CHAPTER 66: LOVE or love?

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Time: 1:30 pm
Location: MTT Resort
Frisk's sleeping body actually calmed me slightly, much to my surprise. The slow rising and falling of her body was peaceful and alluring.

I watched her sleep, as awkward as it may sound, and I grinned slightly when I saw her curl around the blanket she had been tightly grasping in her sleep earlier. Glancing over at the food I had left her, I noticed none of it had been touched. Did she just sleep for that long? Should I even bother waking her up?

I didn't want to ruin the easy-going peacefulness of the quiet atmosphere. Seeing her almost made me feel as if I didn't have any problems at all--just her. Her dark, thick hair hung messily in her face, and her soft snores were as cute as the rest of her small body. I don't know what I would have done without her in these past few weeks. Was I really growing attached to her? Or had I already been attached from the beginning?

"SHE WON'T BE THERE FOREVER." Papyrus whispered in the back of my head. He was faint and quiet, as if he were a mere voice in the back of my head. "JUST REMEMBER THAT." He said, "I WILL ALWAYS BE HERE FOR YOU, SANS." He said, as if his words curled around my brain, binding it to his thoughts. As if he knew exactly what I was thinking at all times, but in a twisted, sadistic manner.

"She'll wake up because of you." I hissed, shushing him as I turn back to face Frisk's sleeping figure. I sigh, and let out more of a soft smile in seeing her, and reach over to touch her shoulder, shaking it slightly. "Hey." I said. "It's pretty late. We had better get going." I said, nudging her more. "Or you'll stay down here forever at this rate." I said, chuckling slightly.

But whenever I imagined her back on the surface, I could only imagine Colonel Jackson's words echoing inside of my tiny skull. 'Her life is ruined because of you. Do you really think she has any much more of a shot than you do out in the surface world now? We humans will always be greedy, and in doing so, we aren't afraid to banish the unworthy.'

It sent shivers down my spine, and it made me want to cradle her, and keep her down here where she would be safe, but based on what we've been through, it's obvious that she isn't safe down here either, no matter how much I could vow to protect her. "Frisk." I said, shaking her more, earning a sleepy grunt in her sleep towards me. She's never been the morning type, I've always found that entertaining in my opinion. Mostly because I thought I was the laziest one here.

Not as lazy as Al--

Suddenly a rush of sadness enveloped around me, causing me to stop shaking Frisk and just stand there. I felt so alone. I missed my friends and my family.

"YOU KILLED THEM, SANS." He said. "THEY WILL NEVER COME BACK." Papyrus said once more, touching my shoulder again, like he usually does. He was louder as my judgements got more and more clouded with his words. My brain and heart were both in the state of manipulation, covered with doubt and self-hate. "YOU OFFERED THEM SOMETHING BETTER." He said. "MERCY. MERCY FROM THIS CRUEL WORLD, TO OFFER THEM A CHANCE TO LEAVE THIS DREADFUL PLACE AWAY FROM CHARA." He said. "YOU CAN OFFER HER THE SAME MERCY, BROTHER." The word brother seemed to take effect on me as my breath hitched.

Papyrus seemed to have caught the small hitch in my breath and grinned slyly, "IF YOU KEEP HER AROUND..." Papyrus said, whispering into my ear, "THEN I'LL DISAPPEAR. AND YOU'LL REALLY HAVE NO ONE LEFT." He said, grinning widely with madness. "OR, YOU CAN OFFER HER MERCY AND HAPPINESS, AND HAVE ME STAY. WE CAN GO FORWARD WITH OUR PLAN IN THE END. IT'S FOOLPROOF!" He said, "ALL YOU HAVE TO DO, IS TRUST ME." He said, holding out his hands, inviting me to take them.

I hadn't said a word yet, however, it had seemed as if he had already swayed me onto his side of the argument. I didn't know how he did, but it seemed as if he were right. Away from greed, LOVE, and sadness. It seemed as if that would be absolute bliss, and to live in it is painful.

Reaching for his hand, A bead of sweat dropped down my skull and past my neck. It seemed as if all my movements had stopped. Papyrus didn't say another word, he already knew he had me hooked from point one. "Sans?" Frisk called, causing papyrus to vanish and for me to turn around. "What are you doing?"

"I- uh." I stuttered. "N-Just came here to wake you up, and got a little distracted. It's late, we should start going." I said, turning away quickly, trying to hide the fact that my head was spinning and heating up quickly. "So, yeah." I said, trying to walk out.

"Sans." Her voice was stubborn and upfront. I halted in my tracks, relaxing my shoulders and putting on a lazy poker face, with minimal blush left on my cheeks. "What's going on?" She asked, taking off her covers, and getting out of bed, "And what happened to the door?!" She exclaimed, walking over to me and pointing.


"I uh- broke it." I said, rather bluntly. "And nothing is wrong. Everything is fine. So don't worry and do what you usually do. Do what you normally don't do and not worry because that would be very beneficial." I said, mentally smacking myself for that comeback.

"Sans." She said, taking my hand with her left and caressing my face with her right. "You can talk to me." She said, "I worried about you. You were talking to yourself again, weren't you?" She asked, surprising me a little.

I chuckled, and replied. "Papyrus isn't no one!" I exclaimed, rather jokingly, but I feel as if it made her expression worse. "It's fine, really, Frisk." I said.


I shook off his voice and kept a smile on my face, as our faces were dangerously close together now. I was forced to look into her golden eyes of mercy, and realized how much suffering she had gone through during this journey with me. She truly did need a break from it all. She looked to the side for a little bit, biting her lower lip slightly as if she were thinking. She furrowed her eyebrows and inhaled slightly.

Slowly, but rather quick, her head moved up to mine, her lips touching the teeth of my skull and allowed me to look at her in surprise for a second, only to close my eyes and preserve it as a cherished memory. "Sans." She said, pulling away from such a delicate kiss, "I want you to know that I'm always here for you." She said, grinning slightly as my non-existent stomach was filled to the brim with butterflies.

She pulled away, grinning rather largely, and it was like I couldn't even process what was happening. I grabbed her hand softly, and pulled her into am embrace, "Just one more." I said, moving my teeth down her to lips and kissing her softly to feel that rush once more.

A monster can really learn how to love. Not LOVE, but love.

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