Chapter 2

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A.N I know Jack doesn't live in TO but whatevs

"I promise I'll only be a minute." He assured me. "Jack, it's fine, honestly, I told my mom I'll be  about two hours getting home."

 "Whoa you gave me a lot of time, I'm not that slow you know!" "Just hurry up, will ya?"

 We were currently in the driveway of Jack's house. He told me he had something to do quickly, but he could take me home first if I wanted. Of course, I refused, and told him to just do what he had to do.

 "Do ya wanna come in with me?" He asked. "Jack, no offence, but I've known you for about an hour, I'm not sure if it's a good idea for me to meet your family." I warned cautiously. "It's fiiiinnne, besides, I don't want you sitting outside in the cold car all by yourself." He whined.

 "Ok, ok, I'm comin'" I said. "Good. What kind of gentleman would I be if I left a pretty girl outside in the cold?" He asked, and then immediately turned red, as he realized what he had said. I'm pretty sure I was blushing too, but I tried to brush it off. "Why thank you, Mr Hughes. Now let's get inside it really is cold out here." "Great, let's go!" He exclaimed.

 We walked up the long driveway close together, trying to conserve body heat. When we finally reached the front door, Jack took his hands out of his pockets to ring the bell.

 "Don't you have a key?" I asked. "Well, yeah, but I forgot it inside." Before I could respond,  a short blond woman opened the door. "Jack!" She exclaimed, pulling him into a hug. "What in the world took you so long?" "Well, I ran into Amy here, on the street, and she said she was lost, so-"

 "And you didn't take her home?!" His mom thundered. "Her parents are probably worried sick!" "It's okay." I piped in. "I used Jack's phone to call my mom on the way in, and told her I'd be about 2 hours." "Oh well, as long as she knows." His mom said, calming down a little.

 "Nice to meet you Amy, I'm Ellen." She said holding out her hand. "Nice to meet you Ellen!" I said taking it. "How far is your house from here?" She asked. "Not far, maybe twenty minutes" I estimated. 

"Oh lovely, you have plenty of time! Would you like to stay for dinner?" She offered warmly. "I would love to thank you!" I replied "Great!" She led us into the house, and I couldn't help but gasp. Their house was beautiful! 

We kept walking, until we reached a huge dining room. "You two sit down, I'll be out with the food in a minute." She smiled, then disappeared into what I assumed was the kitchen. "Come here." Jack whispered to me, grabbing my hand.

 I followed him to the opposite side of the table. He sat down, and then patted the seat to his left. I sat down, and then realized my legs were shaking, which only happens when I'm super nervous. "You okay?" He asked. I smiled at his concern. "Yeah." I said. "Yeah, I'm fine."

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