Chapter 11

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Jake's (pov)

"Get up" I groan as Colby lays there sleeping. "Colbyy, you have to get up" he opens one eye and yawns. "Why". I sit there and glare at him as he laughs. "5 more minutes, ok" he says. "But the roomates are here, we have to say hi" I say and crawl on top of him and start shaking him by the shoulders. "No" he says and rolls back over. I frown and zone out. I instantly remember that the roomates are supposed to be back by now again . "Ok well I'm going downstairs to talk to them" I say and get up. I walk downstairs and see nobody down there. I look around for them, but they're not here. I look in the kitchen, then the living room, gaming room, and outside. No where. They're not in their bedrooms either. I sit back down by Colby and play with his hair. "They aren't here yet and I don't know why" I say and stop. "Try calling Devyn" Colby says as he sits up next to me. "Okay" I sigh. I run to get my phone and come back to the room. Instead of sitting on the bed I decide to sit on Colby's lap instead. I sit down, unlock my phone, go to face time, click on Devyn, and call her. I put my phone on speaker so that Colby can hear to. "Hey Jake" she says and sets the camera up. "Hey, what are you doing" I say as she pulls out a brush and waves it in the air. "My makeup, it's very intertaining" she says sarcastically. "Seems like it, but anyway what happened to you guys coming back last night" I question her. "Well, our flight got cancelled, and they had no other flights to get on, so we are coming back tonight" she smiles and finishes her highlight. "Ok, remember I love you, bye" I say and blow a kiss. "Love you too" she says and waves. I end the call and look at Colby. I groan and fall back on the bed, obviously angry. "Oh no, we have to spend another day together, so terrible" Colby says sarcastically as he picks me up by the waist and carries me to my own room because it's cleaner than his.
"What do you wanna do" He asks and sits on my desk chair. "I don't know, what do you wanna do, babe" I say and wrap my legs around his waist and plop my head on his chest, while sitting down. "Well we just got the pool cleaned, wanna go in there" He asks me. "Yeah, let me find some trunks" I say and walk to my dresser. "I'm going to go get mine, okay" I look at him and nod. I rummage through my drawer trying to find something that fits me right, but all I can manage to find is some Adidas shorts, this will have to do. I walk to Colby's room and knock on the door to make sure it's ok to come in. In response I get a "come in" I open the door and see him shirtless. "Like what you see" I say and notice I was staring again. "You know I do" I say and point a finger gun at him. "Did you find anything" he asks as he pulls a towel out of his closet. "No, I found some shorts though, so I guess that's good" he looks at me and nods. "Ok, let's go outside" he says and points his finger forward.
I open the back door and get one of the chairs by the fireplace and drag it by the pool. I see Colby testing the water and decide, why not. So I walk up to him and whisper "I love you" in his ear and push him in the pool. He moves his hair out of his face and looks at me. "Oh, your gonna get it kid" he says as I start running away. I hear him behind me as I decide to trick him and run in the house, he can't come in because he is wet from my prank. After 2 minutes I go back outside and don't see him anywhere. I tip-toe around just incase he is near, I don't want him to hear me. All of the sudden I feel something grab my waist and tickle me. I turn around to see Colby with an evil grin on his face. "S-sto-stop" I weeze out while laughing. "Ok" he says and stops. "Wow, that was easy" he looks at me and picks me up. "Yeah, only because I'm doing this" He says as I turn around and fall face first into water. I float back to the surface and swim up to him. "I hate you" I say. "You love me" he responds with. I look at him and just smile. "Just get in the pool you big goof" I say.

(30 minutes later)

"Colby, I swear to god stop it" I say while laughing. He keeps splashing me and has been splashing for about 7 minutes. "Babe, stop" I say again while blocking the water. Finally I just jump right on with while straddling his waist with my legs. I open my eyes underwater and see him. He flips us over so that he is on top of me. I look up at him and wait till we reach the surface of the water. We both stand up, our faces inches away from eachother. Finally we both lean in and passionately kiss eachother. As we kiss I feel a hand on my ass and I feel my body being picked up a little. We stop for a breath and look intently at eachother. "Wanna go upstairs" he says. I nod quickly, my eyes getting wide as he pick me up and takes me to his room. He puts me down on the bed and looks at me. "You know what I just realized" he says and looks at me. "What" I say. "We didn't dry off" I look down and notice that my clothes are soaking his bed. "I'm sorry, we can change and then get back to what we were doing" I say and take his covers off the bed. I walk to the laundry room and put his stuff in and set it on rinse. He gets changed in his room while I go in my room and put on a plain white shirt and some sweatpants. I hear my door open as I sit on my bed and I look up to see Colby. "Now, where we're we" he says. "Um, I think at the fucking part" I say and he laughs. "Yeah, your probably right" he continues kissing me as I kiss him back slowly savouring the moment by moving slowly. He stops and looks at me. "Wanna go back outside, it's to hot in this house" I agree and Colby sits on a chair outside and I crawl on top of him. I grab the back of his neck and put my head near his ear. "Wanna know a secret" I say. "Sure, why not" he says. "I love you" I say and kiss his cheek. "I love you too, Jake" I just smile at him until he speaks up. "You want me to prove my love for you" he says. I just look at him and shake my head aggressively. "Then come with me" he says and gets up with me in his arms.

Devyn's (pov)

We walk into the house and hear Jake moaning. I walk back outside and look at everyone "Guys, bad time" I open my eyes wide and do the finger motions, trying to get some laughs out of it. Corey looks petrified as he runs in the house. "Wait, wait, wait are they really" Sam says. All I do is shake my head yes.
We see Corey come back outside with his hand over his mouth trying not to laugh. "They're totally fucking, Jake sounds like he's getting beat" I look at Katrina and laugh. "That's probably because he is" I say and we all laugh. "I vote we come back later" Aaron says. "Same" eveyone else says in unison. I walk over to Katrina and tell her what i told Jake. "I said we were coming tonight so that I could suprise him by being here early, plan backfired" I say and shake my head. "Atleast we know they had a good time while we were gone" Aaron says and laughs, as does everyone else.

Wow, that was shitty, but I guess if you actually think this is good, you like it. Anyway same old, same old. Bi

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