Like, THE Jack Hughes? Soon-to-be first overall draft pick in the NHL?" I whisper shouted to him. "You caught me" He managed to mouth before a boy who looked to be about 15 or so sprinted down the stairs, and quickly slipped into the seat beside me in one swift motion. "Oooh, let's eat, where the hell is Quinn?" he asked impatiently. "Luke!" His mom scolded. "Sorry, sorry." He apologized. "Hey, who's that?" He asked, noticing me for the first time. Jack and Ellen both rolled their eyes at his rudeness. "This is Amy, and she is Jack's frie-" "OH MY GOD, IS SHE YOUR GIRLFRIEND JACK?" Luke exploded, as his eyes went about as big as the plates in front of us. "N-no, I j-just... uh, I f-found her, and she... she" "For Pete's sake Jack!" Ellen said. "She was lost, and Jack simply drove her home." She calmly explained to Luke. "Mhhmm." Said Luke with a smirk, but clearly he was not convinced. Then, out of nowhere, what appeared to be an older version of Jack and Luke entered the room. Jack suddenly started looking very distracted, and twiddled his thumbs in his lap. Quinn sat down next to his mom, and opposite me. "Well, I'm not sure where your father is, but we'll just have to start without him." Ellen said with a sigh. After we had all taken out our food and started eating, Luke suddenly said "Hey Jack, aren't you gonna introduce Quinn to your girl?" "She's not 'my girl'." Jack spat out, turning red for about the tenth time that night. "You'd better hope not." Quinn muttered. I looked across at him in disbelief. Did he really just say that? I decided to just hope I misheard, and the dinner proceeded on like normal, except for the fact that Quinn made a point of blatantly ignoring me for the whole meal. After we were all done, Ellen collected our dishes. "Come with me to my room." Jack said. "Leave the door open Jack!" Luke said in a sing-song voice "Shut up dork." Said Jack. Ellen touched his shoulder and said quietly "make sure you DO leave the door open though." "I know mom." Jack whispered back. Then he grabbed my hand and led me up the stairs. I was so curious about what the hell was up with Quinn, but I could tell Jack didn't want to talk about it, so I changed the subject to another topic I was curious about. "Why didn't you tell me who you were?" I demanded. "Well, to be fair, I did. I told you my name, and you just didn't realize it was really me." Jack defended himself. Oh no. This felt like fighting. No no no no no. I didn't want to fight with Jack. I'd only known him a few hours, but it felt like so much longer. "Okay..." I started. "Hey Jack!" I heard someone say. I tensed up, thinking it was Quinn, and then relaxed when I saw Luke walk through the doorway. Then, to be honest, I tensed up again because I knew I, or at least Jack, was about to be teased. "Ah, young love. What are you kids up to?" Luke grinned. "Please Luke." Jack said rolling his eyes. "Last time I checked, I was two frickin years older than you." "Okay. sheesh, calm down. Anyway, I'll leave you guys alone if you just promise not to leave me out." Luke said, suddenly less buoyant and looking at his feet. "What do you mean by that?" Jack asked him. "Well, it's just... you're the only one I've been able to hang out with ever since Quinn... changed, and now you brought her in..." He said gesturing towards me. "And i just don't wanna be left by myself." He finished. "Luke?" I started tentatively. He looked up at me. "You don't need to worry about jack leaving you alone. I'm only going to be here for a little longer and then things will go back to normal." He smiled, showing his appreciaton for my reassurance."If you want we can all hang out together right now." Jack offered, looking at me for confirmation. I nodded, and he smiled at me, showing off his perfect teeth. "Yesss!" Luke said, doing a fist pump. "So, what should we do?" Jack asked. Luke pulled out his phone and said "we don't have much time before Amy has to go, maybe a bit more than 20 minutes." "So something quick." I added in. "Yeah." Agreed Jack. "Oh, I know! We could play, like, a get-to-know-you game." Luke suggested. "Aww, Luke that's so lame!" Jack protested. Luke looked crestfallen, and slightly embarrassed  by this so I said "hey, it could be helpful, even though we'll probably never see each other again after the next 20 minutes." Now it was Jack's turn to look sad. Was it because I agreed with Luke over him? "Great!" Said Luke happily. "Okay, so how it works is you choose someone in the room and tell them one thing you like about them, and then one thing you don't." Jack and I stared at him. "Uh, Luke?" I said slowly. "Yeah?" "How in the world is that a get-to-know-you game?" I questioned. "Huh? Oh, well, who cares, are you guys in or not?" He said, totally ignoring the many faults to his previous statements. "I guess." Says Jack, and I nod my head in agreement. "Well, that's the spirit, guys." Luke said sarcastically. "Whatever, Luke." Said Jack, but he was grinning when he said it. "Okay, I'll go first." Offers Jack. "Let's start with you, Amy." For some reason it makes me blush when he says my name. "Okay, let's see... I love the way you're so kind, and caring, and you put other people's needs before yours. Also, I love the way your hair falls, and frames your beautiful brown eyes." He then looked into said eyes, with his own gorgeous green ones, and I didn't care that he had formed those opinions of me after meeting me only a couple of hours ago. I admit I kinda forgot Luke was in the room. That is until he let loose a loud cough that sounded suspiciously like 'cheeseball.' "Now you gotta tell her something ya don't like." Luke informed him. Jack sat there for a while, and then said "I can't think of anything I don't like about you specifically, but there is something I hate that is kinda, like, connected to you." I lean closer, curious as to what he's going to say. He takes a deep breath and says "I hate how Quinn treats you like shit." My hand flew to my mouth, my eyes flew to the door to check if anyone was there, and tears flew to my eyes as I realized that he actually cared about my feelings. I wanted to just drink up the moment, but he had piqued my curiosity. "Jack?" I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. "Why... why is it that Quinn hates me?" I realized I might be intruding on something personal, and quickly added, "you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." "No, no." He said. "You have the right to know, it's just that... how do I put this... what's your heritage?" I was taken aback. "You mean, like, my parent's cultures?" I asked. He nodded. "M-my dad was Jamaican, and my mom was Canadian." I said, still confused. Jack's eyes got sad all of a sudden. "Was? You mean like...?" Crap. Why did I do that? Now he's just going to pity me. "No, I, uh, misspoke." I said, trying to fix my blunder. "What I meant to say wa-" "Amy. It's okay. You don't need to hide anything." Jack said soothingly. Something about his voice, it just made me feel so comforted and safe, and I knew I could tell him. But what about Luke? As if reading my mind, Jack said "Luke can leave if you'd like." "No, it's okay, just so long as he promises not to tell anyone." I say, looking at Luke. "I promise." He confirmed. "Okay then." I take a deep breath as I start my story.

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