CHAPTER 46: Escaping?

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Location: Wishing Room
Time: Unknown
His grip on my hand was tight and uncomfortable. It felt as if a policeman had handcuffed me so tightly so I had no chance of escaping the fatality that he would bring upon me. My gut told me to run away from this danger I keep sensing--but where do I run to?

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said, looking at his hand that held a firm grip on my wrist, and back to meeting him in the eyes with my wide, scared ones. "What do you mean?" I asked him, but it only made him chuckle in amusement.

"This place just wasn't enough for you.." He said. "You just kept killing them... and killing them..." He wept, it seemed again. It seemed as if his sentences were recordings of something, a memory, I could deduce. He was probably undergoing a flashback of some sort, the question now was, what triggered it? Was it random? "Did you enjoy your fun?" He said. "Did you enjoy your fun, Chara?" he whispered her name, and my eyes widened in slight fear. "You finally made me do it..." He said. "You finally forced me to break." His grin was miles long, and his black sockets began to melt down with purple tears that glowed inside the dark room. It was almost as magical as the echo-flower. "Are you happy now?"

"Sans." I said, twisting my arm to try and trying to break free from his grip as he leaned in closer to me. "Sans, It's just--" I swallowed nervously, my movements were getting frantic. "It's just a dream, okay?" I quivered. "I-It's just a memory! Come back to reality!" I waned. "Its me! Frisk!" I said, in hopes of bringing him back to his senses, but I could already tell that I would need a lot more than just a small pep-talk to bring him back. I twisted my arm in a clockwise motion to try and get out of his grip once more, but he only tightened it even more, causing me to wine in pain. I could quickly fell the tears that were beginning to form at the corners of my tear ducts. "Sans! You're hurting me!" I said, using the ground to plant my other hand to try and rip myself away from his iron grip, but yet again, no avail.

"Do you think I care about your pain?" He responded to me for the first time. Was he in reality? Was he in a dream? Was his dream altered to fit the scenarios of the reality we sat in inside the crevasse of these rocks? I couldn't escape! "Do you think I care about you?" He spat to me, using a bit more emotions than last time, and I could fully say that the monotonous tone of his voice had disappeared. I couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing. "And you call me the comedian." He let out a quiet, sad chuckle.

Sans came closer, much to my demise, to the point where we was whispering inside of my hear. "You can't run from me." He still had that firm grip on my wrist, but his close proximity of him being like this made me struggle further. "You'll really know how much I give a shit about you after I get done carving out your innards." He grinned, smiling wildly and chuckling madly. It was almost as if the sadness had faded into insanity- a coping method, I could decide. My eyes grew wide and I struggled out of his grip, attempting to back away from the crazed skeleton. He was completely under a spell, I couldn't get through to him because of my overwhelming fear of his instability. This fear was so irrational! Why couldn't I just dive in and not fear death itself? "I bet your screams will be satisfying enough for all of those innocent monsters you slaughtered, Chara." He sneered.

That was when I realized why he hated Chara so much. My eyes widened even more, I was afraid that they would roll out of my head, my eyelids were so far back. Did Chara really commit some sort of genocide among this species of creatures? Did Chara murder everyone this skeleton ever loved? "Sans. L-Listen.." I trailed off, stuttering vigorously in fear, not even Sans' iron grip could keep my body from trembling in fear as Sans moved closer and accumulated the purple particles from his right hand. "I'm not Chara." I tried to say, getting reminders of the first time we actually met. I had to convince him of my identity as me, and not Chara. Will I have to do this often due to these episodes.

"Not Chara? You must really come up with better excuses than that!" He chuckled, his eye was fully a-flame. "I can't wait to kill you, Frisk." He said, wide eyed, grinning madly. I thought he had lost his touch with reality! Was he aware of his surroundings? Was he going to stop hurting me? Why did he want to kill me? "You look confused!" He chuckled, "Allow me to put you out of your misery, red soul." he said, grinning madly. "He wants you around, but I don't." he grinned, slamming his right fist down onto the ground next to me, causing me to jump.

"Who is he?" I said, tears in my eyes. "Sans! Whats going on!?" I said, they were finally starting to fall down my face. "I'm scared! I though we had been getting closer! Why are you fooling me like this?! What changed?" I said. I was so conflicted, so confused. But most importantly, I was hurt. I was so hurt, and I didn't understand why I was hurt--this act of betrayal was enough to make anyone sad, but I had really thought that I was making things better for him. "I thought you were getting better!" I cried.

"Oh?" Sans said, grinning. "You're scared of me?" He said, before chuckling darkly. "Do you like my acting? It takes quite a bit of talent to hide the want to kill someone as annoying as you." He said. "You should be scared of me." his voice lowered. "Because you aren't surviving the next hour with me." He laughed, before cutting himself off to glare at the side of the rocky structure. He covered my mouth as I began to hiccup sobs from my heartbreak of losing a potential friend. The tears wouldn't stop, I couldn't understand what I did to deserve to be treated in such a way. Was his insanity treating me as a ...

Was his inanity seeing me as a threat to Sans becoming sane again? It would make sense if the manifestation of his inanity was in the form of a loved one, making it seem as if that insanity never existed, therefore easily manipulated. But was that really just the only reason?

Muffled voices of men sounded from the outside, being closer to the wall, I could just make out what they were saying. "I think it came from over here! Yeah! I told you! An earthquake, my ass!" A fairly young man seemed to laugh, along with other voices that surrounded the location of where his voice came from.

Suddenly, a light shone in, a flashlight that made me squint brightly as I saw nothing but the bright, yellow light of an LED flashlight. "Here! Survivors!"

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