Chapter 22

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She responded with a blazingly bright one of her own, and I couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. Knowing I had her support just convinced me further that I had made the right choice in forgiving Jack. I smiled up at him, and he laughed and kissed the top of my head. 

Ellen laughed giddily like a little girl. "I knew it!" She giggled. "So... you're good with it?" Jack asked. Ellen snorted. "Honey, we all knew you liked each other. I knew it, your father knew it, Luke knew it... It was just a matter of time." I blushed, now feeling stupid for being so nervous.

Ellen noticed my embarrassment, and quickly invited us to have breakfast. I gratefully sat down, and Jim and Luke entered the room. Jim was ecstatic, and Luke pretended to be just as surprised, but snuck a quick wink my way. I smiled, and we sat down and had breakfast. Together. Like a family.

That Night...

Jack and I were lying down in my bed, watching Netflix on my laptop. When the movie we were watching ended, I closed the laptop, and we sat there, my head on his chest, our hands intertwined. I closed my eyes, and he leaned over, trailing ticklish kisses across my temple. It was relaxing and I sighed. He started massaging my shoulder, and I moaned, melting into his touch.

"I love you Amy." He whispered into my ear. "I love you, and I'll never let you go again. I swear, nothing like yesterday will ever happen to you again." My eyes shot open at that, as he had reminded me of something I was wondering about. "Jack?" I asked. He looked at me, letting me know he was listening. "Are we going to tell your parents about what happened... in the alley?" His eyes filled with sadness at the mention of that as he said, "we'll have to eventually, but we can wait if you'd rather." I nodded gratefully and nuzzled into his chest, listening to his heartbeat. We laid there in a comfortable silence, until he looked up at me. "Hey, do you... I mean, would you want to, um, go out somewhere with me tomorrow?" 

I laughed at his embarrassment. "Yeah of course!" I said still smiling. "Wait... is this a date?" He smirked at me. "Do you want it to be?" Again I laughed, this time at his cheesiness. "Yes Jack, I want this to be a date." He grinned triumphantly. "Then it is a date!" He declared dramatically.

A/N - Just wanted to say thanks for 1k reads guys! Seriously, i started this like, what, 5 days ago and its my first story. I really appreciate it, especially the people who have taken time to vote, comment, and add this book to their reading list. It means a lot to know that people enjoy reading my work. Hopefully, this story can continue to grow, and thanks again!


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