Chapter 4

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"As I told you already, my mom was white and my dad was black. They were happily married for a few years, but then... something broke. They couldn't be in the same room longer than five minutes. Eventually, they officially divorced, and my dad hid himself from us. I never saw him again, but seeing how he treated my mother, he's as good as dead to me. Now, my mom, she... lost her battle with cancer a little less than a year ago. I had no relatives that I knew of, so my best friend, Sophie King, convinced her mom to take me in. Mrs. King is like a mother to me, but I don't feel comfortable calling her that. She's a great person, but I can't begin to compare her to my mother."

It wasn't until after I finished that I realized there were tears running down my face. "Aw, c'mere." Jack told me. I scooted closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder. He cupped my cheek and whispered "everything's gonna be fine. I'll put my number in your phone, text me right away if you need anything." I nodded, then looked over at Luke. He was looking at the floor, uncomfortable, and unsure what to do. He caught me looking at him, and opened his arms uncertainly for a hug. I was surprised, but who was I to deny him? I wrapped my arms around him and held on tight, and he patted me lightly on the back a couple of times. As I pulled away, I ruffled his hair affectionately, and then turned around to see Jack with a funny expression on his face. He instantly forced it into a smile though, and then told me that we'd probably have to leave in about three minutes. I told him I just had to wipe off the little bit of makeup that my tears had screwed up, and he led me to the bathroom. After that, I said goodbye to Luke, and thanked Mrs. Hughes for everything. Quinn was nowhere in sight, which reminded me : those boys had never got around to telling me what was up with Quinn! I told myself I'd ask Jack in the car. He'd probably be more comfortable discussing it without Luke anyway.

As we sat down in the car, I decided to just get straight to the point. "Jack?" "Hm?" He answered. "I don't mean to pester you, but you never did tell me why Quinn, y'know, acts that way around me." I said. Jack sighed. "I knew you just weren't gonna forget about it." He said, his eyes still on the road. Before I could say anything, he continued. "So, y'know how you said your dad was black?" "Yeah..." I confirmed. "Well, that means you have some African-American in you too." "Yeah." I said again. Any idiot could tell I had some African American roots, just by looking at my skin, which was a few shades darker than, say, Jack's. "Well that's just it." Jack states sadly. "I don't know any other way to put it. Quinn is just... very, very, racist. He thinks anyone who's not pure white isn't as good as him." Now I was starting to get angry. I felt my cheeks get hot. "Does it run in the family?" I asked. "What? Oh! No, no way!" He said "I'm not like that Amy, I swear! Neither are my parents or Luke! But Quinn... I don't even know anymore. Remember when Luke told me to introduce you to Quinn, and Quinn said 'she better not be your girlfriend'? Well yeah. He can't stand to see any of us involved with anyone who's not pure white." He finished as we pulled into the driveway of Mrs. King's house.  Just as I was about to get out he grabbed my wrist. "Wait, Amy." He said, looking up at me. "I really enjoyed hanging with you today, and... maybe we can do it again sometime?" He finished with a question. I was stunned. Jack Hughes, soon to be one of the most famous faces in hockey wanted to hang out... with me? I realized he was still looking at me anxiously for an answer and I nodded. "Yeah... yeah of course." I told him. He smiled. As I laid my hand on the door handle and he said "don't worry about Quinn by the way." We'll figure something out with him." I smiled. "Okay." I whispered, getting out. "Remember, text me if you need anything!" He called after me. "I will!" I turned around to say. As he was pulling out of the driveway, he held up his hand in farewell, and I held up mine in response. Even after his car was out of sight, I still stood there, wondering how long it would be before I saw him again.

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