CHAPTER 38: Asshole

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Time: Unknown
Location: Waterfall
The bridge seeds seemed to have no scientific explanation. All I could think of was: the roots were so strong, probably just as strong as tree roots in order to cling onto each other like that. Was that just it? Was was I missing?

Sans sighed, not touching his hood, which had fallen down to rest on his shoulders, rather than the ominous look of it resting on his bare skull. He still had his hands in his hoodie pockets, and his face looked more relaxed that it had in a while. His permanent grin wasn't coating in a bath of insanity. This social interaction was working quickly, which is what he needed, that was obvious. "So, I have a question." I said, looking down at my feet with curiosity. "I can ask a question right?" I asked right after.

"That was your question?" He said, scoffing slightly. "Wow. That got you places, didn't it?" He joked, sarcastically teasing my choice of words that I had chosen to word my 'question'. He chuckled slightly, exhaling and turning to lead the way again, and I trotted to catch up with him, entering a rather large clearing in the caves of waterfall.

"No!" I shook my head. "Thats not what I—..." I trailed off, looking at the eerie looking bell that had been worn down and rusted over all the time it's obviously been down here. The constant water vapor must make the rust on the metal form very easily. "You know what I mean!" I exclaimed, looking ahead of us, where another flower bridge was floating in the next water pool, that eventually flowed down into the darkened abyss, as the other pool did. "You know fully well..." I huffed aloud, which made him chuckle again.

"Go ahead." He said. "Why would I stop you?" He asked, sounding confused. "You humans are pretty curious sometimes, that's for sure." He almost growled at that statement. I would have to ask him why he wanted Chara sooner or later as well. Maybe later, not now. He seems like he is in a content mood. I didn't want him to leave his new found sense of reality, and go back to his brother, Papyrus. That would potentially be whether I make it out of here alive.

"Well, a few questions, then." I said, almost excitedly. "So, how did my fractured foot heal so quickly? That would have needed weeks to heal! Let alone recover the potential missing pieces of bone." I said. I was borderline babbling to myself as I tried to explain every single little thing, as a scientist would normally do, just— not as much as I did. Chara always found that annoying. When I babbled.

"That's an easy one." Sans said casually, walking over the bridge as if it were everyday nature. Well, if he lived here in the underground, is WAS everyday nature to him. Duh. "Healing magic." He said, chuckling. "Normally healing magic is green, but my magic is subject to being solely blue. That's my magic." He said, I could practically sense the eye roll that came from that comment about his own magic. Was he not strong in relation to the rest of the skeletons in the underground?

"Magic?" I giggled. "You've got to be kidding me. Just tell me the truth. No pranks. I genuinely want to know." I laughed, as if this were another one of his many pranks. I walked over the flower bridge with caution, holding my arms out in a T-pose to balance better as Sans waited for me on the other side. Magic was all the illusion that you were doing something that the onlooker couldn't see due to the trick of the eye. It couldn't heal bones. Did he think I was that stupid?

If magic existed, then there wouldn't have to be a scientific explanation for everything. The scientific revolution would have never happened if we couldn't explain it, and because they needed to explain everything, the Romantic era begun shortly afterwards. Magic is just an illusion.

"Alright. If you genuinely want to know..." Sans trailed off, inhaling a deep breath as if he were getting to explain a long explanation. I listened closely, readying to take in the massive amount of information. "Healing magic." He repeated rather bluntly, using the same answer as before, as if he were unimpressed. He continued walking, entering a room with a sign on the entrance that read 'WISHING ROOM'.

"I don't believe you." I quickly said, as he came to a stop abruptly, before entering the wishing room. I wanted to see if the room looked he same as the rest of the cave walls, dotted with shining crystals along the beautiful rocky walls, and the fake stars that were plastered across the top. I also wanted my questions answered, but apparently Sans can't steer clear of a classic prank. "Prove it." I said, narrowing my eyes slightly. There was no way he could prove it.

"Give me your arm." He said, turning around with no source of humor in his permanent expression. He held his hand out outstretched, and open, waiting for me to place my small, frail arm in his boney clutches. "I'll prove it to you." He grinned.

"Why?" I asked, holding my right arm with my left hand. "What are you going to do?" I said, avoiding his pinpricks for eyes.

"I'm going to break your arm." He said, chuckling slightly, as he blinked for an extended amount of time. My eyes widened and I looked down at my arm in fear.

"No!" I said, turning away from him, clutching my arm tighter with my left arm, as if he were going to take my arm forcefully. I was afraid he was really going to break it. Like he did my foot. "Are you ins—?!" I stopped myself from continuing even further. "Are you..." I trailed off, turning around slowly to meet him in the eyes again.

"Insane?" He asked, chuckling a bit. There was a slight pause, and the eerily quiet rushing water wasn't making the echoing caverns any less ominous in the darkness. Yes, it was beautiful here beyond anything I had ever seen, but, it didn't hide the fact of how strangely silent it was. It was too silent. "I think we both know the answer to that question." He grinned, stepping closer to me. I could feel the fear start to build up, and I consciously knew that my eyes had widened as Sans seemed to tower over me in overwhelming power.

He then relaxed his shoulders, and sighed, putting his hands in his pockets. "Well, I guess I can't prove it to you, then." He said, shrugging, and turning around to head towards the wishing room. I just hung my mouth open for a while, watching him walk into the wishing room with a cocky grin on his face. He had gotten me, that was for sure. "If you keep standing there, I'm going to leave you!" He called from the doorway, still not facing me.

"I got it! I got it!" I huffed, trotting over to catch up with Sans. "Asshole." I mumbled softly.

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