Chapter 21

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I quietly opened the door, and me and Jack slipped inside. We ran up to my room, and shut the door giggling. I made him close his eyes while I slipped into a pair of black leggings, and then we laid down on the bed. I was shivering. "You cold?" Jack asked. I nodded. He walked over to the closet and pulled out an extra blanket. "Here." He said, wrapping it around my shoulders. "Thanks." I said looking up at him. He smiled. "No problem." We lay there comfortably for a while before Jack turned his head towards me. "What?" I asked him. "Nothing." He laughed. "It's just... you're really beautiful, you know that?" "Thanks Jack, but I don't think I'll ever be as beautiful as Barbie if that's what you're going for." I said coldly. He looked away when I said that. "Why did you even bring her here?" I asked him. "I- I don't know, I just..." He trailed off. "It sounds stupid now, but I wanted to make you feel like how I felt when you were with Luke." 'What?!" I exploded. "Those two things aren't even the same! I was TALKING with Luke, you were all" I used my hands to signify the sloppy kisses they were sharing. "We were all what?" Jack asked, pretending not to understand. "You were... you know..." "Why don't you come demonstrate?" Jack suggested seductively. I giggled, and crawled onto his lap. He draped his arm around me, and we turned our heads so our lips met. It was sloppy and long, with both of our tongues fighting for dominance. Not really my kind of kiss, but with Jack, any kind was my kind of kiss.

Next Morning...

I remembered last night clearly. Jack and I had... 'hung out' for a bit longer before he said good night and we went to bed. Today I felt great, if not a little nervous. We walked into the room hand in hand. I was holding my breath, praying Ellen and Jim's reactions wouldn't be too bad. Last night, me and Jack had decided that our feelings were real, and we were ready to tell his parents. I had asked him what we were gonna do about Quinn, and he just brushed it off, pretending like it would be fine, but I knew he was at least a bit worried.

"Good morning mom." I heard Jack say nervously, snapping me out of the flashback. I looked at Ellen's expressionless face as she took in our hands, laced together tightly, and gave her a small, sheepish smile. 

A.N - might not be updating so often now, lots of stuff im dealing with, but we'll see💕


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