CHAPTER 49: We don't have all day!

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Time: Unknown
Location: Military Camp in Waterfall
The silence of the tent was ominous and uncomfortable. The man at the other end of the room was stiff and unmoving, as if he were a guard of the royal family in England.

It was clammy and hot inside of the large tent. The ground was almost entirely soft dirt from the nearby river, or hard cave rock from the bedrock from so far underneath the mountain's surface. It didn't help that I quickly became flustered from the warm tears that continued to dehydrate my body even further than it already was. My eyes grew puffy and heavy from the constant streams of water that flowed from my eyes.

The man at the other side of the tent didn't seem to show any sympathy for me as a person— or maybe he did, and was only hiding it from me to believe in the act that he had no emotions towards me or anyone related to me. I was a criminal to everyone here, after all.

I wanted to know what Chara had set me up with. I wanted to know how long I was going to be in here before my date was decided by these military officials. But most importantly, I wanted to know where they were keeping Sans and what they were going to do with him. Would he had given into these men so easily if I hadn't been there to watch and witness him? He seemed quite powerful when he successfully fought off all of those soldiers to continue to roam free in the underground like this. Though, I have never seen him in combat.

Is that why he didn't fight back?

I quickly shook off Sans' figure out of my head. He was merely a silhouette in my life at the moment, an opening of betrayal and hurt. Something inside of myself hurt badly over the course of the time he had said he was acting. I couldn't explain it... it was just.... everywhere. If it were my heart or my stomach, I would have been able to say to myself that my stomach hurt, or that my heart hurt, but just as I think I had honed in on the pain, it seemed like it was in another place, too.

I couldn't explain it! I couldn't understand it! I was just sitting here, in this small, empty tent, with a guy who just stood there at stand-ready! I grumbled to myself, and looked up at the military soldier with a glaring eye. He didn't seem to flinch, let alone notice that I was in-face looking at him. He didn't say a word, as if starting s conversation with me would end up in Chaos anyways.

I looked in the opposite direction of the soldier, frustrated and grumpy. My stomach growled loudly and I clutched it in pain. My eyes singled out the clipboard that Colonel Jackson had placed down upon leaving the tent. My curiosity weighed me down heavily, wanting me to push a bit further to grab it and read its contents.

Was that my report? Was that why I was being arrested?

My glance went back to the other soldier, as I tried to figure out a way to get ahold of the clipboard myself. It was a good 3 or 4 yards away— I wouldn't be able to reach unless I stood up and walked over to the table where it lied. And My legs felt as if they would snap under any of my body weight due to the frailty of them. "S-Sir?" I managed to sputter out, "Could I maybe have some water? I haven't had anything in days..." I tried to say, though, technically I wasn't lying. I haven't had anything in days.

"You are to be remained in your seat, supervised." He repeated what Jackson said, as if he were an emotionless husk. "Jackson's being lenient on you. You should be happy where you are." He said. "Your friend on the other hand..." He chuckled a little bit, "He won't last long." He said.

"I just asked for a glass of water!" I started to raise my voice, getting angry from my hunger and my heightened emotions. It's like I couldn't control myself anymore, my emotions were so out-of-wack. Why did this hurt so badly? I wasn't even hurt by Chara this badly, and I had known her for years! "Is that too much to ask??" I complained, moaning and sighing for just a sip of water.

"Not until Jackson clears it." He said, sighing slightly, biting is bottom lip slightly. I couldn't read his name tag that was on his right shoulder, but I could tell that if I keeper pushing, I might be able to get through to him.

"Please! Just this once!" I pleaded, glancing over at the clipboard as if it had moved or something.

"So what?" The soldier snapped, showing emotions for what seemed like the first time. It surprised me, causing my look of plea to a look of fear. "So you can run away while I go to get you your 'precious water'?!" He said, grumbling. "With the things you've done, and the things you hope to do, is rather you die of dehydration than get you a glass of water!" He said, exhaling. "If you would have just let us use the skeleton for our new biological weapon, maybe I could see me family again!" He hesitated, catching his breath, and going back to an emotionless stance. He caught his mistake there.

It was at that point when I stood up, rushing over to the soldier, trying to overwhelm him. It wasn't a great plan, but it was whether than arguing with him and being killed in an hour or two. "Listen!" I said, grabbing his sleeve desperately with tears in my eyes once more. He grunted and was taken aback by my actions, as if he were a first year in doing this. "Listen! I didn't say anything about that subject! I had no choice in the matter! It was Chara! She's behind all of it!"

"Get off of me!" The soldier shoved me down to the ground easily due to his body mass and my small weight. He could have thrown me like a rag-doll if he had really wanted. My hands landed out onto the soft dirt to stop my fall, only to hear something snap in the process.

"aaAAAA—!" I screamed, only to have my mouth covered by the officer. My screamed were muffled and desperate once more as tears came profusely out of my eyes. I held my left arm in despair. I had broken that bone.

"Shut up!" He hissed. "Do you want to attract more attention??" He grunted, slapping me. "The Colonel won't do anything to stop you, but anything I say, he'll listen to me." He said, grinning slightly. "I could give you the beating you really deserve." He said pulling my messy hair with his other hand.

I was flat on the ground with my stomach to the floor. My right hand held my weak bicep muscle, hopping the bone would heal itself magically, in doing so, my handcuffs pulled my other arm up as well. The pain was unbearable. The soldier kneeled over me, holding my hair and covering my mouth.

Along the outside of the tent, multiple grunts were heard, faintly and quietly, and we had only been able to hear the noises because of him covering my mouth.
A hand flew through the opening of the tent, still connected to an arm, but it slapped the ground, as if someone going unconscious.

"What the—?" The soldier on top of me asked himself, looking at the tent opening with a confused look. To my surprise, first, I had seen the pink slippers, then Sans had emerged from the outside and stepped over the body that he had apparently either knocked out, or killed. "You!" The soldier exclaimed. Why had Sans come here? To find Jackson?

Sans only glared at the situation that unfolded on the ground of the tent. I tried to yell at him, but my muffled noises only turned to pleas whilst his hand covered my mouth tightly. He could easily break my neck. His eyes darted around the area, looking for more soldiers inside of the room.

"S-Stay back!" The soldier yelled, standing us both up, and grabbing a knife out of his pocket. "Come any closer and I'll kill her!" He said in a panic. My eyes widened at the knife being pressed against my neck, and the right hold this man had around my body.

Sans chuckled, sighing and shrugging his shoulders. "Alright." He said, snapping once, and igniting his magic eye. Suddenly the man let go of me, falling limp to the floor and landing on the dirt with a thump. I quickly turned around in sick to see a bone through his chest, more specifically, his heart. "I didn't come any closer." He grinned, his hood making him seem all the more ominous.

"S—!?" I tried to say, only to catch my own voice.He motioned me over, walking out of the tent at the brisk pace. I didn't move, but could only just comprehend the fact that Sans had saved my life.

His head popped back into the tent, more of an annoyed expression than his sinister look. "Come on! We don't have all day!" He exclaimed.

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