Chapter 13

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"Good morning!" I say happily, walking into the kitchen. "Wow, Amy, you don't usually look this... awake." Ellen notes with a laugh. "I know, I'm not much of a morning person on most days!" I answer. "So what's different this morning?" She wanted to know. "Well," I began, with a grin in Jack's direction. "I just had a really great time last night with Jack." "Aww, did he take you to the lake like I suggested?" She asked. "Yes, and it really was lovely, thanks for suggesting it." I told her. "No problem sweetheart." She said, smiling at me. "Hey, it wasn't just the lake that made it so great, I'm a pretty lovely person on my own." Jake said smugly. "We'll just see about that." I said sticking my tongue out at him. "My god, you two are so cute, you remind me of me and your father when we were young." Ellen gushes. Cue the awkward silence. Ellen was supposed to be our safe haven from all the teasing, and even though I know she didn't mean it that way, it definitely felt weird. "Well, I'm gonna for a run on the treadmill." Jack states. "Umm... okay...?" I said. Why was he telling me this? As he walked past me to the sink, he swiftly bent down and whispered. "I'll be wearing another muscle shirt." My face automatically heated up, and I wolfed down the rest of my breakfast, dashed the dishes to the sink, and thanked Ellen for cleaning up. "No problem, sweetie." She says. Then she leans in and whispers "you gonna join Jack downstairs?" "You know it!" I say, and we giggle, as if she's one of my friends from school. "Have a good time Amy!" She says. "Oh, I will!" I say with a smirk, and she grins back, knowing that I'm planning something.

I tiptoe quietly down the stairs, scouting out the layout of the basement. The workout area was to my right, with the treadmill facing away from me. I grinned. This was just perfect. I quietly walked over to Jack, who had his earbuds in, and was bobbing his head to the music. I snuck up behind him and tapped his shoulder. It was light, but it was enough to startle him, which was what I was going for. He stuttered in his tried, tried to look behind him, and got pushed off the back of the treadmill, where I was waiting to catch him. I held him by the waist, and then helped him stand upright. He turned off the treadmill. "Amy..." he said. "Yes?" I respond innocently. "Why did you try to kill me?" "Calm down, drama queen, I only scared you, and I made sure you wouldn't fall." His eyes immediately lit up with amusement, and I ran over my words in my head. Oh... oh crap no... "Take it back!" Jack shrieked in a fake high-pitched voice. "Never!" I laughed. He chased me around the basement a few times, until he finally caught up with me, and tackled me onto the sofa. This time I was expecting it, and managed to wriggle away before he could start his tickle attack. He was lying on top of me,  and we were so close I could feel his breath on my nose. He leaned down and planted his lips on top of mine. It wasn't like our first kiss, rough, desperate and passionate, but more... loving. He treated me as if I were a fragile ornament, which would shatter at the slightest touch. "Come on, let's go upstairs." He said, offering his hand to pull me up. I took it, and we walked lightly back up the stairs. "Jack?" I say. "Yeah Amy?" "That muscle shirt looks great on you." "Oh please, you think anything that shows off my arms looks great." He laughed

A.N - k guys so theres gonna be some serious drama in the next chapter involving luke :)

- CanucksFanfics

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