"It was a Miracle!"

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Nick was in a deep silence but his mind was so loud! He had nothing to do. Where she is, Who to inform & What to do..All kept rolling in his head.

He went upstairs to her room hoping to find a charger so he could try calling her once again. During his search, he found a small notebook. It was purple colored with black mini hearts and Jasmine's name on the top. Obviously it was Jasmine's diary. He could see a tip of a black note.

Before he could be able to see it , he heard a noise. Someone entering the house. Are they the kidnappers? Did they forget something & are back for it? What to do? Should he face them or just be quiet & hide?

He took a broom that was kept outside Jasmine's room & decided to go downstairs quietly. Step by step, he went downstairs when suddenly someone showed in front of him. He was about to hit this person when he realized that this person was Jasmine!

"Oh ,Thank God Jasmine. You are here! What the hell happened? " said Nick while hugging her. Jasmine was not in a bad shape except for some blood on her head. It's was just a wound from the hit she previously got.

Nick cleaned her wound that was not that serious while listening to what happened. "I donno who they are. As I told you on the phone I heard some noice , I went down to check out and I was hit. I remember nothing afterwards except that I heard the car's engine stopped suddenly and the rope that tied my hands was unwrapped! I removed the handkerchief that covered my eyes and ran quickly back home seeing the men in the car as if they were sleeping ! They couldn't go so far and for sure someone had rescued me! But Who he was..I Donno! " explained Jasmine. " I thought I would be dead ..It was a miracle! " added Jasmine.

Nick told Jasmine that it is dangerous to stay here alone .What if they are back again? But Jasmine insisted that all will be okay & that he has not to worry. She would be fine, she said.

Nick left after making sure that she locked all doors and windows tightly. The sky started to rain. It was a noisy night. Time went so slow. Jasmine stayed all night at her room. The door and windows were locked. Spending her time on the Internet, listening to music & doing nothing , this was how she spent that freaking night.

She tried so hard to remember any details of what happened, the faces of the kidnappers, their number or any remarkable feature of them. She was sure that they were not less than two. One hit her and the other tied her. The two carried her to the back seat of a black jeep car. Her memory gradually was coming back to her fuzzy head.

This was what she could hardly remember for now. But, Was there another man driving or just the two of them? Were they wearing masks or were they face-naked? She went to a deep sleep while trying to recover her memory.

The next day, she woke up on birds sounds and someone ringing the bell. She wore her slippers, went downstairs and "Yes? " said Jasmine looking from the magical eye of the door. It was Nick.

He came by to check on her as he was really worried about what happened the day before. "I tried reaching you on your cellphone but it was switched all night and till now! So I couldn't help but coming here" he said with that innocent smile he possessed.

" My phone?" Oh where is it? Oh ..maybe my battery died " said Jasmine with a tone referring to that she could remember not much. Nick was in a hurry so he left immediately.

Jasmine searched for her phone but it was not found. She went outside to look for it but no use as well. Her legs took her to where the car stopped but of course neither her phone nor the car were there.

She was worried that her mum would try to contact her on her mobile and be worried. She might also call at home. So Jasmine returned home quickly in order not to miss her expected call.

Obviously, Jasmine was incapable of reporting this incident as there was no clue of what happened , no car number , no face details and no suspects as well.

She reached a blocked way!

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