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Location: Castle
Time: Unknown
Sans' thoughts were confusing and scaring me. Was he really himself, or did he lose himself to his insanity a long time ago?

"Chara, right?" I asked him as he looked at my face with a solemn look. He slowly removed his hand from my face with a sad, melancholy look, and looked at me in the eyes. He only slowly nodded his head, removing his eyes from mine. I could only guess he could really see her in me. We looked so alike, except for her bright, red eyes that she had adapted over the years. "I thought so." I said, rather lowly and looked toward the ground.

"That doesn't mean that I don't.." he stopped himself short, afraid of what to say in this situation. "I care about you, Frisk. I have come to realize this after many weeks of being with you." He said. "I want you to stay safe, and you don't deserve to be in such a cruel world." He growled, almost threateningly. My eyes widened slightly, but they went back to normal when I looked back up at him.

"This hall..." He said, "This hall has shared a lot of memories with me. Thousands of times where Chara had tried to kill me." He said, looking into the hall with some sort of fear, almost. the door was narrow and shaped like an arch, only fitting one person through it at a time, but he stayed on the outside of the room, afraid of the memories that it would bring back. "I wouldn't be lying if I said I didn't want to go in there." He said, glancing to the right, glaring off into space. I could only guess that Papyrus was standing there in his mind. His imagination was getting way too far out of control. 

"Sans." I said, unable to come up with a refute of his statement.

Trying to put my hand on his shoulder, he slapped it away suddenly, and looked at me with angry eyes. His left eye became lit up, surrounded by a purple flame that could only mean one thing. My eyes widened, "You have to prove to me right here that you aren't her!" He said. "Because every time I look at you, I see her--YOU murdering everyone!" He shouted, getting more and more angry with each passing second.

"I-I don't want to hurt yo-ou." He said, raising his hand, having it encased with a purple flame, just as his eye is. "But I'm just so tired of fighting these ..." He grinned, chuckling a bit, "Natural feelings." He grinned menacingly. The grin he was showing me really reminded me of when we had first met. he was losing himself to his insanity once more. What had happened? He was doing so much better!

I tried to say something, only to be drowned in my own fear for the very thing I had said to myself I wanted to protect. I still want to protect him! This wasn't him! He can change, I know it! "Sans!" I yelled, begging my heart and my brain to stop my body from shaking because I knew it would only make it worse. "What will you let break first?!" I said, tears threatening to fall as he froze in the air. "Your mind, or your bones?!" I said, letting my heart ache at the situation we were in as of this moment. "Broken bones can heal, but you can't run from a broken mind!" I said, trying to break through to him.

He paused, a scowl had been placed on his face. "If bones can heal..." He said, looking at me in the eyes, grinning, "then I guess it wouldn't be so bad to break some of yours." He said, Grinning with wide eyes. I could only stand in fear at what he had become in such a short amount of time. it had only been about 6 hours since we had been at the hotel. How could he have gotten this much worse in the span of a quarter of a day?!

Just as I thought his hand was going to land on me, ready to strike his his armada of bones, he stopped, just inches away from my face. I was looking away in fear, shrinking and shriveling up, hoping that this was yet again, just another nightmare. But no matter how many times I begged myself to wake up, it would never happen, because this was the reality I had let myself come to.

"H-heh." He said,  visibly sweating, holding his other arm from attacking me. "Like I said.." He said, "You really don't deserve such a cruel world, Frisk." He said, lowering his hand, and fighting his blood lust intentions. It was scary, to think that he could have killed me like that. Was I really making the right choice here? "Remember what I said?" He said, huffing heavily. It must have taken a lot of energy to fight back for his place in reality. "I really do love to scare the shit out of people." he said, chuckling very fatiguedly. 

As much as I wanted to believe him, I just couldn't. He was too out of breath, too afraid of himself as a monster to pull of such a prank like that. He was really losing himself--losing the battle that he had created when he decided to keep me alive in the first place.

And most importantly, if the time came to decide which side I would pick, whose side would I run to? His? or my own safety?

My heart did ache for the skeleton that he had showed me, but was it all worth it? I had never felt this way towards anyone. never had anyone made me laugh or feel safer when he had touched reality once more. I just had to keep him sane, right? What was so hard about that?

"Come on." he chuckled darkly. "It's time for you to be judged." he said, stepping into the hall of red and golden tiles.

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