CHAPTER 44: Not friends

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Location: Wishing Room
Time: Unknown
What does it matter that she believes she is my friend? I have no friends. I don't need them. I've been alone all this time just fine.

There was a long pause of silence in the darkness of the small crevasse of the rubble we both sat underneath. My skull hurt from the impact on the rock, I was surprised it didn't damage my HP more. I'm only lucky my LOVE increased my HP, because if it weren't for that, I'd be dust.

My hood rested on my skull, hiding the hideous crack in the side of my skull. She didn't notice, but my blood was beginning to have a redder tint to it. My eyes have adjusted to the dark better than her pathetic little human eyes, so I was able to distinguish the color immediately. What did this mean? Was my blood turning red again? Why did it turn black in the first place?

I tried hard to think of the dream I had woken up to, however, it felt as if something blocked the dream from my memory. I could not for the life of me remember that it was about. It's like it just vanished into thin air.

Oh well. No matter.
I don't need to be worried about a dream when I'm under potential collapsing rock.

Evaluating the situation, my eyes trailed up the sides of the rubble, up to the ceiling to analyze the fragility and stability of the rocks. Frisk was right, unfortunately. The rocks would collapse if we tried to move them from the inside. And who knows if that monster would show up again. Who even was he?

Frisk stayed silent to let me think. This was probably the most useful thing she's done yet.

I couldn't teleport us out of there, this would arouse suspicion about teleporting to the barrier sooner. I couldn't let her leave with the RESET button. I couldn't make a bone structure to hold the rocks either— the bones wouldn't be able to hold that much weight without cracking under the pressure of their mass.

What to do?
What to do??

"I got nothing." I said, sighing and cracking almost a half smile towards Frisk. I had an idea.

She only held her mouth open, surprised I didn't have an idea for once. "You—!" She began to say, before stopping herself as I reached my arms up halfway in the air to stretch my back and shoulders. Yawning, I turned rather sharply, resting my feet on her lap while crossing my ankles and putting my hands behind my head for support. "Wha—?" She said, almost looking at my slipper-covered feet in disgust.

"What? Might as well get comfortable." I said. "We're most likely going to be here for a while." I said, flashing her yet another grin. This one, with no malice in it whatsoever. More of a humorous grin— a playful one. "So? Why not?" I said, practically reading her expression like a book.

Though with her human eyes, I suppose all she could see is my now purple glowing eye. "Sans! What if this thing collapses?!" She hissed cautiously as I leaned onto the rocks with my back softly. "There's no guarantee that we'll survive!" She said, worriedly running her hands through her hair.


"You're such a worry-wart." I said, chuckling. "If we die..." I said, winking. "We die." I chuckled darkly, and that made her expression drop slightly. "I'm kidding!" I said quickly, watching the worry on her face turn into relief, and then a playful grin.


I earned a quick, playful punch on the shoulder, "Sans!" She laughed slightly. "That's not funny!" She laughed again.


"You're obviously laughing." I chuckled, stretching out lazily. Her laugher died out failing quick, and soon, an awkward silence ensued. My mind spin in circles to think of what to do next. "Hey." I said, grasping her attention. "What did—?" I tried to say, before cutting myself off, feeling a pressure on my throat suddenly at the thought of a joke.


"Sans? Sans are you okay?" Frisk said, her expression dropped, and reached out to me as my hands tried to reach up towards my throat. They wouldn't move.

"SANS?" Papyrus' voice was heard distantly and very faintly. Was he outside of the rubble? He could get us out! "ARE YOU THERE?"

"Sans!" Frisk's voice became a bit fainter, almost blurred. "Stop!" She begged faintly. "Stop that!" Everything She said sounded as if it were underwater. Papyrus' voice was becoming clearer and clearer.

"Papyrus!" I tried to call, "Papyrus! Can you hear me?" However, it only came out as chokes and gags as it felt as if my windpipe was being smashed into a thousand pieces.

"ARE YOU IN PAIN?" Papyrus said as I tried to gasp for air. We skeletons didn't need oxygen, but nitrogen to survive. "DO YOU WISH FOR IT TO STOP?"

Frisk was now desperately reaching towards me, clawing her nails and fingers towards my way. She had tears in her eyes as the room continued to glow brighter with a purple tint. I could feel the influx of magic that surrounded me. "——!!" Her voice was completely muffled from the watered noises. "———-!!! —— ——-!" She cried.

"YOU ARE GETTING ATTACHED TO THIS GIRL." Papyrus said, more clearly than ever before. "ERADICATE HER EXISTENCE NOW. WORRY ABOUT THE RESET LATER." Papyrus said, almost as if he were right behind me, hovering over my shoulder. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

Me? Attached to a human? He's got to be kidding me.

I tried to speak, only the fact that I could only listen to his voice and the muffled cries of Frisk. "THIS WILL BE A ROUGH JOURNEY FOR YOU, THE LONGER YOU WAIT TO KILL HER." Papyrus said, grinning sinisterly. I could almost sense the grin along his face.

He sounds serious. But why? Why now?

"SANS!" Frisk screamed, causing me to blink and snap out of whatever I was in.
I quickly lowered my hands, and took my firm, iron grip out from around my neck. The very things I had meant to use to stop chocking myself. Had I really been choking myself this entire time. "What's wrong??" She looked up at me with wide eyes. The same worried one that she holds all of the time.

I almost replied, I even opened my mouth to take a breath in time for a long explanation, however, it was true that I was behaving abnormally these past few days with this human. It was close to a week now. And we're still in Waterfall. I just put my hood up, and grinned, my eye glowing brightly with magic. "None of your concern." I grinned towards her, taking my feet off of her and tucking them in close to myself. "We're not friends anyways."

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